Stan Goodman wrote:
For comparison, using the VoIP connection I already have, and adding an Israel DID number would cost $5/mo for the DID (~NIS20); price for calls is $0.019/minute (~8 agorot). The advantage, although it won't change my financial condition, is in favor of VoIP.
The VoIP solution also relieves me of extra charges for "other carriers", i.e. for the privilege of calling this or that cellular company.

Am I reading correctly that your VoIP provider lets you call Cellular providers for less than 2 cents a minute? If so, could you please tell us who that is?

e.g. grnvoip, which is cheap (though not the cheapest) gives 1c/bezeq&hot, 8c/mobile. <> I would happily switch to a cheaper provider.


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