El dj 02 de 12 de 2010 a les 17:16 +0800, en/na Баянмөнх Насанжаргал va
>     I live in Mongolia. I using Ubuntu 3 years. Mongolia have a linux
> users =
>     group /name is LIMNUX/ and we want translate Ubuntu help guide.
>     How to translate help guide. Please help us. Please direct way.
>     Best regards
>     Nasanjargal B

Hi Nasanjargal,

I just saw another question on Mongolian translations today and I
noticed that your question was never answered. I apologize for the

In order to translate Ubuntu into Mongolian you will first need to
create a translation team.

Here you will find all the steps to do this:


I'm also CC'ing Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar, who's also expressed interest in
Ubuntu Mongolian translations in the past.

If you have got any questions, do not hesitate to contact in any of the
ways listed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact/ - our
preferred way is the ubuntu-translators mailing list.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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