40Gig IDE disk wrapping around at 32Gig?

2000-12-07 Thread Stephen Williams
During an install of RedHat 6.1 onto a Dell Dimension L600cx, I partitioned the internal 40gig disk to include 4 partitions. I initially let the disk druid do it, but it rendered the partition table unreadable. So I used fdisk and partitioned it with primary partitions like so: (sectors = 255, h

Re: 40Gig IDE disk wrapping around at 32Gig?

2000-12-07 Thread Stephen Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > My understanding is that the part you're accessing, above 33.6 gig, > wraps around the int or whatever they use(i'm not a programmer, and > i'm not going to think about what it'd actually be ) 2.2.17 solves the problem. The 2.2.12 kernel definitely goes berserk when fac

Re: zero-copy TCP

2000-09-06 Thread Stephen Williams
Alan Cox wrote: > I've spent over 2 years trying to extract eepro100 server docs out of Intel > and failed. [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Sounds familiar :-) Very familiar. I have a whole development environment for the i960RP (we use the processor on boards we make) and by looking at pictures I wa

Re: kernel debugger...

2000-09-08 Thread Stephen Williams
>From: "Jeff V. Merkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Withdrawl of Open Source NDS Project/NTFS/M2FS for Linux >"The lack of a Kernel Debugger and other basic kernel level facilities on >Linux make TRG's job about 20 times harder on Linux and take almost 10

Re: [paperboy@g2news.com: Client Server NEWS FLASH: Linus Savages Red Hat 7.0]

2000-12-15 Thread Stephen Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > FYI Guys, This just went over the wire from CSN. Might need some > damage control. ... and I wonder about the press that MSVC 6.0 got before the first few service packs got released. (Weren't there a few difficulties with MFC42.dll? Correct me if I'm wrong.) As a pr

Re: [paperboy@g2news.com: Client Server NEWS FLASH: Linus Savages Red Hat 7.0]

2000-12-15 Thread Stephen Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > As a producer of free software myself (Icarus Verilog) I've come to > the conclusion that the mass media is perfectly capable of turning > away the idiots that you don't really want as customers anyhow:-) Actually, I didn't intend that to go out to a public forum, as I

Re: the new VMt [4MB+ blocks]

2000-09-25 Thread Stephen Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Sometimes allocating such monster memory blocks could be supported, > but it should not be expected to be *fast*. E.g. if doing it in > "reliable" way needs possibly moving currently allocated pages > away from memory to create such a hole(s), so be it

Re: Linux kernel modules development in C++

2000-09-27 Thread Stephen Williams
> - C++ gives overhead. With something like a kernel that's unwanted. I don't want to take a position on the matter of C vs. C++ in the Linux kernel. However, I *have* done some realistic work to show that C++ does not inherently introduce bloat. (I do my embedded work in C++.)

Re: Linux kernel modules development in C++

2000-09-27 Thread Stephen Williams
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Oops, typo! - -- Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. [EMAIL PROTECTED] But I have promises to keep, [EMAIL PROTEC