LoCo Directory translations

2009-12-10 Thread David Planella
language, you can simply go to: https://translations.launchpad.net/loco-directory and start doing the translation magic. Happy translating! Regards, David. [1] http://loco.ubuntu.com/ -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com

Call for LoCo stories

2010-01-11 Thread David Planella
care of writing the article. Please let your LoCo teams know about this e-mail, so that anyone member can point me to their stories. Thanks a lot! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signature.asc Descripti

Re: Call for LoCo stories

2010-01-11 Thread David Planella
n-in-the-software-freedom-day-tunisia-2009. > Best regards. > Awesome, thanks. The Tunisian LoCo in the Tunisia Software Freedom Day 2009 will make for a great story! Regards, David. > original message- > De: "David Planella" david.plane...@ubuntu.

Re: Ubuntu Global Jam to be announced RSN

2010-01-12 Thread David Planella
hannel anyway, but for those people asking the questions it will make a world of difference. So please, those willing to help with translating questions, simply put your name down at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek#Translations Looking at the schedule, the awesome people running se

Call for translations

2010-01-22 Thread David Planella
ng the incoming Ubuntu Global Jam. Thanks! Regards, David. (*) For example, in Italian it would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval/it [1] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1972 [2] http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage -- David Planella Ubuntu Translat

Testing translations

2010-02-24 Thread David Planella
.com/2010/02/24/help-localization-testing-with-the-iso-tracker/ [2] http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage#Installation% 20Full%20Network%20Support%20&%20CJK%20Input -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signat

LoCo Council page translations

2010-04-01 Thread David Planella
language to read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval Regards, David. [1] http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signature.asc Description: Això és una pa

The LoCo Directory wants to speak your language

2010-06-04 Thread David Planella
e new strings from time to time. Thanks! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signature.asc Description: Això és una part d'un missatge signada digitalment -- loco-contacts mailing list loco-contacts@lists.

Help translating the LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines

2010-06-04 Thread David Planella
eck out the Spanish or Italian translations for an example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamsBestPracticesandGuidelines/es https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamsBestPracticesandGuidelines/it Thanks! Regards, David. [1] http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.

Re: resign from the ubuntu China LoCo Contact

2010-08-05 Thread David Planella
act, and thanks to Zhengpeng for the great work until now - and I'm sure there's more to come :-) Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella signature.asc Description

Re: Evento en Paraguay - Event in Paraguay

2010-08-05 Thread David Planella
net Ubuntu in en el The Fridge. Espero tu respuesta. Un saludo, David. [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoStories -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella signature.asc Description:

Internationalization of Launchpad Answers

2010-10-19 Thread David Planella
session from the Launchpad people at UDS, especially those from the registry team. Thanks! Regards, David. [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-launchpad-n-internationalized-answers -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanel

Translatable Code of Conduct (CoC) and Leadership Code of Conduct (LCoC)

2010-10-19 Thread David Planella
meone would be willing to lead this effort. For all of you interested, you can subscribe to the blueprint and attend the session if you can. Thanks! Regards, David. [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-translations-translatable-coc/ [2] http://is.

Re: Translatable Code of Conduct (CoC) and Leadership Code of Conduct (LCoC)

2010-10-20 Thread David Planella
at is something that needs to be discussed within each team. We, in Catalan, for example tend to adhere to the practice of trying to translate everything and not rely on English terms, where it applies (e.g. we translate "software" to "programari", but we do not translate e.g.

Help with the translatable Code of Conduct

2010-10-26 Thread David Planella
be extremely useful. http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/2010-10-29/ (at 18:00 UTC) For more info on other translations translations sessions you might want to participate in or to help with see the summary at: http://is.gd/g8uJn Thanks! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Tran

Natty Translations Plans I: Translations Stories

2010-11-30 Thread David Planella
more details and links here [2] Regards, David. [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-translations-portal [2] http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/natty-translations-plans-i-translations-stories -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.c

Re: We want translate ubuntu help guide

2010-12-16 Thread David Planella
st. If you have got any questions, do not hesitate to contact in any of the ways listed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/ - our preferred way is the ubuntu-translators mailing list. Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.

