We have a reddit channel? Link please!
Anyway thanks to share this informations about mir. Very interesting.
Em 28/06/2013 20:37, "Ali Linx (amjjawad)" escreveu:
> @Ben and Daniel,
> Could you please update our channel on Reddit? if you are busy, give me
> access and I will do it.
I understand your concerns. Have a composite manager enabled by default
would be a pain in the ass. I have some customer still working with earlier
P4, two with notebooks P3 mobile, with less than 1gb ram and no discrete
video card... Would be a massacre!
Em 28/06/2013 20:23, "Ali Linx (amjjawa
I'm a little bit confused now...
Em 07/07/2013 15:15, "神癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)"
> What?!
> 紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
> Lubuntu Artwork Team
> El 07/07/2013 20:04, "Ali Linx (amjjawad)" escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Time to find a new challenge.
>> Ownership of teams, pages, grou
For me has always been so. And I have a P4 3 ghz, a GT210 and I'm
using Nvidia drivers. No composite manager enable. I always thought
that it was the fault of the P4 that is too "old" to manage at the
best Flash or html5... Video on XBMC, even if 1080p play fine.
2013/7/10 Ali Linx (amjjawad)
y the html code for some reasons but I do not know
which one... I'm not a programmer. :P
2013/7/10 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> Hello Federico,
> So, are you saying there is no way to have a better quality on that very
> machine?
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Fede
downloading :)
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> Ali, I tried even with forced GPU rendering on Chrome. In this way is
>> a little bit better but video are not smooth like with video played
>> locally. Try to watch yourself a Youtube
do that, right?
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Federico Leoni wrote:
> XBMC is a media center.
> http://xbmc.org/
> Should be on repos too but th latest stable version is on PPA
> (ppa:team-xbmc/ppa ). Give it a try.
> F.
> 2013/7/10 Ali Linx (amjjawad)
subtitles are too fast for my eyes to catch
> up.
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> Ali the P4 can handle this kind of video flows with no issues. Give more
>> ram to the video will help for sure but can't do miracle. I
Time to buy a new video card Ali... Buy a cheap nvidia card for less than
30 bucks and your PC will reborn! Hehehehe.
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P4 supports SSE2. Just do in a terminal
cat /proc/cpuinfo
and look under flags. :)
I take a look to this issues with Flash several time and the unique
solution I found is an abundant computing power.
I agree 100% with Leszek: that's out of our boundary, Adobe don't like
*nix platform and s
Em 12/07/2013 15:56, "Tracer" escreveu:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> > Sent: 07/12/13 09:52 PM
> > To: Leszek Lesner, Phill Whiteside
> > > > Say, have anyone tried to play that on Windows XP? I have no XP
> installed
> > >> > on any of my machines. Is there
2013/7/15 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blgJ-v2IkVI
>> Idle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wmaxoo6Cpg
>> I have no idea if you can tell from the video or not? I guess it is clea
to play this files with a clock of about
> 1Ghz up to 1.8Ghz, but these were projected to do so...
> 2013/7/15 Federico Leoni
>> 2013/7/15 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <
>> amjja...@gmail
2013/7/16 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> When it comes to watching videos (movies or anything else), I turn to be Mr.
> Lazy who just wants to sit back, watch and enjoy, no more, no less. I put
> all my skills and experience away, and just think about one simple fact =
> enjoy. That is why, these 'some a
Em 02/08/2013 07:49, "Ali Linx (amjjawad)" escreveu:
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad)
>>> > ASUS F3F with Intel Core Due @ 1.86GHz and 512MB RAM can handle that,
as far
>>> > as I remember. I don't use that machine anymore and not willing to at
Em 02/08/2013 13:58, "Ali Linx (amjjawad)" escreveu:
> My other machine has this CPU:
> http://ark.intel.com/products/29751/Intel-Core-Duo-Processor-T2350-2M-Cache-1_86-GHz-533-MHz-FSB
> So technically, Core Due Series has NO 800MHz FSB Speed anyway :)
> I don't usually watch movies on my
2013/8/2 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> wrote:
>> BUT ... if it is 360p and it lacks, etc then how is that my CPU is capable
>> of handling 720p if it can't handle 360p nicely? I just don't understand
>> this.
