.:|Peter Baumgartner|:. wrote:
> File: authoryear-icomp.cbx 2011/06/08 v1.5 biblatex citation style
Compare the version number of this file. Is it the same? If not, you
have different versions of biblatex.
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>> Which is a shame. (c;
> Says an Historian!
> Jürgen
Historians do not change the past, they invent the past and call that a
reconstruction (c;
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Manveru wrote:
>>> This is now fixed in the development trunk and will be fixed in LyX
>>> 1.6.3 if I get green light for that.
>> I had the similar problem in 2.0.1 on Linux.
> Of course I meant it will be fixed in 2.0.2. I cannot change the past, after
> all.
Louis Turk wrote:
> Am I correct in thinking that JabRef does not support biblatex?
No, you can add any field you like to JabRef via "Options > Customize
entry types" and "Options > Set up general fields".
jezZiFeR wrote:
> What I want to achieve ist, that
> every booktitle should be printed in italics, even when it appears
> several times. At the moment every following entry of a booktitle is
> printed in roman font, not in italics.
There are different FieldFormats for citations and the bib
jezZiFeR wrote:
> When the same title is referred on another page, the title of the book
> (the same with incollection) is not printed in the second reference.
> It is displayed in roman font, with the addition "(wie Anm. 7, S.
> 13)". Is there a also way to get this title printed in italics
jezZiFeR wrote:
> another question regarding citations in footnote-dw style with
> biblatex-dw, using BibDesk:
> Is is possible to print the name of chapters (and also titles and
> booktitles of entries of "incollection") in italics?
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I still was not able to solve my problem with the numbering of
> footnotes in a report [koma]-class and BibLaTeX-style footnote-dw of
> Dominik Waßenhoven – maybe somebody has an idea about that…
Could you attach your LyX file for testing please?
jezZiFeR wrote:
> – just one of every instance. So there seem to be no different files
> for the different chapters. I use report [Koma], and the chapters
> without numbering (»Chapter*«).
I don't know if the biblatex option works with Chapter*. You should try
Chapter and see if it works then
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I could open a console, but then I don´t know how to browse the
> mentioned directory.
You can look up where the temporary directory of LyX resides. In LyX,
just go to the menu 'Tools -> Preferences' and look into the 'Paths'
section where the 'Temporary Directory' is listed.
jezZiFeR wrote:
> thank you – numbering starting in every chapter works fine now, but
> now only the shorttitle in bold letters is displayed in the footnotes
> (footnote-dw active here), which I don´t want. I just added the
> command you mentioned, nothing else.
biblatex creates one .aux f
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I use the above mentioned footnote-dw-style in a report [koma]-
> document. I read about the numbering of the footnotes, that »the first
> citation will give a full reference, following citations will only use
> author and shorttitle«.
> I would like to change that manner
jezZiFeR wrote:
> Dear Dominik, dear list,
> I think the problem is, that I did not update biblatex, and I do not
> know how to do that – maybe someone could help. In the wiki I can just
> find instructions, how to install biblatex, not how to update. I also
> do not know, where to find a
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I now updated to (or at leat I tried) biblatex-dw.tds-1 2, and now I
> can´t compile the pdf at all, because I get the following errors:
> LaTeX Error: \...@macro@editor+othersstrg undefined.
> Package keyval Error: idemtracker undefined.
Did you update both biblatex and bibla
jezZiFeR schrieb:
The next thing is, I gave you not the correct hint, since it's not
date=long, but urldate=long for the urldate. Note that the month will
come out abbreviated as long as you use 'abbreviate=true' (which is
the default). Thus, for a full month, you should use the options
jezZiFeR wrote:
>> Option 'date=long'.
> I´ve entered that in the preamble in the following manner:
> \usepackage[natbib=true,style=authortitle-dw, style=footnote-
> dw,date=long]{biblatex}
First, note that you should use /either/ authortitle-dw /or/
footnote-dw, not both styles! (It does no
Dear Jess,
jezZiFeR wrote:
> thank you. As you said, it´s got to work under normal circumstances I
> tried out some things, and I recognized, that my two URL-entries are
> saved as "webpage" in BibDesk. When I have changed that to "url"
> things are changing:
> - It still does not display th
Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
> I assume that you are talking of biblatex-dw with the style footnote-dw
> and that you want to have the url and urldate printed in the footnote,
> right? That should be working (see example below), so you should tell
> us, why it is not working for you. You
jezZiFeR wrote:
> Could anybody tell me how to activate the URL-date and lastchecked
> option in Wassenhoven-style?
