Chris Mason wrote:
> On Monday, February 12, 2001 11:42:38 PM +0300 Hans Reiser
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Chris,
> >>
> >> Do you know if the people reporting the corruption with reiserfs on
> >> 2.4 were using IDE drives with
Chris Mason wrote:
> On Monday, February 12, 2001 11:42:38 PM +0300 Hans Reiser
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Chris,
> >>
> >> Do you know if the people reporting the corruption with reiserfs on
> >> 2.4 were using IDE drives with
I have a client that wants to implement a webcache, but is very leery of
implementing it on Linux rather than BSD.
They know that iMimic's polymix performance on Linux 2.2.* is half what it is on
BSD. Has the Linux 2.4 networking code caught up to BSD?
Can I tell them not to worry about the Lin
thernet frames). the best number we got with 2.2
> was about 650 with jumbos and 550 with standard.
> i'd recommend it's networking performance to anyone.
> todd underwood
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Hans Reiser wrote:
> >
Nathan Dabney wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 07:03:31PM +0300, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > The problem is that I really need BSD vs. Linux experiences, not Linux 2.4 vs.
> > 2.2 experiences, because the webcache industry tends to strongly disparage Linux
> > networking co
James Lewis Nance wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:26:20AM +0300, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > I have a client that wants to implement a webcache, but is very leery of
> > implementing it on Linux rather than BSD.
> >
> > They know that iMimic's polymix perform
Tigran Aivazian wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Hans Reiser wrote:
> >
> > This is indeed what we should do if we get no answer from the list by someone
> > who has already done such work.
> >
> Hans,
> exactly what you want to measure? I have U
Chris Mason wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 10, 2001 02:32:09 AM +0100 Marc Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> EIP; c013f911<=
> > Trace; c013f706
> > Trace; c0136e01
> >
> Here is a patch against our 2.4 code (3.6.25) that does the
> same as the patch posted for 3.5.29:
Edward wrote:
> Reiserfs in linux-2.4.1-pre8 does not properly with the RAID5 code that
> is in that kernel. It is easy to get corrupted filesystem on device in
> less than 1 minute. Please, do not use it (reiserfs) on RAID5 devices.
> We are trying to figure out what is wrong.
> Edward
We'll test and get back to you.
Neil Brown wrote:
> There have been assorted reports of filesystem corruption on raid5 in
> 2.4.0, and I have finally got a patch - see below.
> I don't know if it addresses everybody's problems, but it fixed a very
> really problem that is very reproducab
I really think Rik has it right here. In particular, an MP3 player needs to be able
to say, I have
X milliseconds of buffer so make my worst case latency X milliseconds. The number of
requests is
the wrong metric, because the time required per request depends on disk geometry, disk
caching, e
If I understand your elevator algorithm, you switch between two queues, filling one
queue while
removing from another queue.
If you modify this to only be invoked when starvation of is detected, that is, to only
filling the removing queue when the oldest unsatisfied request exceeds some
"Jeff V. Merkey" wrote:
> One important point on remirroring I did not mention in my post. In
> NetWare, remirroring scans the disk BACKWARDS (n0) to prevent
> artificial starvation while remirring is going on. This was another
> optimization we learned the hard way by trying numerous app
Ragnar Kjørstad wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 11:22:16AM -0400, Michael T. Babcock wrote:
> > If I may ask a potentially stupid question, how can request latency be
> > anything but a factor of time? Latency is how /long/ you (or the computer)
> > /waits/ for something. That defines it as
I think Xuan's algorithm is good, so I want to add to it.:-)
Ragnar, I don't understand your objection to it. It is always the case that if you
specify real
time constraints that are impossible then they aren't met.
If you want to get fancy you could sort all expired time limit requests by b
We'll try to reproduce this when the guys get in for work this morning, thanks for the
bug report.
Elena, add symlink testing to so that it gets tested by our regression tests.
Andy Robinson wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried the linux-2.4.0-test9-resiserfs-3.6.18-patch on both 2.4.0-t
Thanks for the bug report, we'll investigate.