Because when you watch it online on N
2013/9/3 Nio Wiklund :
> The UXA tweak works in my Toshiba too,
> http://www.toshiba.se/laptops/satellite-pro/c850/satellite-pro-c850-19w/
> with Intel i5 and built-in graphics
> Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if
> 00[VGA controller])
> Would it be safe to h
worked like a charm on my Dell C400 with 13.04 tarball.
Do you plan to release a dd image (or a tarball for lubuntu 13.10 too?
2013/10/14 Aere Greenway :
> On 10/13/2013 05:27 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Hi,
> The OBI has taken the step from [pre]version 0.7 to version 1.0:
2013/10/19 Nio Wiklund :
> Hi Federico,
> I'm glad it 13.04 works for you. Yes, I have a Lubuntu 13.10 tarball
> already. I am testing it, mainly the portability to various computers,
> before uploading it. I hope to upload it within a few days.
> The latest improvement was to add pulseaudio an
I'll will report y feedback soon, then.
Em 19/10/2013 12:34, "Nio Wiklund" escreveu:
> On 2013-10-19 14:41, Federico Leoni wrote:
> > 2013/10/19 Nio Wiklund :
> >> Hi Federico,
> >>
> >> I'm glad it 13.04 works for you. Yes, I ha
I'll try the Lubuntu-13.10-desktop-grub-n-iso.img.gz tomorrow!
Em 23/10/2013 12:52, "Nio Wiklund" escreveu:
> There are new image files for Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander to be
> downloaded.
> Lubuntu-13.10-desktop-grub-n-iso.img.gz
> Lubuntu-13.10-desktop-grub-n-iso-n-swap.img.gz
Good morning Nio,
I think you should put the tarball on Google drive too, I can't
download it from Phill site, the speed is too low: 13kb/s max...
2013/10/22 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-10-19 17:33, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> On 2013-10-19 14:41, Federico Leoni wrote:
Got it. Unfortunately my PCMCIA usb2 card stop working and I have
installed it trough an USB1 port. And with my surprise all goes fast
All worked fine (as with 13.04 tarball) but now, after the second try
I can report my experience.
The test was made on a Dell C400 with a P3 866mhz and 768
2013/10/24 Nio Wiklund :
> Thanks for the detailed feedback :-)
> I'm reading and saying to myself, yes, he's right about that ... almost
> everywhere.
> Questions about the 'usb maker script': Do you mean 'mkusb'? Which
> version did you use? Version 4 needs less cut and paste compared to the
don't have something new to try Like a Lubuntu
13.10 oem! :D
2013/10/24 Federico Leoni :
> 2013/10/24 Nio Wiklund :
>> Thanks for the detailed feedback :-)
>> I'm reading and saying to myself, yes, he's right about that ... almost
>> everywhere.
2013/10/25 Nio Wiklund
> > About the usb script (mkusb v4), my fault didn't read this:
> >
> > 7. Alternative to running the tasks 4-6 above: use mkusb
> Would you suggest that I put the suggestion to use mkusb first (before
> the manual method)?
Definitely. The script is good and quite easy t
ne, I did not test kubuntu or other
version of ubuntu.
Just my 2c.
2013/10/25 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-10-25 13:36, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> 2013/10/25 Nio Wiklund > <mailto:nio.wikl...@gmail.com>>
>>> > About the usb script (mkusb v4), my fault did
e of the usb disk is
2013/10/25 Federico Leoni :
> Ok. Just for the sake of the developer, Ubuntu gnome 12.04, and the
> derivates Bodhi Linux 2.3.0 and lxle doesn't work on my notebook.
AM will be necessary for it to work properly.
> Best regards
> Nio
> On 2013-10-25 21:12, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> Nio, I've forgot to say I'm looking informations for the error
>> "Attempt to read or write outside of disk hd0" that seems related
/controller as is my note. On my netbook and
desktop, both with a SATA setup, the error never shows. I'll investigate
more deeply.