I assume that you are talking of biblatex-dw with the style footnote-dw
and that you want to have the url and urldate printed in the footnote,
right? That should be working (see
Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> Hello,
>> What are the best fonts fdor readability.
> [...]
> If you can afford it, Sabon (Next) has an excellent reputation as
> book font.
There is also a free clone called Bitstream Classical Garamond which can
be found on old Corel-Draw-CDs (4 and 8, AFAIK; I ha
Dominik »Ingrid« Waßenhoven wrote:
> Guenter Milde wrote:
>> You problem is not the PATH (for binaries) but the PYTHONPATH (for
>> Python modules).
> This seems not to be the problem, either. I tried the following:
Okay, further experiments brought me to the solution: I tried to import
Guenter Milde wrote:
> You problem is not the PATH (for binaries) but the PYTHONPATH (for
> Python modules).
This seems not to be the problem, either. I tried the following:
¦ >python
¦ Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
¦ (Intel)] on win32
¦ Type "help", "co
Guenter Milde schrieb:
> Could you try from the command line::
> DOS-PROMPT#: python
> Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Feb 17 2009, 20:16:45)
> [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import os
> ?
What should happen? There is
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Sounds like a Python config problem. You have installed Python manually, so I
> guess that you need
> Python for other programs than LyX too, right? Do the other programs work for
> you?
I cannot recall why I installed it manually, and I don't use it on a
regular basis.
Dominik »Ingrid« Waßenhoven wrote:
> Dear LyX users,
> if I try to re-configure LyX, it fails.
Sorry, I forgot to mention:
- Windows XP SP3
- LyX 1.6.2, installed with Uwe's Alt-Installer
Dear LyX users,
if I try to re-configure LyX, it fails. The following is shown when I
start LyX with '-dbg lyxrc':
¦ File ".../configure.py", line 11, in
¦ import sys, os, re, shutil, glob
¦ ImportError: No module named os
The module os (os.py) is in 'C:\Programme\Python\Lib', and
rgheck wrote:
> This is a nice idea, but note that you could do also this in such a way
> that you have BOTH the original greyed out note available, if you want
> it, and this version. All you have to do is create a custom inset on the
> model of the one I posted before.
Sorry, I missed that
Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> I know how to change the colour of greyed-out notes, but I'd like to
> be able to change the font family for them all. Even if I change the
> colour to blue, when people print it the blue shows up as grey, and it
> doesn't stand out enough from the rest of the page.
> [
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> so lyx expects the ISO-8599-1 encoding of the references, and not utf8?
No, LyX could handle utf8, but BibTeX can't. See the explanation by
Philipp Lehman on comp.text.tex, Message-ID:
rfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\pdf_author "Dominik Waßenhoven"
\pdf_bookmarks true
\pdf_bookmarksnumbered false
\pdf_bookmarksopen true
\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel 2
\pdf_breaklinks false
\pdf_pdfborder false
\pdf_colorlinks true
\pdf_backref false
\pdf_pdfusetitle t
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>> The Linux Libertine font has a capital sharp s. See
>> http://linuxlibertine.sourceforge.net/
> I see. And is there a corresponding LaTeX macro?
libertine.sty comes with several options, including 'ss' fo
Florian Rubach wrote:
> Tao Cumplido schrieb:
>> When I try to print the German capital sharp s I get this error:
> I don't know for what purpose you need a capital ß, but in german
> ortography, the ß becomes SS when writing capitalized. (See
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9F#Gro.C3.9Fsc
Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 05:15:14PM +0100, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Tao Cumplido wrote:
>>> When I try to print the German capital sharp s I get this error:
>>> 'Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the
>>> chosen encoding. Changing the docum
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Tao Cumplido wrote:
>> When I try to print the German capital sharp s I get this error:
>> 'Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the
>> chosen encoding. Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help.'
