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*Filosofia das Ciência Cognitivas*
Chamada de artigos para compor o Número: *Filosofia das Ciência Cognitivas*,
sob a organização de Marcos Silva (UFPE), Maria Luiza Iennaco (USP), Steve
Gouveia (Uni. Porto/Palermo) e T
[Please distribute]
Post-Doctoral Position in Non-Deterministic Semantics and Algebraization of
Logics (2 years) - Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of
Science (CLE) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil
The Centre for Logic, E
No Twitter do Tim Gowers:
Have you ever thought about starting an open access mathematics journal? If
so, you may be interested in a project that has just been announced to
provide such journals with startup funds of up to $10,000, as well as
advice from experienced people. https://mathoa.org/diam