Em 25/10/2013 18:38, "Federico Leoni" escreveu:
> I'll already tried to manage fstab and grub on OBI installer but
> didn't work. T
2013/10/28 Andre Rodovalho :
> If I close Power Manager: xfce4-power-manager -q
> And close laptop screen, same thing, entering wait mode!
> 2013/10/28 Andre Rodovalho
>> I'm using amd64, I update from 13.03, and I can tell Power Manager on my
>> laptop is not working as should too...
Updated the bug report with my infos. :)
2013/10/28 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Any good reason why Xfce 4 Power Manager is not running by default?
>> http://i40.tinypic.com/213hh94.jpg
>> This is new. A week
2013/10/28 Andre Rodovalho :
> This workaround does not work for me. Maybe because I updated from 13.04?
> I see no "Xfce4 Power Manager is not running, do you want to launch it now?"
> message too...
> Reading I found that maybe blocking lidbtn action, handled by acpi might
> solve the problem
2013/10/28 Nio Wiklund :
> Hi Federico,
> I'm glad that your system is portable via the tarball :-)
> OK, I was conservative, and kept the simple, fast and less memory-greedy
> gzip compression, but I listen to your advice, so I will prepare to make
> xz compression standard in the next version
2013/10/28 John Hupp :
> The work-around sort of works for me (changing Menu > Preferences > Default
> Applications for LXsession > Power Manager: auto, to Power Manager: Other:
> xfce4-power-manager, then Apply and Reboot).
> But I found that it had to be applied *for each user*.
> ---
I'm ready to test. :D
2013/10/28 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-10-28 17:44, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> 2013/10/28 Nio Wiklund :
>>> Hi Federico,
>>> I'm glad that your system is portable via the tarball :-)
>>> OK, I wa
What do you use instead of lxkemap on Lubuntu 13.10? I found
complicated set a different keyboard layout without the applet on the
Am I missing something?
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2013/10/28 Aere Greenway :
> On 10/28/2013 11:42 AM, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> What do you use instead of lxkemap on Lubuntu 13.10? I found
>> complicated set a different keyboard layout without the applet on the
>> panel...
>> Am I missing something?
2013/10/28 Alexis Lopez Zubieta :
> Hello:
> Take a look to "lxkb-config" at https://github.com/azubieta/lxkb_config. It
> may be what you are looking for.
Alexis the point is, why I have to install a package outside our repos
when I should have all I need already installed? In this case is
2013/10/29 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-10-28 19:22, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> 2013/10/28 Nio Wiklund :
>>> On 2013-10-28 19:07, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>> Maybe you test the tarball, and when it needs no more tweaking, I'll
>>> make a combo img.xz
2013/10/29 Federico Leoni :
> 2013/10/29 Nio Wiklund :
>> On 2013-10-28 19:22, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>> 2013/10/28 Nio Wiklund :
>>>> On 2013-10-28 19:07, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>>> Maybe you test the tarball, and when it needs no more
Quick reply without quote:
1. Better leave the xorg config completely automated. I fear it will
cause troubles on system with different GPU .
2. Try to force another geo location or install without network up.
3. I'm on the dark side of OEM. I prefer tarball as is but it's a
thing that we need to
Well Nio, you put a lot of questions for a project born to be a
super-simple installer that is already working fine. This means, at
least for me, that we are ready to enter into phase two of the
project. Good.
Using the xorg.conf is not a good idea because is obsolete but can
override a configurat
2013/10/29 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-10-29 23:11, Federico Leoni wrote:
> I think this convinced me to make the system ready for the end user
> (skipping the oem-stage).
> Would there still be a need for an open text file with simple
> instructions? In that case, what instr
gt; On 2013-10-30 00:59, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>> 2013/10/29 Nio Wiklund :
>>>> On 2013-10-29 23:11, Federico Leoni wrote:
>>>> I think this convinced me to make the system ready for the end user
>>>> (skipping the oem-stage).
nyway beside this isue both the new tarball are working fine, Nio.