>> So, I changed the encoding to
Steve Litt wrote:
> On Thursday 26 March 2009 09:15:25 am Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> \newcommand*{\OriginalQuotation}{}
>> \let\OriginalQuotation\quotation
>> \renewcommand*{\quotation}{\OriginalQuotation\small}
> What's the purpose of \newcommand*{\OriginalQuotation}{}? I've always done
> th
Dear jezZiFeR,
I post to the list again, because I think that the information is also
worth to be noticed by other LyX users.
jezZiFeR schrieb:
Am 13.02.2009 um 16:21 schrieb Dominik Waßenhoven:
Okay, now I found the problem. You use the biblatex.module which does
nothing else than
jezZiFeR wrote:
> Hello Dominik, hello listmembers
> I do still have the problem, that I can´t use biblatex-dw. That´s why
> I add a minimal lyx-file and I hope, someone could help. In the
> preamble I activated you biblatex-dw, so that now compiling does not
> work. but I also left the o
jezZiFeR wrote:
> Could this be a problem?
As it worked before, as you said, this should not be a problem. Could
you provide a minimal lyx file showing the problem and send it to the
list (or to me with private mail)?
jezZiFeR schrieb:
> thanks again. Here is the version of the used biblatex:
> Package: biblatex 2008/12/13 v0.8b programmable bibliographies
Okay, there should be no conflicts, then.
> and this is what I find in the mentioned logfile under biblatex-dw
> Package biblatex Info: Trying to load
jezZiFeR wrote:
> When I export from Lyx without using XeTex (removed the line in the
> preamble), then Texshop shows some errors like "no author given" and
> some more (I couldn´t copy them). Interestingly I here also get the
> "undefined control sequence".
Before you try anything else, co
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I have also done that. Everything worked fine, before I´ve chosen
> biblatex-dw as citation style, the standard-styles work fine. I also
> added this line:
> \usepackage[style=authortitle-dw]{biblatex}
> and I have disabled this one, with which I worked before trying to
jezZiFeR wrote:
> I´ve had biblatex-dw installed in that folder before, and did it again
> now – with the same results. But I tried to get a minimal-sample now,
> and there it seems, that biblatex-dw is not able to find my
> bibliography. I entered this line, which worked fine without biblat
Luca De Marini wrote:
>> In Document>Settings>Bibliography, choose "Natbib" and then "Numerical" for
>> "Natbib Style". Then, in Document>Settings>Document Class, under Class
>> Options, Custom, put the word: super.
> Yes, uhm, but once I set all of this, and I've done it, what do I do next? I
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> We could but the socket part is not implemented on Windows either...
> Both the pipe and the socket could be made to work on Windows, it's just
> that nobody did it.
>From the JabRef developers' point of view, it would IMHO be best if the
pipe could be made to work on
asm23 wrote:
> I found one message that said " lyxpipe is not support in windows" really?
Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
> If I run this with LyX 1.6.0, I get an incomplete entry,
> because the @collection entry is cited by the @incollection internally
> and to resolve that @collection entry, a second bibtex run would be
> possible.
Read: would be necessary.
Dear list,
I have a problem regarding the biblatex package, especially my package
which builds on top of biblatex.[1] Attached is a .lyx file which shows
the problem. If I run this with LyX 1.6.0, I get an incomplete entry,
because the @collection entry is cited by the @incollection internally
> Where is the "hfill insert" in lyx 1.6 ?
Insert > Formatting > Horizontal space
> My binding doesn't work anymore !
space-insert hfill
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven schrieb:
>> In the bin directory is a python26.dll file.
>> Oh -- I just saw that I have a full Python installed on the WinXP
>> machine (I didn't realize that, sorry...). It's Python 2.5.1
> This means that you h
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>> Should I try to install Python on Vista and try to convert
>> from LyX 1.5 to 1.6 again?
