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Post-Doctoral Position in Non-Deterministic Semantics and Algebraization of
Logics (2 years) - Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of
Science (CLE) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil

The Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE-UNICAMP)
is one of the first academic institutions in Latin america fully dedicated
to the areas of Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy and the History of
Sciences, promoting research of interdisciplinary nature, by means of
seminars and scientific meetings, promoting publications and maintaining
academic interchanges with other research groups and institutions in Brazil
and many countries around the World.

Within the framework of the FAPESP Thematic Project "Rationality, logic,
and probability: RatioLog" (Grant number 2020/16353-3), the following
postdoctoral position is available at CLE-UNICAMP:

Post-doctoral position (12 months, renewable for 12 months).
Supervisor: Prof. Marcelo E. Coniglio

This sub-project focuses on the area of non-deterministic semantics applied
to the algebraization of non-classical logics. The aim is to generalize the
well-known techniques introduced by Blok and Pigozzi for the algebraization
of logics to the context of non-deterministic semantics. In particular, it
involves the study and development of the theory of hyperlattices (that is,
non-deterministic lattices), originally introduced by José Morgado under
the name "reticuloides" in his book "Introdução à Teoria de Reticulados"
("Introduction to Lattice Theory") (Universidade do Recife, Brazil, 1962).
His approach to hyperlattices appears suitable for applications in
non-deterministic semantics for non-algebraizable logics, as demonstrated
in the master's thesis by Mario Sette, "Sobre as Álgebras e
Hiper-reticulados Cw" ("On the Algebras and Hyperlattices Cw"), supervised
by Newton da Costa at UNICAMP in 1971.

A key aspect of this sub-project is the application of this theory to a
potential generalization of the tools from Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL),
but with the use of multialgebras instead of algebras. This is one of the
foundations of the project. The framework is expected to be applicable to
various paraconsistent and paracomplete logics, including Logics of Formal
Inconsistency (LFIs), Logics of Evidence and Truth (LETs), and Ivlev-like
non-normal modal logics, among others that fall outside the traditional
scope of AAL. Additionally, this framework is intended to extend
probability theory, following the work of Piergiulio Corsini and Violeta
Leoreanu in their book "Applications of Hyperstructure Theory" (Springer,

Other developments within the project include the study of hyperalgebras
from the perspectives of Category Theory and Universal Algebra, as well as
the development of swap structure semantics, introduced by Walter Carnielli
and Marcelo E. Coniglio in their book "Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency,
Contradiction and Negation" (Springer, 2016), based on diverse ordered


Requirements for the candidates:

1. Academic production (through publications in international journals) and
experience in at least 3 of the following subjects:
1.1) Non-Deterministic Semantics for non-classical logics;
1.2) Theory of hyperalgebras;
1.3) Category Theory;
1.4) Universal algebra;
1.5) Abstract algebraic logic;
1.6) Order Theory

2. Candidates must hold a PhD degree in Logic, Mathematics, Computer
Science or Philosophy; the thesis must be in the area of Logic, and must be
officially approved at the time of the application.

3-Candidates must submit the following documentation:
3.1) A research project along the lines described above (up to 10 pages,
without including the bibliographical references)
3.2) A complete CV including a list of publications;
3.3) A resumed CV (Curricular Summary) along the lines required by FAPESP:
3.4) Certification of Completion of the Doctoral Degree.

All the applications must be sent by e-mail with subject "PD Position at
CLE/FAPESP Project RatioLog" to:
Prof. Marcelo E. Coniglio <conig...@unicamp.br>
with carbon copy to
Mr. Rodrigo Cesar da Silva (CLE administrative assistant) <


Important information:
-Duration: 12 months renewable for 12 months.
-Stipend: BRL 12,000.00 per month (approx. € 2.000,00 per month), tax free.
-An additional funding ("Reserva Técnica") for scientific activities (such
as conferences, academic visits, equipment, books etc.) is available:
BRL 14.400,00 per year (approx. € 2.400,00 per year), tax free.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 2, 2024, 23:59 (Sao Paulo time).
PROJECT START DATE: (estimated) November 15, 2024.

FAPESP Project RatioLog website:


Marcelo E. Coniglio
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) and
Institute of Philosophy and the Humanities  (IFCH)
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil

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