Got it. Unfortunately my PCMCIA usb2 card stop working and I have
installed it trough an USB1 port. And with my surprise all goes fast

All worked fine (as with 13.04 tarball) but now, after the second try
I can report my experience.
The test was made on a Dell C400 with a P3 866mhz and 768mb ram. The
Disk is a 30GB 4200rpm with two partition. Full specs here .

About the usb maker script: even if I had no problem with it a basic
linux user could be scared, too many commands to paste, would be
better have a single script that  manage everything, from the
selection of the target drive to the copy of the selected tarball (if
needed). My humble opinion.

About the installer, it started with a warning:

error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'

but worked anyway. All goes well till the choice of the tarball, is a
bit confusing when you ask to select a special tarball or a general
one. I choose the special because was highlighted and because I read
your readme file. A simple explanation on the windows would be ok.
The disk was wiped as expected and a unique partition was created
correctly. The warning are well positioned.
The installer worked damn fast even with such a slow usb port and in
minutes I was on user login. Now... Who is guru user?? :D
I know user and host can be change easily but will be nice have a
procedure to create a personal user like on alternate install or at
least a message informing the user and pass of the final system
without open the readme page.

For the rest is the same good Lubuntu. :)

Generally this installer rocks. It's really a good work my friend,
windows xp has a new enemy now.

For any question I'm here.


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