> That would likely work. Alternatively, you might install the M$ VC++
> redistributable package
> (http://www.microsoft.co
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Also, you might check try converting a file manually on the Vista box,
> using a DOS shell. This would look something like
>> "C:\Program Files\LyX16\python\python.exe" "C:\Program
>> Files\LyX16\Resources\lyx2lyx\lyx2lyx" doc.lyx
> where doc.lyx is the old document. If
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>> Dominik »Ingrid« Waßenhoven wrote:
>>> I installed LyX 1.6.0 on WinXP without problems and can open lyx files
>>> of the 1.5.x series. But on Windows Vista, the same installation cannot
>>> read 1.5
Dominik »Ingrid« Waßenhoven wrote:
> I installed LyX 1.6.0 on WinXP without problems and can open lyx files
> of the 1.5.x series. But on Windows Vista, the same installation cannot
> read 1.5.x files.
I forgot: I used Uwe's AltInstaller.
Hi all,
I installed LyX 1.6.0 on WinXP without problems and can open lyx files
of the 1.5.x series. But on Windows Vista, the same installation cannot
read 1.5.x files.
I attach a file example which could not be opened on Vista, but could on
Bennett Helm wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Konrad Hofbauer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>>> An additional question to this: Is it also possible to 'delete' a key
>>> binding?
>> In LyX 1.6.0, I think th
Konrad Hofbauer wrote:
> Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
>> An additional question to this: Is it also possible to 'delete' a key
>> binding?
> In LyX 1.6.0, I think there is an "\unbind", or just use the GUI.
Thanks, both work (c:
I used the GUI to '
Konrad Hofbauer wrote:
> Do not change the mac.bind - file. Instead, make your OWN bind file
> (with a different name, eg. MYFILE.bind) in the user directory, which
> INCLUDES the original mac.bind file with
> \bind_file mac.bind
> and then redefine what you want different (what comes 'last' win
> As I have recently updated MikTex, I blame this update to cause the
> problem, but I have no idea what to do.
Did you rebuild the format files? MikTeX Settings -> Update Formats
There were some language specific updates that need rebuilding the
format files, which is n
>> bigblop wrote:
>>> If I compile the child separately the references from my .bib file does
>>> not show (only appears as question marks).
> It can be done, but it's a bit more advanced and I'm not sure I remember
> how I did it.
Here is an example how I did it: In th
Tom Schlangen wrote:
> Hi Lyx/Win Users,
> please be aware that updating MiKTeX 2.7 to current patchlevel as present in
> its repositories since 09. July will leave you with a broken backend - you
> will not be able to get any output - not even from the LyX help files. Tried
> on 3 different X
Bob Lounsbury schrieb:
> However, changing it to:
> \renewcommand\refname{Test}
> works for article classes. And
> \renewcommand\bibname{Test}
> works for report and book classes. Which is what I think you were
> trying to point out in the first place :-}.
> Thanks for the
Bob Lounsbury schrieb:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Dominik Waßenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Well, it's no technical issue. It just doesn't work the way you
>> described it, and I don't know how you made it work, but surely not that
Paul A. Rubin schrieb:
> Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
>> [...]
>> What do you suggest for the "visual tour" aspect? Just to sum up,
>> currently there is a link on the sidebar that says "Visual Tour."
> [...]
> I think the current setup is fine. At the risk of redundancy, it might
> be worth i
Bob Lounsbury schrieb:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Dominik Waßenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bob Lounsbury schrieb:
>>> I needed the same thing for my thesis and I used (this works for any
>> > class; article, book, etc.):
>> >
Bob Lounsbury schrieb:
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Jean-Michel Bouffard
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am currently writing my Master thesis with Lyx. I have a simple
>> problem with Lyx and my bibliography. I inserted a Bibtex bibliography
>> in my document and it automatically cr
Maksi schrieb:
> Yeah, right. Before biblatex I had this field in BibDesk called
> location and I could not figure what it was meant for so I used it for
> library data (which library has the book, running numbers and so on)
> but then learned that the library-field is smarter. So at the moment
Maksi schrieb:
> On 2008-03-19 10:26:51 +0100, Dominik Waßenhoven
>> Daniel Lohmann schrieb am 19.03.2008:
>>> 1) Do you have to change your .bib-files?
>> Yes, slightly. [...]
