([EMAIL PROTECTED]) nobly encouraged empiricism thusly...
>   Just to encourage empiricism, I usually check stuff like that with
>   % cat > foo.c
>   main(){
>   int i;
>   i = 1 , 2;
>   printf("%d\n",i);
>   }
>   % gcc foo.c
>   % ./a.out
>   1
>   or similar if I'm confused.

Indeed. Further curiosity is sometimes promptly slaked in a manner
such as this...

:; cLIeNUX0 /dev/tty4  17:43:31   /
int i;
i = 1 , 2;
:; cLIeNUX0 /dev/tty4  17:43:31   /

The output of cc1 is not shown in the above. You'll have to
play that little ode to the joy of empiricism yourself.

Rick Hohensee
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