I am new to Latex and I am trying to install Lyx on my Windows machine for the
first time. So I downloaded the bundle installer and ran it. It goes through
some steps, then launches Miktex installer. The Miktex installer finishes
successfully but once the control is passed to the Lyx bundle
Liviu Andronic wrote:
> I think that best would be to rename it to 'URW Palladio (Palatino)',
> similar to the 'URW Classico (Optima)' that was recently added in 2.1.
Bugtracker? Pavel
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 10:47 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:
> As I also have had several other problems witch my computer and with its
> permissions I am now looking for that. It could be, that LyX does not have
> the permissions to change its settings.
Hi Jess,
I am glad to hear I could be somewhat h
I have seen the previous messages on this and I think that there is no solution
As I would really love to use lyx here too I am willing to sponsor the
adaptation of lyx to work with retina display too. Kindly let me know how to
proceed or contact me if you are interested in doing thi
Dear Stefano,
thank you so much for your thorough answer, which really helped me. All of the
procedures you described to test my TeX-installation worked fine, and for me it
is LyX, which is not working correctly. As I also have had several other
problems witch my computer and with its permissio