cognizant of them.
I think this is close to a minimum for something that can generate any
desired config. I may have broken this somewhat tweaking it a bit to post,
but It's pretty handy when it works.
This is hereby public-domain-ified.
Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX /dev/tty10 16:07:45 /
## drop copyright notices to the bottoms of C files in current dir and
# subs.
# /*
# CopYriGHt Guess Who 2001All reserves righted.
# */
grep -ilr "copyright" . > tempdropcopyrights
for f in `cat
Bash on. That's shasm in the same directory as Janet.
Rick Hohensee
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>PS: hopefully - back for good.
That sounds like an especially fascinating pile of notes. Perhaps you
could pile it next to the patch on the ftp site?
Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX /dev/tty5 01:08:45 /
:;ls -d */
Linux/dev/ h
ve code but implementing a true 2-stack
virtual machine, or true 2-stack silicon. This is quite unlike Java, for
example, which has Forth-like stack operators that are
returnstack-frame-scoped, i.e. aren't an autonomous second stack.
Rick Hohensee
My 3-stack machine and other
Go write yourself a real OS.
45k text OS design sketch. Forth meets UNIX meets AmigaDos meets INTERCAL
meets a Teletype Model 37.
Rick Hohensee
Forth, unix, cLIeNUX, and worse.
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own in the above. You'll have to
play that little ode to the joy of empiricism yourself.
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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to 35 meg.
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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This is not a bogus bug report. This is a repeatable bug request.
Incorrectly yours,
Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX0 /dev/tty12 12:43:36 /
:;get /Linux/version
Linux version 2.4.0-test10 (@cLIeNUX) (gcc version #10 Thu Nov 9
03:11:45 2000
:; cLI
pmode, the other screen noise is straight pmode.
Rick Hohensee
Forth, unix, cLIeNUX
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from the above URL.
The newsgroup is
Rick Hohensee
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Please read the FAQ at
t;/" below. That could
easily be Japanese, Mandarin, Hindi, etc.
Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX /dev/tty3 00:12:08 /
:;d -d */
Linux//dev// help// mounts// suite//
boot// dev
ct 1.6:1 is representative though.
That interests me quite a lot. Is the exact ratio known? Has anyone ever
built a 100% inlined kernel?
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECT
If you mean "->" as "specifically calls" then that looks like cooperative
multi-tasking, which is what kernel threads AND the Linux userland
scheduler do. If an in-kernel thread doesn't call schedule, it keeps the
CPU. See the H3rL stuff in
The C-names-in-asms stuff is explained in (g?) The explanation is
a bit strained, but after the third or fourth read it becomes fairly
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTE
Why does Linux have a mktime routine fully coded in linux/time.h that
conflicts directly with the ANSI C standard library routine of the same
name? It breaks a couple things against libc5, including gcc 3.0. OK, you
don't care about libc5. It's still pretty weird. Wierd? Weird.
ch sucks*, but whatever), is to LGPL
or "KGPL" the kernel. What is being allowed now is in violation of the
Rick Hohensee
*How 'bout a nice binary-only Forth running the kernel? Metacompiling
kernel routines into the Forth dictionary and such. Sound creep
> At 1:43 PM +0200 2001-06-22, Erik Mouw wrote:
> >On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 10:30:40PM -0400, Rick Hohensee wrote:
> >> Why does Linux have a mktime routine fully coded in linux/time.h that
> >> conflicts directly with the ANSI C standard library routine of th
urce OS for end-users should be very serious about
simplicity, and not just pay lip-service to it. There is evidence of the
value of this in the marketplace. What doesn't exist is an OS where
simplicity is systemic. This is why end-user issues pertain to the kernel
at all. This is how open sourc
> On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Rick Hohensee wrote:
> >2.4.5 is 26 meg now. It's time to consider forking the kernel. Alan has
> >already stuck his tippy-toe is that pool, and his toe is fine.
> >
> > forget POSIX
> > The standards that ma
> Rick Hohensee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > 2.4.5 is 26 meg now. It's time to consider forking the kernel. Alan has
> > already stuck his tippy-toe is that pool, and his toe is fine.