Tigran Aivazian wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> Simply starting the validation phase of SPEC SFS with NFS mounted reiserfs
> filesystem panics as shown in the log below. A quick look at the source
> suggests that _get_block_create_0() (and therefore,
Ragnar Kjørstad wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 03:23:26PM -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > I think Xuan's algorithm is good, so I want to add to it.:-)
> >
> > Ragnar, I don't understand your objection to it. It is always the
> > case that if you sp
David, did you determine if it was a memory bug?
Just to note: stack trace doesn't involve reiserfs at all. Other people
suggested that it may me memory bug.
Hans Reiser writes:
> Who is taking this one?
> HansReturn-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Deliver
monstr will debug this and elena will enter it into our buglist file.
Rasmus Bøg Hansen wrote:
> Hello
> I am getting musch the same types of corruption. I am on a K6-2 with a
> 30Gb IBM HD and 256Mb RAM running vanilla 2.4.3 with iptables and squid
> caching proxy. The problems arise
This is why our next patch will detect the use of gcc 2.96, and complain, in the
reiserfs Makefile.
Jan Kasprzak wrote:
> Hello,
> with ReiserFS support in 2.4.1 I have decided to give it a try.
> I created a filesystem on a spare partition, mounted it as /mnt,
> and t
Chris Mason wrote:
> Hans, decisions about proper compilers should not be made in each
> individual part of the kernel. If unpatched gcc 2.96 is getting reiserfs
broke is broke. If you use reiserfs, DO NOT use 2.96. Period. Nobody gains
by letting a single user make this mistake.
> wrong
Alan Cox wrote:
> > So, did Linus say no? If not, let's ask him with a patch. Quite simply,
> > neither we nor the users should be burdened with this, and the patch removes
> > the burden.
> Since egcs-1.1.2 and gcc 2.95 miscompile the kernel strstr code dont forget
> to stop those being u
Alan Cox wrote:
> > Users cannot use gcc 2.96 as shipped in RedHat 7.0 if they want to use
> > reiserfs. It is that simple. How can you even consider defending allowing the
> > use of it without requiring a positive affirmation by the user that they don't
> > know what they are doing and want
Alan Cox wrote:
> > As it stands, there is no way to determine programatically whether
> > gcc-2.96 is broken or now. The only way to do it is to check the RPM
> > version -- which, needless to say, is a bit difficult to do from the
> > C code about to be compiled. So I can't really blame Hans
Alan Cox wrote:
> > my convenience matters as much as that of the users. I don't want to use
> > #ifdefs, I want it to die explosively and verbosely informatively. make isn't
> > the most natural language for that, but I am sure Yura can find a way.
> Run a small shell check and let it fai
Alan Cox wrote:
> > It makes sense to refuse to build a piece of the kernel if it break's
> > a machine - anything else is a timebomb waiting to explode.
> The logical conclusion of that is to replace the entire kernel tree with
> #error "compiler or program might have a bug. Aborting"
Alan Cox wrote:
> > > their kernel, something putting #ifdefs all over it will mean they have to
> > > mess around to fix too.
> > >
> > A moment of precision here. We won't test to see if the right compiler is used,
> > we will just test for the wrong one.
> Ok that makes a lot more sense
Magallon" wrote:
> On 02.02 Hans Reiser wrote:
> > Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Run a small shell check and let it fail if the shell stuff errors.
> > >
> > > The fragment you want is
> > >
> > > if [ -e /bin/rpm ]; then
> > > X=`
Alan Cox wrote:
> > administrator that has worked in large multi hundred million dollar compani=
> > es where 1 hour of downtime =3D=3D $75,000 in lost income proactive prevent=
> > ion IS the right answer. If the gcc people need to compile with the .96 rh =
> > version then they can apply a re
Alan Cox wrote:
> > In an __init function, have some code that will trigger the bug.
> > This can be used to disable Reiserfs if the compiler was bad.
> > Then the admin gets a printk() and the Reiserfs mount fails.
> Thats actually quite doable. I'll see about dropping the test into -ac tha
Alan Cox wrote:
> > No. There are *many* other compilers out there which are much *more* broken
> > then anything RedHat has recently shipped. Unfortunatly, there is no easy
> > way to accuratly test for such bugs (because once they can be boiled down to
> > a simple test they are very rapidly
Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Thats actually quite doable. I'll see about dropping the test into -ac that
> > > way.