[Fwd: The Welsh Translation Team is "Hacking Language"]

2011-01-26 Thread David Planella
he presentation! Regards, David. Missatge reenviat De: Mark Jones Per a: Ubuntu Translators CC: David Planella Assumpte: The Welsh Translation Team is "Hacking Language" Data: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:12:52 + Hi! This might not be of interest to many, however I feel I shouldn&

Call for Maverick language pack update testing

2011-03-18 Thread David Planella
ll) and reinstall them." Thank you for your help in testing translations for all users in your language! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message p

Call for creating and testing localized ISO images

2011-07-22 Thread David Planella
le in the wiki page. I'm very excited about this project, which I think it's going to be awesome for LoCos. Thanks a lot for your help! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com www.identi.ca/dplanella / ww

Ubuntu Precise Open for Translation

2011-12-13 Thread David Planella
://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators [5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+filebug [6] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/ [7] http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ubuntu-11.10-translation-stats.html -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com

Re: Sergio Andrés Meneses appointed to the LoCo Council

2011-12-15 Thread David Planella
member! > > We would like to thank Leandro for the great work done in these years, > and wish Sergio a great time in the LoCo Council! > > Milo Casagrande > On behalf of the Community Council > Congrats, Sergio! -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.c

Re: Ubuntu code of conduct update

2012-04-17 Thread David Planella
only be a matter of minutes. Cheers, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature -- loco-contacts mailing list loco-contacts@list

Re: Ubuntu code of conduct update

2012-04-17 Thread David Planella
Al 17/04/12 09:41, En/na Daniel Holbach ha escrit: > Hey David, > > thanks a lot for your work on this. > > On 17.04.2012 09:36, David Planella wrote: >> Seeing this new update, last night I went ahead and added >> internationalization support to the CoC, LCoC and

Ubuntu 12.04 Online Tour for LoCos

2012-04-25 Thread David Planella
Hi all, I'm very excited to announce the availability of the Ubuntu Online Tour for LoCo teams to localize and use in their sites. The tour has been the result of the stunning work done by Ant Dillon from the Web Design Team and should provide a web-based first impression of Ubuntu to new users, i

Re: Ubuntu 12.04 Online Tour for LoCos

2012-04-25 Thread David Planella
Al 25/04/12 20:27, En/na Benjamin Kerensa ha escrit: > On 04/25/2012 09:57 AM, David Planella wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I'm very excited to announce the availability of the Ubuntu Online Tour >> for LoCo teams to localize and use in their sites. The tour has been th

Re: Ubuntu 12.04 Online Tour for LoCos

2012-04-25 Thread David Planella
ew. These remarks are indeed useful. Would you mind filing them as separate bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-online-tour/+filebug? Thanks! Cheers, David. > I'm currently thinking if we can fix major visible problems quickly... > > 2012/4/25 David Planella : >> Hi

It's Community Docs Jam today!

2012-12-13 Thread David Planella
http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax [1] Via http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/12/09/improving-community-getting-involved-documentation/ Thanks! Cheers, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com www.identi.ca/dplanella /

Re: Canonical cheating Super Meat Boy makers

2012-12-23 Thread David Planella
Al 23/12/12 19:20, En/na Lucas Betschart ha escrit: > http://www.formspring.me/EdmundM/q/406945771976419136 > > It's hard to promote Ubuntu if you lose the convince that > Ubuntu/Canonical is something good. Why do you make it so hard > to believe for many of us that Ubuntu is still something good

Growing the Ubuntu App Developer Community

2013-03-06 Thread David Planella
cannot participate live, feel free to add your thoughts and discussion points to the agenda, either directly on the Pad for the session or on the blueprint's whiteboard (you can use the "Blueprint" link on the top left hand side). Hope to see you there, and thanks! Cheers, Davi

Announcing the Ubuntu Billboard Photo Contest in Russia and Ukraine

2013-05-13 Thread David Planella
2013/05/13/announcing-the-ubuntu-billboard-photo-contest/ Cheers, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu App Development Liaison http://gplus.to/dplanella / @dplanella www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.org signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature -- loco-contacts mailing list loc

Empowering LoCo teams at UDS

2013-11-18 Thread David Planella
Hi all, As everyone in this list probably knows, vUDS is starting this week \o/ LoCo teams are going to be a key topic this time around, and I'd like to invite everyone who'd like to contribute to making our LoCos even more awesome to participate, be it on the live session, on IRC or with comment

[Fwd: Ubuntu Translations Meetings]

2009-06-19 Thread David Planella
Hi all, I'm forwarding this from the ubuntu-translators list so you can consider letting your teams know about the translation meetings. Regards, David. Missatge reenviat De: David Planella Per a: ubuntu-translat...@lists.ubuntu.com Assumpte: Ubuntu Translations Mee

ShipIt label translations

2009-10-07 Thread David Planella
some of you guys who speak those languages could contribute in their translation on the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/ShipItLabels Thanks! Regards, David. -- David Planella Ubuntu Translations Coordinator david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com www.ubuntu.com signature.asc