Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-01-30 Thread Ori Berger
Least year, there was a thread discussing set up of an asterisk system, which included a description by Arik Baratz (see e.g. and ) I am planning to set up somet

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-01-31 Thread Ori Berger
sammy ominsky wrote: Worse than that, asterisk will not work in an OpenVZ VE unless you have access to the underlying host to install the zaptel kernel modules. (Note that in another email, Sammy mentions that it works but some features don't). It looks like Xen would therefore be needed? T

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-02-12 Thread Ori Berger
Amos Shapira wrote: OK, So I've setup CentOS 5.2 on Xen VPS at VPSLink, compiled latest Asterisk (1.4.23) very smoothly according to the instructions at up to and including the "asterisk -...vvvc" and "stop now". Als

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-02-14 Thread Ori Berger
Amos Shapira wrote: which is very close to the lost 077 numbers for $3/month with DIDWW. These are 03 numbers ( FWIW, I asked DIDWW about the disappearing numbers (03 numbers are not there either at this moment), and they replied both 077 and 03 be

Weird DNS proxy issue on ECI Bfocus modem?

2009-02-22 Thread Ori Berger
The DNS proxy on my ECI ADSL modem ran flawlessly for years, but recently, every few days it will abort with a segmentation fault. (I've been away for a few months, so I don't know exactly when it started -- later than October, earlier than February). Restarting it (by running "/sbin/dproxy -c

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-02-25 Thread Ori Berger
elf), but in most cases, there's a good reason for the way it needs to be configured. I think it's worthwhile to try to understand why Asterisk is built the way it is, rather than just look for an easy to configure GUI. Ori Berger wrote: FWIW, I asked DIDWW about the disappearing numb

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-02-26 Thread Ori Berger
Amos Shapira wrote: Googl'ing for "asterisk hosting provider" indeed comes up near the top and seem to be asterisk-centric but their cheapest plan of AsteriskNow is $35/month. No competition for the $8/month from VPSLink. They do have a non-managed $15/month plan (that still includes

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-02-26 Thread Ori Berger
Tzafrir Cohen wrote: You mean in case that the hosting provider provides the necessary kernel modules in OpenVZ? Kernel modules? What kernel modules? :-) (See the second part. Well, maybe this is more for future installations than for now) Well, following Tzafrir's lead, I've just installed

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel<->US communication

2009-03-18 Thread Ori Berger
Amos Shapira wrote: BTW - About Israeli DID's - I just received an ad from Gizmo5 (I probably registered with them a while ago) advertising their new free SIP-to-Skype gateway. So I went to their web site and found that they offer a "callin number" for $12/3-months or $35/12-months, which is very

Re: 2:1 Down:Up internet traffic ratio?

2009-03-24 Thread Ori Berger
Dotan Cohen wrote: I just noticed this info in my modem's interface: Data Transmitted1285141280 bytes Data Received 2111269904 bytes Could it really be that normal internet browsing and emailing produces only a 2:1 downloaded:uploaded ratio? I figure with youtube and all the images on

Re: what's the least expensive way to call israel from the usa?

2009-04-01 Thread Ori Berger
Michael Shiloh wrote: calling cards and skypeout have been recommended, but i haven't yet compared prices. what other options are there? i'm calling from california, if that makes a difference. michael Depending on the volume and your access to a server. You can get voip termination (equiv

Re: Linux Workstation ADSL Networking Problems at Bezeqint

2009-04-07 Thread Ori Berger
Shlomi Fish wrote: I tried reducing it to 1,400 and the FF problem persisted. Now I'm trying to reduce it to 1,300 and see how it goes. Thanks for your help. Regards, Shlomi Fish When I had such problems (a few years back) the solution was to disable ipv6 (as in, blacklist the ipv6

New government already hard at work (though, I'm not sure who for)

2009-04-07 Thread Ori Berger
Microsoft is going to be participating in government sessions dealing with IT. Government is not obligated to purchase Microsoft stuff. Microsoft will share its security experience with the government. ___

Re: [OT] Always Innovating TouchBook - A Linux based Netbook

2009-04-15 Thread Ori Berger
Amichai Rotman wrote: ...and they will probably find a way to bring it with Window$ XP pr-installed... Luckily (?) it is ARM based. So they won't bring it with XP pre-installed, although some clever importer just might manage Windows Mobile. ___ L

Re: Why is GNU/Linux so Bloated?