> I have als
Daniel Lohmann schrieb am 19.03.2008:
Are these new fields "backward compatible" in the sense that
they do not interfere with old-fashioned bibtex and both work smoothly
on the same database?
I think so. biblatex treats some fields in another way, e.g. 'edition',
which should contain only
Daniel Lohmann schrieb am 19.03.2008:
After finding myself spending more and more time with tweaking and
customizing bibliography handling I am considering switching to
1) Do you have to change your .bib-files?
Yes, slightly. biblatex introduces some new field types (l
Hartmut Haase schrieb am 15.01.2008:
Is there anyone except me who has problems with viewing the german UserGuide
with pdflatex?. It happens for me with all versions after 1.5, and with
lyx154svn and lyx16svn, too. If I copy the table, where the error happens,
into a new document, everything i
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> I had read the JabRef documentation, but did not understand the
> procedure. Am I correct that fields can be added in General only,
No, they can also be added in the other tabs, though the procedure is
less evident. If you choose 'Options -> Customize entry types', y
Neal Becker schrieb:
> Strangely, lyx allows inserting a label into a footnote, but I don't see how
> to use this as a reference (that would appear formatted in the style of a
> footnote).
You could do something like
1: [label-in-footnote] This is a footnote.
2: On this topic, see footnote [refe
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> in order to use babelbib for handling references of different
> languages correctly I am supposed to create a field language in
> Jabref. How do I do it
http://jabref.sourceforge.net/help/CustomEntriesHelp.php (English)
Hello Uwe,
Uwe Stöhr schrieb am 09.10.2007:
I uploaded the new version 3.20 of the LyXWinInstaller. This version also
offers an update
installer. With this you can easily your LyX 1.5.1 to LyX 1.5.2 without
uninstalling LyX 1.5.1
before installing LyX 1.5.2.
Thanks for the effort, the upda
Abdelrazak Younes schrieb:
Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes schrieb:
In LyX >= 1.5.0 try "File->New Window".
But it's not possible to have two Windows side by side in one LyX
instance, right?
Wrong, "File->New Window" will give you two windo
Abdelrazak Younes schrieb:
I often do translation work and I would like to see documents side by
or one abofe the other. Other than opening two instances of Lyx, is there
another way to do this?
In LyX >= 1.5.0 try "File->New Window".
But it's not possible to have two Windows side by s
Nicolás schrieb am 02.08.2007:
Is there or can I create a shortcut for View->pdflatex? Thanks!
Have a look at the menu. If a shortcut exists, it should be listed
there. You can certainly define your own shortcut in the bind file that
you are using. I have e.g. the following in my .bind file:
Tim Michelsen schrieb am 01.08.2007:
Joost Verburg schrieb:
Tim Michelsen wrote:
I put up a small feature comparison table at:
I moved your page to:
But we would need to link to t
Marcelo Acuña schrieb:
If at the end of a chapter (or chapter*) I have a
blank page before next chapter, titlesec put header
and footer. In this case I want to have an empty style
How I can get this?
I write a book with koma-script style.
Option "cleardoubleempty".
Ok, so some suggestions are as follows:
(1)LyX/LyXForXLyX for X
(2)LyX/LyXForScienceLyX for science
(3)LyX/LyXForScientificUseLyX for scientific use
(4)LyX/LyXForTheSciencesLyX for the sciences
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
In the handbook by Domik Wassenhoven this is explained in the last paragraph
before 4. Adaptations (=Anpassungen, I have the german edition)
JFTR: There is only a "german edition" of the JabRef manual in PDF
format, no English one. But there are of course the Engli
Uwe Stöhr schrieb:
Paul A. Rubin schrieb:
I have the same problem (other than the message being in English).
Hmm, either this is my bug or your installation is corrupted. Could
you please look if in the registry the entries of the following
folder contain "1.5rc1-31-05-2007":
Uwe Stöhr schrieb am 29.06.2007:
Dominik Waßenhoven schrieb:
The Update installer version allows you to update your existing LyX
installation to the latest
version. To use this installer you must have my last development
snaphot LyX 1.5rc1-31-05-2007
I have this version
Abdelrazak Younes schrieb am 29.06.2007:
Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
José Matos schrieb am 28.06.2007:
The update path is always guaranteed. That means that 1.5.0 should
be able to read any document made by svn, beta or release candidate
Does that mean that a file written with
José Matos schrieb am 28.06.2007:
The update path is always guaranteed. That means that 1.5.0 should be able
to read any document made by svn, beta or release candidate versions.