> > NO!! It should NOT fail at mount time, it should fail at compile time.
> I was thinking boot time.
and if reiserfs is the root partition? You really want to make them reb
Alan Cox wrote:
> > > I was thinking boot time.
> > and if reiserfs is the root partition? You really want to make them reboot to
> > the old kernel and recompile rather than making them just recompile?
> I want to make sure they get a sane clear message telling them where to
> find the cor
Wenzhuo Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the VM error "VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for mongo_read..."
> and then I couldn't log into the system, when stress testing
> reiserfs+raid0 setup on a 2.2.18 box using the reiserfs benchmark
> The problem was reporduceable on each run of mong
I know that our number of users has increased, but I doubt that the increase is
sufficient to match the marked increase in bug reports on reiserfs-list. Please
be patient as we work on this. We will issue a patch this week that will fix
some bugs (NFS i_generation count losing, and space leakage
Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 05:34:44PM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> I run Reiser on all but /boot, and it seems to enjoy corrupting my
> mbox'es randomly.
> what kind of corruption are you seeing?
> This also occurs in some log files, but I put it down t
Daniel Stone wrote:
> On 11 Feb 2001 02:02:00 +1300, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 05:34:44PM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> >
> > I run Reiser on all but /boot, and it seems to enjoy corrupting my
> > mbox'es randomly.
> >
> > what kind of corruption are you seeing?
David Ford wrote:
> Alan Cox wrote:
> >> I run Reiser on all but /boot, and it seems to enjoy corrupting my
> >> mbox'es randomly.
> >> Using the old-style Reiser FS format, 2.4.2-pre1, Evolution, on a CMD640
> >> chipset with the fixes enabled.
> >> This also occurs in some log files, but I
Alan Cox wrote:
> Before you put that down to reiserfs can you chek 2.4.2-pre2. It may be
> problems below the reiserfs layer
I forgot, this bug exists on reiserfs for Linux 2.2.*, so it isn't going to be
fixed by 2.4.2 (assuming that the bug is not in 2.2.*).
To unsubscribe from this li
Adrian Phillips wrote:
> Does your test procedure include other systems, for example reiserfs
> plus NFS ?
Our NFS testing is simply inadequate, we need a copy of LADDIS but haven't found
the money for it yet.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
Adrian Phillips wrote:
> >>>>> "Hans" == Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hans> Adrian Phillips wrote:
> >> Does your test procedure include other systems, for example
> >> reiserfs plus NFS ?
Alan Cox wrote:
> > LADDIS is the industry standard benchmark for NFS. It crashes for ReiserFS and
> > NFS. We can't afford to buy it, as it is proprietary software. Once Nikita has
> > finished testing his changes, we will ask someone to test it for us though.
> >
> Do you know if the co
"Albert D. Cahalan" wrote:
> Hans Reiser writes:
> > Alan Cox wrote:
> >> [Ablert Cahalan]
> >>> In an __init function, have some code that will trigger the bug.
> >>> This can be used to disable Reiserfs if the compiler was bad.
Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Chris Mason wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Sunday, February 11, 2001 10:00:11 AM +0300 Hans Reiser
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Daniel Stone wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> > >
> > > On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Chris Mason wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sunday, Feb
Samium Gromoff wrote:
> Hello,
> I`m still experiencing file tail corruptions
> on subj.
> And more: after i had restored bblocked patrition
> (by relying on drive`s ability to remap bblks on
> write by wroting small modification of debugreiserfs
> which zeroified al
Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> Or you can fall back to mounting by UUID, which is globally
> unique and still avoids referencing physical location. You also
> don't need to manually set LABELs for UUID to work: all e2fsprogs
> over the past couple of years have set UUID on partitions,
each offer the users different advantages.
"Yury Yu. Rupasov" wrote:
> "Yury Yu. Rupasov" wrote:
> >
> > Hans Reiser wrote:
> > >
> > > Andrey Tulenev wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello reiserfs-list,
> > > >
Ricardo Galli wrote:
> Hi,
> you can find at a few new benchmarks among
> Reiser, XFS and Ext2 (also one with JFS).
