> As a producer of free software myself (Icarus Verilog) I've come to
> the conclusion that the mass media is perfectly capable of turning
> away the idiots that you don't really want as customers anyhow:-)
Actually, I didn't intend that to go out to a public forum, as I am
to a (very) small degree a public figure myself (I pressed the wrong
button) but I stand by my statement. If a person is so easily swayed
by such trivial propaganda then there is a pretty good chance that this
same person is better inflicted on Cadence or Synopsys (or whomever is
the big company in your field) who has people trained and willing to deal
with this level of support.
For my work, I've been blessed with conscientious feedback, and I've
run with it. The only compensation I get for my efforts is a PR database
loaded with bug reports; but somehow a detailed and well thought out bug
report is so much more satisfying then a hollow pat on the back.
Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com And lines to code before I sleep."
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