Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Could you please report this bug at
> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/
> Describe in the bug report a step by step instruction to reproduce the bug.
Attach the schreenshot
> to the bug report.
OK. I reported both bugs (First time using bugzilla, slightly confusing
Dear List,
just wanted to post some problems i had with LyX 1.5.0 beta.
Here are the facts:
-OS: Win XP 32-bit
-installed LyX with LyXWininstaller LyXWin150beta1Small-3-09
-latest MikTeX Version 2.5
When i start LyX not only LyX opens, but also a DOS-Window, which stays there.
It says: Lyx: Dis