Messages about "Missing glyphs" concern the used font, not LuaTeX (or LyX). The message says, LuaTeX can handle the unicode character, but doesn't find it in the font.
Am 31.07.24 um 19:34 schrieb Kees Zeelenberg:
When I compile a simple LyX-document with symbol U+0361 (Combining Double Inverted Breve) and the default fonts (LM), the result are error messages "Missing glyphs" and "Missing character: There is no ͡ (U+0361) in font [lmroman10-regular]:+tlig;!". But with a font such as Calibri, which has an extensive set of Unicode glyphs, it compiles into a correct pdf. So perhaps it is useful to check whether the font that is actually used, contains the required symbols.
-- Eckhard Höffner Volkartstr. 64 80636 München 089 210 31 888
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