Does that mean that a file written with rc2 can be opened by rc1?
Because I have here a file composed with rc2 (
Hello Uwe,
Uwe Stöhr schrieb am 28.06.2007:
The Update installer version allows you to update your existing LyX
installation to the latest
version. To use this installer you must have my last development snaphot LyX
I have this version installed, but nevertheless
Rainer M. Krug schrieb am 21.06.2007:
I am sruggling understanding the encoding and if LaTeX / LyX use the
same as BibTeX and which one I should use when and in a BibTex file,
where I have different names from different countries with strange
symbols, which would be the best encoding to choose
Richard Heck schrieb am 20.06.2007:
Bob Alvarez wrote:
2. insert a space in the text after the ERT.
This seems tricky, as I can't see how just to insert a space.
space-insert normal
Georg Baum schrieb am 19.06.2007:
It is supposed to work if you convert the bind file from latin1 to utf8 (is
this mentioned in the release notes?). All non-ASCII stuff in config files
has to be encoded in utf8.
If converting to utf8 does not help then it is a bug.
My file was in ansinew encod
Jürgen Spitzmüller schrieb am 19.06.2007:
Dominik Waßenhoven wrote:
\bind "C-M-o" "command-sequence self-insert ø"
This worked in LyX 1.4.3 without problems. However, this does not work
any longer, because of the non-standard letter "ø". If I have, say,
Hi all,
I just tested the Windows 1.5 RC1 version which is a great improvement
IMHO -- thanks to all the developers.
I have one problem so far, regarding LyX Functions. I use functions like
the following in my bind file:
\bind "C-M-o" "command-sequence self-insert ø"
This worked in LyX 1
Daniel Lohmann schrieb:
On the LyX side I did some customization to support my intended document
structure. For instance, each chapter is a child document which includes
the bibliography if compiled stand-alone, but does not include a
bibliography if embedded into the master document. In
Hi Wolfgang,
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
I am asking for experiences and hints from those of you who have introduced
LyX to interested people. I have done it several times but am not content
with the way I did it so far.
The main task is -as I see it- to
1- make people see the advantages of
Hi all,
is it possible to have an inverse dvi search on Windows? I am using LyX
1.4.3-4 with MikTeX 2.5 at the moment and I found on the mailing list
archive only a hint in a message regarding the release of
LyXWinInstaller 2.7, which makes me believe that it should work. But how
could I enab
Tim Michelsen schrieb am 31.05.2007:
When I will this text finshed I gonna contact the author of koma script
for clarification.
Strange that no one else wondered about this. Especially the issue
reported for figures and tables is wired:
I don't
Tim Michelsen schrieb am 31.05.2007:
I am writing a text with the class "report (koma-script)".
I am having the following problem:
When I add an appendix all
numerations will have a ending point added.
I found the problem with the option "pointednumbers" in koma script.
(see p. 4
Daniel Lohmann schrieb:
Sometimes, I have to admit it, I still "draw" tables with Word or
Excel and export them as EPS figures into my LyX document...
There's a tool that could be interesting for you, excel2latex:
Hallo Clemens,
this is an English speaking group, so please post in English.
Clemens Scheper schrieb am 10.05.2007:
beim Erstellen der Ansicht DVI und anderern mit der Vorlage g-brief-de.lyx
bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
LaTeX Error: Command \Telefon already defined.
It could be a problem wi
Steve Litt schrieb:
In order to walk out of a LyX character style, I need to right arrow out.
However, the right arrow key requires a complete right hand removal from the
keyboard. I'm hoping to make a key binding to substitute for right arrow, but
I cannot find the function corresponding to t
Dominik Waßenhoven schrieb:
As the feature is already implemented in some way, would it be possible
with little effort to have tooltips instead of status line information?
Combined with an option to switch off this behaviour in the preferences,
this could help to make new (and not so new
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