2009-06-11 Thread Ori Berger
Shlomi Fish wrote: I've compared the size of the Linux .so file (after -Os and strip) to the size of the Windows MSVC-generated .dll. With gcc -Os before strip - 86,464 bytes same after strip - 74,584 With gcc -Os that can solve Freecell only - before strip: 71,440 After strip - 60,312 Now

Re: Building 32 bit (Intel X86) kernel module on a 64 bit (Intel x86_64) machine

2009-07-14 Thread Ori Berger
Dan Shimshoni wrote: I want to add that "make ARCH=i686" (on the 64 bit machine) gave me errors (and also trying to passing various gcc 32 bit arch flags ). What errors you got will be very helpful in getting to a solution - my guess would be link problems and/or wrong Makefile configuration

Re: Please recommend a web host in Israel

2009-09-01 Thread Ori Berger
Itay Donenhirsch wrote: hi folks, has anyone used i got a recommendation for them but i was wondering about response times from israel. thanks Itay Up until this week their response time from Israel was atrocious, because they only had a farm in Seattle. As of this week, they of

Re: Need Recommendation for Israeli Rails Hosting

2009-09-14 Thread Ori Berger
ASAF HALILI wrote: Hi everybody, I need a recommendation for a hosting that support ruby on rails, linux hosting. I prefer shared hosting but VPS is also acceptable. I need really good response time so I prefer that the hosting will be located in Israel. Anoyone knows such a hosting? Thank

Re: Desktop effects stopped working on Ubuntu 9.04

2009-10-13 Thread Ori Berger
Ori Idan wrote: I have an Ubuntu 9.04 laptop with Intel 945 graphics adapter. Desktop effects worked until this morning when I connected it to an external monitor. After disconnecting the external monitor and restarting the laptop, desktop effects stopped working. Does someone have an idea how

Re: OT: Cheap VOIP to cell?

2009-11-29 Thread Ori Berger
Hetz Ben Hamo wrote: Hi, I was just shocked by the huge cellphone bill I got, I decided to look for some alternatives.. Skype has unlimited call in Israel, but it's only for landlines. Their mobile prices are pretty high compared to what cell phone companies offer. So, does anyone had/ha

Re: SIP provider questions.

2010-01-03 Thread Ori Berger
geoffrey mendelson wrote: 1. There is a SIP (or IAX) provider selling Israeli DIDs? I need them to be in Israel and accept "Israel only" credit cards. Cheap is more important than providing customer support, or good service.; They are cheap ($3/month for an Israeli DID, flat -- som

Question about VOIP and Faxes

2010-01-20 Thread Ori Berger
Dear Linux-IL, I've been using asterisk, a pstn->sip DID (didww) and a sip->pstn termination (grnvoip) for the last year, and it's been working very well. I'm about to purchase[1] an Epson Artisan 810, which can also work as a Fax, and I would like to put it to that use. (Oh, and I'm located

Re: Looking for a cheap (and relatively reliable) .us/.ca-based SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting

2010-01-26 Thread Ori Berger
Shlomi Fish wrote: 1. Be able to host a web-service for there. Optionally other arbitrary domains at no extra charge. 2. Static content, Perl 5 CGI and PHP 5. 3. SSH with rsync. (No virtual server - and please don't bug me about it). I assume you're ok with a V

Re: Working with Sentos packages

2010-01-26 Thread Ori Berger
Geoff Shang wrote: Hi, I need to do a job on a Sentos system. I'm not used to dealing with RPM-based systems, I'm a Debian man myself, so am wondering what the equivalents of apt-cache search and apt-get install are? rpm == dpkg yum == apt apt-cache search = yum list / yum list | gre

Re: secure DNS hosting?