Drop me a line when you want to try the new revision of the OBI
2013/10/30 Federico Leoni :
> Good morning Nio,
> I'll test both today but as far as I remember the language is never
> completely installe
Tested. After putting the xorg.conf on my usb the system started
without issues and all goes well.
Now you need to concentrate on OBI installer. :D
2013/10/31 Nio Wiklund :
> There is a new image file for Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander to be
> downloaded from phillw.net
> dd-LubuSaucy-pae2pm
Before open a bug (if possible for a single layout) I would like to
see if anyone is suffering for the same issue.
For my work and for real life I write a lot in English, Italian and
Portuguese so on all my system desktop (Lubuntu 13.04), netbook and
notebook (Lubuntu 13.10), I set my keyboard to
akes difference, I installed with Portuguese-BR using US
> Keyboard with dead keys!
> 2013/11/2 Nio Wiklund
>> On 2013-11-01 23:34, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> > Before open a bug (if possible for a single layout) I would like to
>> > see if anyone is
2013/11/3 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-11-03 12:20, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> Em 03/11/2013 00:08, "Andre Rodovalho" escreveu:
>>> Do you have this problem on Lubuntu 13.04?
>>> I updated to 13.10 from 13.04... LxKeymap is still here, and
Good morning all,
please see in line reply.
> To the people affected by this bug, I would like to suggest trying also to
> configure
> their keyboard with dpkg-reconfigure. ie:
> *
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
> *
Em 04/11/2013 12:30, "JM" escreveu:
> On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 09:53:08 -0200
> Federico Leoni wrote:
> > Good morning all,
> > please see in line reply.
> Hello,
> Yes, that should be the standard. :-|
> > > To the people affect
Em 04/11/2013 14:12, "Aere Greenway" escreveu:
> The new panel method has been working for me.
could you gently be more specific?
You set your keyboard to US alt-intl from the GUI into a fully English
system and you obtained the ç char from keyboard?
Mailing list: https:/
2013/11/5 Nio Wiklund :
> Hi Federico and Phill, and everybody else who wants to contribute with
> tips or opinions about the OBI,
> I have started with the next step(s) developing the OBI. I have done
> some work already with items 1 and 4 (making and selecting tarballs).
> -
About Trasmission, I forgot to say you need transmission-cli package
too to operate via console...
And to create a torrent storage online at full speed... How about this?
2013/11/5 Federico Leoni :
> 2013/11/5 Nio Wiklund :
>> Hi Federico
Nio and Phill,
have a look here:
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Yes Ali,
I can confirm the bug and the workaround as the unique solution for now.
2013/11/7 Ali Linx (amjjawad) :
> Hi,
> Can you please check this:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1205384/comments/39
> And please confirm whether the workaround will work for you or
thanks for writing this.
As you probably know I'm still on Testing/QA Team (dropped others), where
there are a total of 60 regiatered users. Even if they don't write on
mailing lists or on social networks I'm sure some are still very active.
For example I look at the mailing list just when I
2013/11/15 Iberê Fernandes :
> Lubuntu-qa and Lubuntu-users,
> Please, I invite you to test the patch described below.
> I've just tested on a saucy fresh installation and the patch worked fine.
> It'd be nice if at least one more person could test it for sanity check.
> https://bugs.launch
2013/11/15 David Yentzen :
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> wrote:
>> Dear Lubuntu Community,
>> Kindly have a read at this Blueprint/Proposal:
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-brainstorming/+spec/lubuntu-community-council
>> And, if you are
What is this?
Em 18/11/2013 17:20, "Users of the Ubuntu Etherpad instance" <
nore...@launchpad.net> escreveu:
> Hello Lubuntu-QA,
> Nicholas Skaggs (nskaggs) added Lubuntu-QA (lubuntu-qa) (which you are a
> member of) as a member of Users of the Ubuntu Etherpad instance (ubuntu-
> etherpad).
2013/11/18 Nio Wiklund :
> On 2013-11-18 20:37, Federico Leoni wrote:
>> What is this?
>> Em 18/11/2013 17:20, "Users of the Ubuntu Etherpad instance"
>> mailto:nore...@launchpad.net>> escreveu:
>> Hello Lubuntu-QA,
63 matches
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