I suspected the same, only for the latest lines (my
knowledge of all the other jargon is very limited).
Setting the temp folder in a path without "ó" Lyx works correctly and the .eps
images appears.
Thank you so much.
Antonio Pardo
king up
LoaderQueue: I'm going to sleep
File "C:/Documents and Settings/Antonio/Configuraci¾n local/Temp/lyx_tmpdir361
6a03620/lyxconvert0.py", line 12
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xf3' in file C:/Documents and Settings/Antoni
o/Configuraci¾n local/Temp/lyx_tmpdir3616a03620/lyxconvert0.py on line 12, but n
o encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details
ForkedCallQueue: I'm going to sleep
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!
I hope that this could aid.
Antonio Pardo
Antonio Pardo
Tom Schlangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello Antonio,
> > With the 1.4.4 version I see that the eps images are not
> > shown in the editing window. In the final document appears
> > corrrectly, but in the editor appears a
> > box saying "error convertign to readable format".
> > Does so
Hello all.
With the 1.4.4 version I see that the eps images are not shown in the editing
window. In the final document appears corrrectly, but in the editor appears a
box saying "error convertign to readable format".
Does someone how correct this new bug?