> This time there is a comprehensive Hans' Mongo benchmarks
> ( )and a couple of kernel compilations and
My apologies, I meant that the make is probably compiler bound (I said CPU
bound) not FS bound.
We find that one must use cp and similar utilities (not compilers) to become FS
bound when using a Linux FS (unlike the older Unixes for which compiles were
considered excellent benchmarks).
Ricardo Galli wrote:
> I was equally suprised, not only due to the wall-clock time but also to the
> CPU. So, I think the cache is the major player when compiling a kernel that
> was _just_ copied from another file system (still in buffer/cache).
You might consider rebooting to flush the cache.
monkeyiq wrote:
> Hi,
> Could I please be CC'd replies.
> To keep it short and sweet, I have a 45Gb IBM drive that
> is slowly dying by getting more bad sectors. I have already
> returned my first one to get the current disk, so would like
> to use the current one for a while before retu
Andi Kleen wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 12:58:14AM -0600, Andreas Dilger wrote:
> > Well reiserfs is probably a very bad choice at this point. It
> > does not have any bad blocks support (yet), so as soon as you have
> > a bad block you are stuck.
> reiserfs doesn't, but the HD usually
J Sloan wrote:
> Excellent!
> Will this be in resierfs 4.0 then?
> cu
> jjs
> Hans Reiser schrieb:
> > No, reiserfs does have badblock support
> >
> > You just have to get it as a separate patch from us because it was writte
Erik Mouw wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:53:45AM -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > No, reiserfs does have badblock support
> >
> > You just have to get it as a separate patch from us because it was
> > written after code freeze.
> IMHO we are no
Daniel Phillips wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 May 2001 22:10, Andreas Dilger wrote:
> > Peter Braam writes:
> > > File system journal recovery can corrupt a snapshot, because it
> > > copies data that needs to be preserved in a snapshot. During
> > > journal replay such data may be copied again, but t
Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> This happened to me yesterday on kernel-2.4.4-6mdk (Mandrake cooker, based
> on 2.4.4-ac14), single reiser root filesystem, mounted with default options.
> Hardware - ASUS CUSL2 (i815e chipset), Fujitsu UDMA-4 drive.
> I tried to change hostname and did not have the
known VFS bug, ask viro for details, 2.4.5 is not stable because of it, use
> On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 05:04:50PM -0500, Jordan wrote:
> > Alan Cox wrote:
> > >
> > > > I'm staying on 2.4.5-ac5 for whatever it's worth (putting my life on the
> > > > line for
Alexander Viro wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > known VFS bug, ask viro for details, 2.4.5 is not stable because of it, use
> > 2.4.4
> Different issue. Missing lock_kernel()/unlock_kernel() in kill_super()
> appeared in -pre6 and
Why are people afraid to put Neil Brown's code into 2.4? It works, we have tons
of users using it, it is the only nfs solution that has a tested reiserfs user
base, don't worry that it isn't tested and shouldn't go into 2.4 because it is
better tested than any of these quick fixes that are floate
get patch from, bug was added and fixed by viro, we just put the
patch up while waiting for 2.4.6 to come out.
Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:
> Hello!
> I just mkreiserfsed a new partition (a 50g hardware raid0 array, I know
> this is just a testing machine),
Daniel Phillips wrote:
> Graciously accepted. Coming up with something sensible in a mere 6
> months would be a minor miracle. ;-)
> - what happens if the user forgets to close the transaction?
then the user has branched into his own version, or at least that would be my
take on it. Another
Horst von Brand wrote:
>> It's not always
>>nescesary to let the demand create the means. Give programmers
>>some powerful tools and wait and see what wonderful things start
>>to evolve.
>The sad truth is that if you give a random coll
Jim Crilly wrote:
>I thought r3 was journaled from the beginning; the Namesys site credits
>Chris with the addition of a relocated and large journal. And yes, a good
>bit of the patches were from him.
Chris and I disagree about QA methodology, but I am deeply in debt to
him for his contributi
Stefan Smietanowski wrote:
> I think "..." and ".meta" both serve as a logical delimiter. However
> some programs implement their own "..." which would make it clash with
> them. Naturally if some program created a directory called .meta we're
> equally screwed.
