Tom Schlangen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello Antonio,
> > With the 1.4.4 version I see that the eps images are not
> > shown in the editing window. In the final document appears
> > corrrectly, but in the editor appears a
> > box saying "error convertign to readable format".
> > Does someone how correct this new bug?
> I get such effects from time to time, too (official Win 1.4.4-4 installer),
but can?t reproduce them
> intentionally at the moment. 
> Seems to happen here when (ex-) changing an .eps file physically while LyX
frontend is up. It notices
> somehow the file has changed and tries  to convert it to a format viewable in
the frontend on the fly. Then
> sometimes the error occurs that you describe.
> I don?t know how to fix it, but it seems just generating the very same .eps
file again and then overwriting the
> former does help here.
> I suspect (but didn?t check by now) that this may be only some sort of
time-stamp related effect (I am
> generating the .eps files to be included in the LyX document on another
machine) but I will check this when
> the problem occurs here the next time.
> Regards,
>     Tom Schlangen

Dear Tom:
It seems that the problem is not this: I generated the eps file from scratch and
replaced the original one, but the problem appears also (and allways).

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