On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Milo Casagrande wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu Community,
> After Leandro Gómez informed us that he would not have been able to
> fulfill his role in the LoCo Council until the end, the Community
> Council would like to welcome Sergio Andrés Meneses as a new member!
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Leandro Gómez wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Milo Casagrande wrote:
>> Hello Ubuntu Community,
>> After Leandro Gómez informed us that he would not have been able to
>> fulfill his role in the LoCo Council until the end, the Community
>> Council
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Marcus Moeller wrote:
> This is the mail I have sent to request the free book.
> Original Message
> Subject: Free Official Ubuntu Book
> Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:50:28 +0200
> From: Marcus Moeller
> To: usergro...@informit.com
> Hi all.
Hello Ubuntu Community,
After Leandro Gómez informed us that he would not have been able to
fulfill his role in the LoCo Council until the end, the Community
Council would like to welcome Sergio Andrés Meneses as a new member!
We would like to thank Leandro for the great work done in these years,
"What is a leader?" or "What are the attributes of being a leader?"
Processes to identify facts, analyze data, open processes sharing
information with participants, timely report generation and feedback
processes are elements of organizational success. One who can use the
elements described and mai
Hi all,
We are (Ubuntu-Co) really worried about our mirror server (
co.archive.ubuntu.com) this is the problem; all started when we were trying
to upgrade and update our systems (to oneiric)... The servers answer was so
slow and sometimes the packages was broken.
At this point we thought that it
I Wanted to participate with a talk I gave a few uow's ago. It was a
talk on getting help, it was about telling people how to use the
different community services made available by the UBUNTU community to
promote support.
This talk gives a small introduction to mailing lists, the forum, ask,
irc a
Felicidades amigo, es agradable detenerse un momento y ver todo un
recorrido, junto a ese recorrido llegan a mi mente momentos vividos
durante estos últimos años. a veces debemos reencontrarnos con nuestros
pasado para saber de donde venimos , saber donde estamos y hacia donde
queremos llegar,,
Hi Everyone,
Due to the volume of e-mail I receive (100+ per day average.. Spam
not included) I find it neccesary to discontinue use of
@ubuntu-oregon.org as an address to reach me at. As such I have set
it to forward for the next 90 days and starting today I will be
On Sun Nov 13 04:39:01 2011, sergioandresmene...@gmail.com wrote:
> And the big question here is... ¿Why to brazil? ¿What's the problem
> here if
> we have the server perfectly?
Just so we're on the same page here, which host are you asking to have
made the official mirror for Columbia, and what i
On 12/14/2011 01:31 PM, Milo Casagrande wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu Community,
> After Leandro Gómez informed us that he would not have been able to
> fulfill his role in the LoCo Council until the end, the Community
> Council would like to welcome Sergio Andrés Meneses as a new member!
> We would li
para mi, es una gran satisfacción, y es el reconocimiento a la labor de
nuestro compañero y amigo Sergio .. muchisimos exitos y cuenta conmigo
for me isa great satisfactionandrecognitionfor the workof our
colleagueand friend Sergio..count me andvery manysuccesses friend..
El 14/12/11
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Amber Graner wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all I apologize in advance for asking for Open Week [1]
> Sessions and Session Leaders at this late time in the cycle. Jorge
> Castro sent out the initial call for session leaders in early Sept [2]
> but due to this bein
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