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As part of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Knowledge in Crisis’, funded by the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [COE 03], the Paris Lodron University of
Salzburg is seeking to appoint a

*postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d; 40 hours/week; for 1 year)*

The advertised position is based at the Philosophy Department, Faculty of
Social Sciences. The recently awarded Cluster of Excellence research
project, Knowledge in Crisis investigates the current crisis of knowledge.
Our claims to knowledge are being threatened by rapid and spectacular
developments in technology, and by attacks on the very ideas of knowledge
and truth themselves. The aim of the Cluster is to advance our
understanding of this crisis. It will explore fundamental philosophical
questions about the nature of knowledge and investigate various challenges
to scientific and other knowledge. In this pursuit it brings together
philosophers working on metaphysics, ethics, political and social
philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of
science and epistemology to jointly investigate the many facets of the

The Cluster is a collaboration between four Institutions (CEU and the
universities of Vienna, Graz and Salzburg). The Cluster will eventually
involve over 45 researchers across the four participating institutions. You
can find out more about the project on this website:

The main duties are:

   - To conduct independent research in Philosophy of Logic or Logic or
   Philosophy of Language in the context of the project and disseminate it
   through publications in international peer-reviewed academic journals
   - To actively participate in the regular meetings and events of the
   - To contribute to Cluster activities by organising Cluster events (e.g.
   workshops, seminars, talks, summer schools)
   - To participate in outreach activities of the Cluster and contribute to
   events aimed at the general public
   - To help with organizational tasks that are part of the
   self-administration of the university.

We expect:

   - A PhD in philosophy (the PhD should be completed by the application
   - A record of producing high-quality research in Philosophy of Logic or
   Logic or Philosophy of Language as evidenced by publications (commensurate
   with the applicant’s career stage)
   - Excellent written and spoken English
   - The ability to work both independently and as part of a team
   - Willingness to take on a formative role in fostering a community
   across the Cluster
   - Organisational skills

While there are no teaching duties associated with these positions there
will be opportunities to teach courses in the department. Courses can be
taught in English.

The gross monthly salary is € 4752,30. In Austria, 14 monthly salaries are
paid out in a year. (Net salaries can be calculated on this page:

Funding is available for conference trips and stays abroad. The contract is
for one year.

Applications should contain the following documents (in *pdf-format*) and
should be sent by 23 May 2024 to Kathrin Hommel (kathrin.hommel AT

   - A cover letter,
   - A CV, containing at least the following rubrics: academic
   qualifications, areas of expertise and competence, publications,
   presentations, admin/organizational experience, career breaks (if any)
   - A research proposal, of no more than three pages,
   - Two article-length writing samples,
   - Degree certificates and academic transcripts,
   - Two confidential letters of recommendation, which should also be sent
   to Kathrin Hommel

*The subject line of your email should by 'One year postdoc KIC'*

Selection Process: We expect to shortlist candidates for interview by early
June and hold online interviews in the second half of June 2024. *Important*:
If your application is successful and you accept a position at the
University of Salzburg, you will need to move to Salzburg before you can
start employment. Any questions can be directed to Kathrin Hommel
(kathrin.hommel AT plus.ac.at).

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is committed to equity, diversity,
and inclusion. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or age.

Individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses who meet the required
qualification criteria are explicitly encouraged to apply. The Paris Lodron
University Salzburg aims to increase the proportion of women in its staff
and therefore, in case of equal qualifications, women will be given


Assoc. Prof. Dr Julien Murzi <https://julienmurzi.org/>

Philosophy Department GW

University of Salzburg

Franziskanergasse 1

5020 Salzburg

FWF Project (2021-2025): Categoricity by Convention

FWF Project (2017-2021): The Liar and its Revenge in Context

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