I chose '' (four dots) becau
Horst von Brand wrote:
>Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Stefan Smietanowski wrote:
>>>I think "..." and ".meta" both serve as a logical delimiter. However
>>>some programs implement their own "..
Neil Brown wrote:
>Maybe it is worth repeating Al Viro's suggestion at this point. I
>don't have a reference but the idea was basically that if you open
>"/foo" and get filedescriptor N, then
> /proc/self/fds/N-meta
>is a directory which contains all the meta stuff for "/foo".
>Then it is t
Please treat at greater length how your proposal differs from NFS.
Vlad C. wrote:
>Recent discussion on ReiserFS 4 has focused on the
>advantages and disadvantages of VFS at the kernel
>level versus the Desktop Environment (DE) level. I
>believe network locations should be administered by
Lee Revell wrote:
>On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 15:55 -0400, Keenan Pepper wrote:
>>Ingo Molnar's realtime-preempt patches used to be based on the -mm
>>kernels, but now they appear to be based on the mainline kernels, so
>>they don't support reiser4 (at least until reiser4 is merged into
David Masover wrote:
> That's why we're trying to find something that people won't actually
> touch, especially since if we design it right, this will be the last
> delimiter introduced at the fs/vfs level.
Uh, no, there needs to be about a dozen or so more.
But not this year.
To unsubscribe
You might look into SFS by David Mazieres, some concepts in it are
likely to interest you.
Vlad C. wrote:
>--- Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Please treat at greater length how your proposal
>>differs from NFS.
>I t
Neil Brown wrote:
>On Tuesday July 12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Neil Brown wrote:
>>>Maybe it is worth repeating Al Viro's suggestion at this point. I
>>>don't have a reference but the idea was basically that if you open
>>>"/foo" and get filedescriptor N, then
>>> /proc/sel
Peter Staubach wrote:
> Vlad C. wrote:
>> --- Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Please treat at greater length how your proposal
>>> differs from NFS.
>> I think NFS is not flexible enou
Peter Staubach wrote:
> Hans Reiser wrote:
>> Peter, do you agree with his point that mounting should be something
>> ordinary users can do on mountpoints they have write permission for?
>> Do you agree that a systematic review of user friendliness would help
Hubert Chan wrote:
>On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 03:06:19 -0500, David Masover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>Hubert Chan wrote:
>>>The main thing blocking file-as-dir is that there are some
>>>locking(IIRC?) issues. And, of course, some people wouldn't want it
>>>to be merged into
David Masover wrote:
>Hans Reiser wrote:
>>Hubert Chan wrote:
>>>On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 03:06:19 -0500, David Masover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
David Masover wrote:
>Now, can anyone think of a situation where we want user-created
>hardlinks inside metadata? More importantly, what do we do about it?
I think the equivalent of symlinks would be good enough to get by on for
now for most linking of metafiles. Maybe some years from now
I got it slightly wrong.
One can have hardlinks to a directory without cycles provided that one
does not have hardlinks from the children of that directory to any file
not a child of that directory. (Mountpoints currently implement that
Question: can one implement that lesser restr
lugins for them will disallow hardlinks to their children from that
point onward. Still, seems workable
Thanks David,
Hans Reiser wrote:
>David Masover wrote:
>>Now, can anyone think of a situation where we want user-created
>>hardlinks inside metadata
Jeremy Maitin-Shepard wrote:
>Okay, so you are suggesting that file-as-dir would provide the user
>interface for enabling the encryption or compression. Alternatively,
>though, an ioctl could be used to control compression and encryption.
Why is it that /proc does not use an ioctl? Use o
Hubert Chan wrote:
>On Tue, 05 Jul 2005 20:50:08 -0400 EDT, "Alexander G. M. Smith" <[EMAIL
>PROTECTED]> said:
>>That sounds equivalent to no hard links (other than the usual parent
>>directory one). If there's any directory with two links to it, then
>>there will be a cycle somewhere!
Martin Waitz wrote:
>hoi :)
>On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 04:32:00PM -0600, Jonathan Briggs wrote:
>>You could do filesystems in userspace too and just use the kernel's
>>block layer.
