Andrew Sullivan wrote: > I know how to change the colour of greyed-out notes, but I'd like to > be able to change the font family for them all. Even if I change the > colour to blue, when people print it the blue shows up as grey, and it > doesn't stand out enough from the rest of the page. > [...] > Since there didn't seem to be a fast, cheap, and easy way to define > the body text properties for things in one branch and not another, I > thought I'd use the greyed-out notes and just put them all in one > branch. This works, but the notes are still not distictive enough in > printed copies. Since I'm working with some people who often mark up > on paper, I need something that will be obvious when printed.
I use the following for greyed-out notes (put it in your preamble): 8<----------------------------------------------------------------------->8 \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{etoolbox} \usepackage{marginnote} \newbool{lyx:iffootnote} \boolfalse{lyx:iffootnote} \let\origfootnote=\footnote \def\footnote#1{\origfootnote{\bgroup\booltrue{lyx:iffootnote}#1\egroup}} \makeatletter \...@ifundefined{lyxgreyedout}{}{% \renewenvironment{lyxgreyedout}% {\ifbool{lyx:iffootnote} {\marginnote{% \Large% $\leftarrow$} \bgroup\space$\rightarrow$\itshape}% {\framed}} {\ifbool{lyx:iffootnote} {\egroup$\leftarrow$}% {\endframed}}} \makeatother 8<----------------------------------------------------------------------->8 This way, you have a box when greyed-out is used in the text, and you have a sign in the margin as well as signs in the text if greyed-out is used in footnotes. Of course you can customize the font (emphasize, sans serif, whatever) just for the notes. Regards, Dominik.-