RMS, Hosts Must Support Boycott?

2011-06-10 Thread Tom Balazs
ll not be attending his lectures either. Tom |------| |Tom Balazs |Haifa |tom123onl...@gmail.com |--| From: Richard Stallman Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 17:58 Subject: Re: Fwd: A Lecture Hall for a Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman, President o

RMS, Hosts Must Support Boycott?

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Balazs
s the women's coalition for peace. I talked to their head last night and she said that they've never done anything about free software and she feels it is strange for them to do it. The upcoming boycott law scares off many other potential sponsors but I am looking. kobi. -- Forwarde

OT: Postgraduate studies

2011-07-28 Thread Tom Balazs
quot; http://english.themarker.com/new-high-tech-initiative-in-israel-seeks-to-combine-business-with-zionism-1.372397 Tom Balazs Haifa ___ Linux-il mailing list Linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il http://mailman.cs.huji.ac.il/mailman/listinfo/linux-il

Software Freedom Day

2011-09-01 Thread Tom Balazs
In fifteen days it will be Software Freedom Day. http://softwarefreedomday.org/ "Software Freedom Day (SFD) was initiated by a group of FOSS believers, *Matt Oquist*, *Henrik Omma* and *Phil Harper* with the idea of distributing *The OpenCD* to everyone. - The idea of

Free Online Database Course "at" Stanford

2011-09-26 Thread Tom Balazs
Standford is now allowing anyone to "register" for their comprehensive Introduction to Databases course. Preview available here: http://www.db-class.org/course/video/preview_list Blurb: A bold experiment in distributed education, "Introduction to Databases" is being offered free and online to stu

Find Free Software a New Voice

2011-10-08 Thread Tom Balazs
http://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2011/10/why-fsf-founder-richard-stallm.php "It's time for free software to find a new voice. Once again, Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman is putting his feet firmly in his mouth. This time, Stallman says that he's glad Steve Jobs is gone

Re: Goodbye, Lingnu

2011-11-15 Thread Tom Balazs
Two points 1. There is not a strong connection between "I have excellent technical skills" and "I am am able to run a business well and make a profit". 2. The customer is often not able to understand the product or service he is buying. That means they can't really understand whether or not a job

oVirt, FLOSS Weekly, Itamar Heim talks about oVirt

2012-03-15 Thread Tom Balazs
On Floss Weekly #203 with Randall Schwartz http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/203 Itamar Heim (speaking from Israel) talks about oVirt, a virtual datacenter management platform "The oVirt Project is an open virtualization project for anyone who cares about Linux-based KVM virtualization. Providing a


2012-09-21 Thread Tom Balazs
Keep in mind that if you print mostly black and white (greyscale) documents that a laser printer is MUCH cheaper when you consider the price of toner / cartridges. Also, inkjet printers use up the color cartridge even if you only print only greyscale documents (why?). In both laser and inkjet the

Re: Re: Printer

2012-09-24 Thread Tom Balazs
f Linux-il digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > >1. Re: printer (Shachar Shemesh) >2. Re: printer (Guy Gold) >3. Printer (Tom Balazs) >4. Re: printer (Amichai Rotman) >5. Re: printer (Shlomo Solomon)

Aaron Swartz, a brilliant person, a sad ending

2013-01-24 Thread Tom Balazs
Aaron Swartz, computer programmer and activist, committed suicide on January 11th, aged 26 - http://www.economist.com/news/obituary/21569674-aaron-swartz-computer-programmer-and-activist-committed-suicide-january-11th-aged-26-aaron Swartz was well-known in technology circles for helping develop th

Open Source - Open Education יום עיון בנושא קוד פתוח: לקראת חינוך פתוח

2013-02-06 Thread Tom Balazs
*שלום לחברי מיט"ל,*** אנו מזמינים אתכם להשתתף *ביום עיון בנושא קוד פתוח:* *לקראת חינוך פתוח *בהשתתפות ראשי מרלו ומומחים נוספים. יום העיון יתקיים *ביום חמישי, ה-21.2, במשרדי מחב"א בתל אביב*, בין השעות 9:45-15:00. למידע נוסף, סדר יום ורישום ליום העיון . ב

Re: Open Source - Open Education יום עיון בנושא קוד פתוח: לקראת חינוך פתוח

2013-02-20 Thread Tom Balazs
ליום העיון<http://meital.iucc.ac.il/meital/Services/opencode_reg.htm> *(ההשתתפות ללא תשלום, אך יש להירשם מראש)* 2013/2/6 Tom Balazs > *שלום לחברי מיט"ל,*** > > אנו מזמינים אתכם להשתתף *ביום עיון בנושא קוד פתוח:* *לקראת חינוך פתוח > *בהשתתפות > ראשי מרלו ומומחים נוס

Canada's Start-up Visa

2013-07-22 Thread Tom Balazs
Q: What is the minimum investment that I would need to apply for a start-up visa? A: You must secure a minimum investment of $200,000 if the investment comes from a designated Canadian venture capital fund. You must secure a minimum investment of $75,000 if the investment comes from a designated