[Logica-l] Beth Dissertation Prize 2024 -- last cfd

2024-04-23 Por tôpico Elaine Pimentel
——-- Since 2002, the Association for Logic, Language, and Information (FoLLI) has been awarding the annual E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize to outstanding Ph.D. dissertations in Logic, Language, and Information with financial support of the E.W. Beth Foundation. Nominations are now

[Logica-l] Newton da Costa / CfP Book and Congress / ici-Rio-2024

2024-04-23 Por tôpico jean-yves beziau
(1) A LONG LIFE One week ago, April 16, 2024, the Brazilian logician Newton Da Costa died, after a life of 94 years + 7 months (He was born September 16, 1929). I tell here the influence of Newton da Costa in the development of my work and future projects dedicated to him. (2) MY MEETING WITH

Re: [Logica-l] Vídeos das mesas-redondas dos Seminários de Orientação extra-Lógica disponíveis

2024-04-23 Por tôpico Daniel Durante
Parabéns, João, Evelyn e Mahan pelo evento. Esses vídeos são instrumentos muito úteis a todo orientador 😉 Obrigado. Daniel. - Departamento de Filosofia - (UFRN) http://danieldurante.weebly.com > On 22 Apr 2024, at 09:09, João Mendes wrote: > > Os vídeos das duas mesas-redondas do SOL (Semi

[Logica-l] Fwd: One-year postdoc, University of Salzburg (corrected version)

2024-04-23 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
-- Forwarded message - As part of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Knowledge in Crisis’, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [COE 03], the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is seeking to appoint a *postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d; 40 hours/week; for 1 year)* The advertised posi