2010-01-27 Thread Ori Berger
shimi wrote: Are there such things as "specialized secure DNS host" or just about any host is good enough (e.g. we registered most of our domainsat godaddy). You could use the UltraDNS from Neustar services [1]. It WILL cost you :-) But I guess those guys know what they're doing: They

Re: secure DNS hosting?

2010-01-28 Thread Ori Berger
Amos Shapira wrote: What are you refering to by "server certificates, client certificates, RSA tokens etc"? Are you talking about DNS-SEC or just general web server security practices? General web server security practices; A server certificate tells the client that this server has been trust

Re: XWindows - how capture window ?

2010-02-20 Thread Ori Berger
Valery Reznic wrote: Do you have any ideas, how can I render this window off screen and capture it's content ? You can probably run an Xvnc server (X server that sends updates out through the vnc protocol, rather than actually updating screen). As far as any software is concerned, this is a

Re: kernel optimization for long distance download??

2010-03-05 Thread Ori Berger
Shachar Shemesh wrote: Short answer - run a sniffer on both downloads. Longer answer - there are some tricks you can do, some of them "legal", others violating the TCP/IP standard, in order to handle high latency links better. They might be referring to those. Conclusion - run a sniffer :-)

Re: FTP or NTPv3 are examples for application protocols that embed network-layer addresses

2010-03-22 Thread Ori Berger
Ron Varburg wrote: I saw in the wikipedia, don't remember the exact entry, that in contrast to most transport- and application-layer protocols, FTP or NTPv3 are examples for application protocols that embed network-layer addresses Can someone elaborate on that ? FTP in active mode, requir

Re: hosting in USA

2010-05-06 Thread Ori Berger
Serge wrote: Sorry, I didn't mentioned that. We are looking for VPS/dedicated server managed by us, depends from the price what to take. ; ; Prices are great. I have experience with good service from linode and vpslink; no experience with prgmr, but I heard gr

Re: and Linux voip softphone

2010-06-01 Thread Ori Berger
Stan Goodman wrote: I use a VoIP provider in the US (more convenient for me for several reasons). His support desk was helpful in the setup phase and who remains ready to answer questions (I pay $0.019/minute, with no monthLy fee, for calls to virtually anywhere on the planet, with excellent so

Re: Hebrew problem - ripping CDs

2010-06-27 Thread Ori Berger
Shlomo Solomon wrote: I've been using k3b to rip my collection of CDs and I noticed that on some CDs the Hebrew file names are recognized and on others not. I assume that Hebrew, encoding, fonts etc are properley set up. Otherwise, it wouldn't work on some CDs. Can anyone tell me if this is a p

Re: OT: heard about internetto?

2010-08-20 Thread Ori Berger
Stan Goodman wrote: For comparison, using the VoIP connection I already have, and adding an Israel DID number would cost $5/mo for the DID (~NIS20); price for calls is $0.019/minute (~8 agorot). The advantage, although it won't change my financial condition, is in favor of VoIP. . . . The VoIP

Re: CPU & RAM in a storage box

2010-09-28 Thread Ori Berger
Nadav Har'El wrote: At Backblaze, we provide unlimited storage to our customers for only $5 per month, so we had to figure out how to store hundreds of petabytes of Looking at their site, it appears that while their systems run on Linux, they don't give service to Linux machines. Is that true? I

Re: secure/ssl vpn in linux with phone clients

2011-02-10 Thread Ori Berger
ik wrote: Hello, I'm looking for an open source VPN that is secure (such as ssl vpn that arrive with openvpn) but also have clients for cellular phones including iPhone. OpenVPN as far as I know have support for all cellular phones except iPhone (unless you know any non jailbreak based client

Re: The riddle of atomic data transfer from process A to process B

2011-04-13 Thread Ori Berger
On 04/13/2011 09:41 AM, Omer Zak wrote: A full fledged queue would force the consuming process (process A) to read and process all data written by the producing process (process M) even when process A needs only the most recent value whenever it reads process M's data. I forgot how this scheme

Re: The riddle of atomic data transfer from process A to process B

2011-04-13 Thread Ori Berger
On 04/13/2011 05:04 PM, Omer Zak wrote: If the counter is one byte wide, then any updates to it would be atomic by definition (of course, the context is that only process M ever modifies it). While that is true, I was wrong in asserting that "atomic" is enough. It needs to be ordered with res

Re: umount and data is lost?