>but you can't do that in an library, you have to use a filesystem
>server in order to get access c
David Masover wrote:
> So, will the format change happen at mount time? Will it need a
> special mount flag? Will I need to use debugfs or some other offline
> tool?
First we make sure we have the right answer. Have we solved the cycle
problem? Can we run out of memory as Horst/Nikita sugges
Nate Diller wrote:
> as an example, if a program were to store some things it needs access
> to in its executable's attributes, it should have the option of
> keeping a hard reference to something, so that it can't be deleted out
> from underneath. this enables sane sharing of resources witho
David Masover wrote:
> And, once we start talking about applications, /meta will be more
> readily supported (as in, some apps will go through a pathname and
> stop when they get to a file, and then there's tar). On apps which
> don't have direct support for /meta, you'd be navigating to the file
Horst von Brand wrote:
>Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I think the exokernel approach by Frans is a very interesting approach.
>>I wish I had the experience with it necessary to know if it was
>>effective. I do NOT take the
Jonathan Briggs wrote:
>On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 23:44 -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
>>Hubert Chan wrote:
>>>And a question: is it feasible to store, for each inode, its parent(s),
>>>instead of just the hard link count?
David Lang wrote:
> remember that Hans is on record (over a year ago) arguing that R3
> should not be fixed becouse R4 was replacing it.
No, I said and say that V3 should not have features added to it, because
features should not be added to a stable branch. Bug fixes are good.
There are a fe
Ed Tomlinson wrote:
>On Sunday 10 July 2005 01:10, Horst von Brand wrote:
>>Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>David Lang wrote:
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Ed Tomlinson wrote:
>No Flame from me. One thing to remember is that Hans and friends
Arjan van de Ven wrote:
>On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 16:57 +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>>* Why use your own journalling layer and not say ... jbd ?
>>Why does reiser use its own journalling layer and not say ... jbd ?
>because reiser got merged before jbd. Next question
Adrian Bunk wrote:
>4Kb kernel stacks are the future on i386, and it seems the problems it
>initially caused are now sorted out.
>Does anyone knows about any currently unsolved problems?
>I'd like to:
>- get a patch into on of the next -mm kernels that unconditionally
> enables 4KSTACKS
>- i
Adrian Bunk wrote:
>Hi Hans,
>REISER4_FS is the only option with a dependency on !4KSTACKS which is
>bad since 8 kB stacks on i386 won't stay forever.
>Could fix the problems with 4 kB stacks?
> make checkstacks | grep reiser4
>inside te kernel sources after compiling gives yo
Adrian Bunk wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 09:50:14AM -0800, Hans Reiser wrote:
>>All of my technical arguments on this topic were nicely obliterated by
>>Andrew. The only real reason remaining (that I know of) is that I want
>>to first eliminate all
Maciej Soltysiak wrote:
Feb 6 17:07:47 dns kernel: hdc: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Feb 6 17:07:47 dns kernel: hdc: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }
this means bad hard drive, or at least a bad sector on it.
To unsubscribe from this list: send th
Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> With Linux ext2, and some other systems, when you create files in a
> new directory, the file system remembers their order:
> $ mkdir new
> $ cd new
> $ touch one two three four
> $ ls -U
> one two three four
> (1) Is there any standard that says a system
Trond Myklebust wrote:
> > " " == Chris Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, returning the last filename won't do much for filesystems
> > that don't have any directory indexes, but that's besides the
> > point. Could nfsv4 be better than it is? probably. Can we
Trond Myklebust wrote:
> >>>>> " " == Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The current code does rely on hidden knowledge of the filesytem
> > on the server, and refuses to operate with any FS that does not
> &g
Hi Linda,
This seems very much in line with what Reiser4 is doing for DARPA, and what SE Linux
is doing for
the NSA. Or at least what Linus told the SE Linux folks he would like them to
I am quite supportive of what you advocate generally, and I look forward to
cooperating with you
Oliver Xymoron wrote:
>Can we get you to agree that basically all subpage objects are immovable?
No. Certainly not in the general case, and I think Josh found ways to
handle the dcache case. If we can simply free the old objects, we don't
actually have to move the hot ones, as he points o
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