> Stop that nonsense. Alan Cox has _not_ forked anything, neither ha
My hastily concocted proposed solution remains at...
Rick Hohensee
in a helpful and substantive way
that will be of more benefit than any work directly on Linux itself can
be, to the computer world generally and to Linux.
Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX /dev/tty3 11:09:49 /
ABOUTLinuxboot floppy mounts temp
ABOUT.Linux Net
that is not in
evidence here is that this thing on Plan 9 could build asmlinkbuild for
itself on the fly based on #pragma's in the headers that simply state what
library they are the header for. This to me is so obviously an improvement
to the usual state of affairs, an ornate system of dead-ends, as
t to mention that certain things simply cannot be done that way.
Don't tell me that. Then I can't use my subroutine-threaded Forth
variant, in which + is a subroutine call. ;o)
Anyway, yes it's a performance hit to not inline asms. Is it worth the
bletchery? It's worth
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 11:37:28PM -0400, Rick Hohensee wrote:
> > That's with the GNU tools, without asm(), and without proper declaration
> > of printf, as is my tendency. I don't actually return an int either, do I?
> Under ISO C rul
>Now, you could probably argue that instead of inline asms we should have
>more flexibility in doing a per-callee calling convention. That would be
>good too, no question about it.
Today's flamebait has been postponed. Happy July 4th
hey could get several of them,
hundreds maybe, on FPGAs available now. Such things are coming, because a
Forth chip IS something an individual can design.
Rick Hohensee
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the bo
e tiny and draw negligible current. Two URL's...
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a mes
the topic-skew, please have a browse at
Rick Hohensee
cLIeNUX user 0
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Please r
t's 100% Bash. FLAGS looks funny,
but I dono. Season to taste.
Rick Hohensee
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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ists from address 04.
Execbase, my old IRC nick :o)
Richards now has a beta port of Tripos to run on Linux called Cintpos.
It's in BCPL of course, which nowadays can compile itself in 8 seconds on
a P450. I had the pleasure of getting a thankyou from mr for noting that
you have to enab
nt traps and so on. I don't know about kgdb, which is a wrapper
for the userland GNU symbolic debugger. gdb requires compiling the kernel
with debugging information inserted everywhere.
Rick Hohensee
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I thought my mail client was doing "reply to all recipients". If it _was_
then this is redundant and I apologize.
> On Tue, 1 May 2001, Rick Hohensee wrote:
> > (kspamd) is the Linux-side wrapper for H3sm
> C|N>K
> OK, you
's continue?
Might this be easier to do in a 2.0 kernel?
Rick Hohensee
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how many worlds of trouble I didn't foresee
in _reading_ a tty from the kernel :o)
If someone knows of another example of interpreter-like behavior
directly in a unix in-kernel thread I'd like to know about it.
Rick Hohensee
The userland H3sm is in
hat runs in trap handlers doesn't it? I don't think it's a kernel daemon.
Rick Hohensee
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n't it? I don't think it's a
> > kernel daemon.
> and there's the hangman-in-kernel patch...
> interpreter or daemon or app-in-system-space ???
Thanks, I'll look for that.
Rick Hohensee
> ~Randy
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esses on
the H3sm pointer stack. nanosleep and read are H3sm stack-passing
wrappers for the syscalls. HANDOFF is a macro for a stack-push-wrapped
schedule(). It's a macro because I suspect I'm going to have to sprinkle
it judiciously around H3sm. The nanosleep keeps my load average normal.
and the Linux source crossreferencing site at
is awesome.
Rick Hohensee
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etc. ? If you look at majors, say, as a binary tree which you
walk in accordance with the bits in the major, can drivers nest like that?
I've wondered about that for a long time for various reasons.
Rick Hohensee
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nprotected mode I discovered on the 386. But other than that it'll
be "an old time-sharing system", to use the Bell Labs description.
The curious should investigate the Forreal.tgz package in cLIeNUX/interim.
Rick Hohensee
MOBI ReCam DVR Surveillance Software
Powerful PC sof
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