2011-11-05 Thread Ori Berger
On 11/05/2011 05:12 PM, Diego wrote: Hi list, I am trying to debug this problem in a system I am developing: at some point I need to write a number to a file, and then reboot via an external device the machine. That device will cut of the power for a moment, and the machine will power on again

Re: Detecting runaway process

2011-11-18 Thread Ori Berger
On 11/17/2011 07:41 AM, ik wrote: Can't use gdb, it's a Ruby daemon (I didn't wrote it). And strace gives different outputs on each crash :( I can't figure out what is wrong. Possibly Ruby itself: - might be more work than you're lo

Re: Modern Linux memory management

2012-01-26 Thread Ori Berger
On 01/26/2012 10:16 AM, Baruch Siach wrote: Only by using valgrind, that I could find the exact location and figure out, that it was another function that had the problem. How does the modern memory management system is working then, that it takes so much time for the problem to surface ? Now

Re: DID/SIP provider in Israel

2012-03-08 Thread Ori Berger
On 03/07/2012 06:00 PM, Baruch Shpirer wrote: I also need outbound calls or else I would continue to use them I have had good experience with; They are more expensive for Israeli routes than, about which I've learned from Robert's post (thus I can't really compare) g

Re: suggestions sought for a framework for a quick, dirty, really simple GUI prototype

2012-07-18 Thread Ori Berger
On 07/18/2012 04:50 AM, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote: What is important here is speed and painless ramp-up to some fairly low level. I want to be up and running as fast as possible with as little coding as possible. No need for bells and whistles. No need for long term maintenance. It is for a throw awa

Re: where to host web server

2012-10-23 Thread Ori Berger
On 10/23/2012 10:57 AM, Shahar Dag wrote: The students will decide which web server and supporting programs to install (but it will be Linux) and then install everything they need. We cannot test in advanced that the web site & the machine behave in a reasonable way. Everything can be accessed

Re: Home made NAS

2012-12-05 Thread Ori Berger
On 12/05/2012 08:00 AM, Moish wrote: I use WD MyBook Duo 2x3T. Transfer rate more than enough for HD over N-wireless network. On A side note: Above storage is used (among other devices) by two Apple Tv 2 (jb with Xbmc) and for fun, I will add a

Re: filesystem capable of deduping tar.gz's content

2013-05-28 Thread Ori Berger
On 05/08/2013 09:22 PM, Elazar Leibovich wrote: Hi, I have a software product being built a few times a day (continuous integration style). The end product is an installable tar.gz with many java jars. Since the content of the tar.gz's is mostly the same, I want to use a filesystem that would d


2014-05-09 Thread Ori Berger
On 05/08/2014 04:25 PM, Amos Shapira wrote: +1 for Smart Time Sync + ntp server. Now the perfectionist in me would still like to combine what it does with an NTP daemon reference clock :) Unless you already have an old smartphone that you want to keep for this use, look for a simple USB GPS re

Looking for a performance/health monitoring and alerting solution

2014-06-15 Thread Ori Berger
I'm looking for a single system that can track all of a remote server's health and performance status, and which stores a detailed every-few-seconds history. So far, I haven't found one comprehensive system that does it all; also, triggering alarms in "bad" situations (such as no disk space, et

Re: Corrupt file system: Replace hard disk or not?

2017-09-22 Thread Ori Berger
This could be the result of anything from a power glitch, strong RF transmission from another device next to the computer, bad power supply or bad memory. The hard disk itself is not more suspect than any other component in your system. Personally, I've twice had data mysteriously corrupted (o

Re: Gmail and Claws

2020-04-25 Thread Ori Berger
On 25/04/2020 22:22, shlomo solomon wrote: Google/Gmail has decided to drive me crazy and I hope someone can help. 5 - to allow this, I have Gmail set up to allow POP access and my Google account set up to allow "Less secure app access" (Google-speak for anything not provided or controlled by G