Ich möchte in einem Hook "action.DEFAULT" prüfen, ob class/.var
alles enthält was ich brauche, falls nicht möchte ich den fai-"lauf" "sauber"
Wenn meine Prüfung fehlschlägt und ich abbrechen möchte, rufe ich
task_error 899
In /usr/lib/fai/subroutines wird dann als letzt
Thomas Lange)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 16:57:17 +0100
From: Thomas Lange
To: fully automatic installation for Linux
Subject: Re: task_error bei softupdate
Message-ID: <21720.55517.296627.601...@informatik.uni-koeln.
Die Frage ist also eher: Soll dann abgebrochen werden oder soll
der Wert ignoriert werden. Das ist eine Designentscheidung, wobei
ich zu ersterem tendiere: Wenn es einen fatalen Fehler in einem
hook gibt, sollte FAI abbrechen.
Daf?r scheint mir der Error-Code 99 ideal zu sein...
Ich ha
in our enviroment we must to use a ssh tunnelt to connect to fai clients.
So we have to use reverse ssh tunnel for all connections from client to
server (nfs, save-log, etc)
Up to now we patch the fai programs to use/change the used ports.
Could you make an option to used custom ports?
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-boun...@uni-koeln.de] Im Auftrag von Thomas
Gesendet: Montag, 30. März 2015 12:16
An: fully automatic installation for Linux
Betreff: Re: Option to set Ports for NFS mount
>>>>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:30:15 +00
May be?
Reiner Schulz
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-boun...@uni-koeln.de] Im Auftrag von Thomas
Gesendet: Montag, 30. März 2015 12:16
An: fully automatic installation for Linux
Betreff: Re: Option to set Ports for NFS mount
we like to deploy SLES 12 via FAI and need a basefile. So i take a look on
rinse. It has serveral „templates“ for open source distridustions, but for SLES
12 we have to make on our own.
How? =:-) Cant fnd an manual for to it.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Reiner Schulz
We use this disk_config file for Debian on vmware:
And we have to install "lvm2" and "grub-pc" in packages_config.
# example of new config file for setup-storage
disk_config sda align-at:1024K disklabel:msdos bootable:1 fstabkey:label
primary - 100%- -
I'm developing a custom udev rule something like this:
For FAI Action install:
lspci -D | grep Ethernet | cut -d" " -f1
into /etc/udev/rules/70-my-persistent-net.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", KERNELS==":03:00.0",
I set the interface name by pci bus
i like to build a "Client Installation Menu" with a profile, but it is not
shown after select "Client standalone installation - select installation type
from menu"
I do a grep for "flag_menu" and "profile" in /usr/sbin/fai* and
/usr/lib/fai/* but cant find anything. So how dose this work
Hi Thomas,
In subroutines/task_repository you fcopy /etc/resolv.conf.
It is possible to omit this?
While installing Debian 9 (with a Debian 8 FAI server) the installing client is
in a extra subnet, with its own nameserver. After install is finished the
client goes to production subnet, with an
I tried to build a new nfsroot with fai-chboot:
fai-chboot -v -I -F -s4.9.0-8-amd64 -u nfs://fai.fai.scm/srv/fai/config
Booting with it result in an dracut error:
dracut Warning: dracut: FATAL: Don't know hoe to handle
My pxe lin
le root=
>>>>> On Thu, 3 Jan 2019 14:52:34 +, "Schulz, Reiner"
>>>>> said:
> fai-chboot -v -I -F -s4.9.0-8-amd64 -u nfs://fai.fai.scm/srv/fai/config
> Booting with it result in an dracut error:
> dracut Warning: dr
don't know to handle root=
>>>>> On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 07:32:16 +, "Schulz, Reiner"
>>>>> said:
> According to
> and
> https://people.redhat.com/ha
> >>>>> On Mon, 7 Jan 2019 15:25:34 +, "Schulz, Reiner" mv.de> said:
> > New one, dosent work:
> > lsinitramfs initrd.img-4.9.0-8-amd64 |grep -i nfs
> > sbin/fsck.nfs
> Is this the initrd from inside th
I found this part off fai-make-nfsroot:
if [ $full = 1 ];then
echo 'add_dracutmodules+=" livenet "' >
fslist="nfs lockd ext4"
echo 'add_dracutmodules+=" dmsquash-live "' >
At the Debain Bug Tracker for dracut, i read a bug ticket which discusses the
warning " ignored null byte in input " with dracut an bash 4.4
as i remember you wrote that this ist solved in current dracut version.
Reiner Schulz
> > At BTS you wrote the BASH thing should resolved??
> I
acut don't know to handle root=
> >>>>> On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 08:54:45 +, "Schulz, Reiner" mv.de> said:
> > without "-s" i got:
> > livenet
> Here it is!
> --
> regards Thomas
Hello FAIs,
I've a problem with setup-storage and RHEL 7
While setup-storage is runing it give " Error in task partition. Code: 710":
Calling task_partition
WARNING: The variable USE_SETUP_STORAGE is not needed any more.
setup-storage is now the default tool for partitioning.
Starting setup-stor
hadowed by stacked devices
> Am 13.05.19 um 11:09 schrieb Schulz, Reiner:
> > This is your disk_config file:
> > # example of new config file for setup-storage
> > #
> > #
> >
> > disk_config sda align-at:1024K disklabel:msdos bootable:1 fstabkey:d
i try to "alien" the fai-client deb to rpm for our RHEL Systems.
There ist a depend for libgraph-perl which provides "perl::Graph::Directed"
I only found this git commit for that:
commit 993b6f1b5f09fdc788eb55777532f5e566238ae7
with note: " Also build-depend on libgraph-perl, so the compile
For our OpenShift we use http to load the PXE file:
filename "gpxelinux.0";
$ ls -lh /usr/share/nginx/html/rhcos-4.2.18-x86_64-*
63M 11. Feb 17:04
7,8M 1
For such situations we designed a RunOnce.Service: It runs all scripts from a
hook-dir at boottime and then move it away.
Or you can check the connectivity of a specific IP-address and then run the
And sorry, im not allowed to share our inhouse knowledge
Von: linux-fai [
How is "-c" concatenate to the classes from config_space/class ?
We set a couple of default classes (class/49-always_set_classes) and add only
the invidual, server specific, classes via class/50-host-classes
# fai-diskimage -v -N -cDEBIAN_10,S2APP image.raw
Formatting 'image.raw', fmt=raw
t; An: fully automatic installation for Linux
> Betreff: Re: fai-diskimage variable "classes" not inherited to fai
> >>>>> On Wed, 30 Jun 2021 08:09:43 +, "Schulz, Reiner" mv.de> said:
> > How is "-c" concatenate to the cl
> Sorry for the dumb question, but where would I add the "-d" flag?
If fai stop with an error, you can go to a second tty via "Alt-F2" and type
there any command you like to test.
first check if the fai configspace is mountet
you can do a
ls -l /var/lib/fai/(config/disk_config/
and a
Hi there
I am on my first steps with fai-diskimage from fai 5.8.4
I try to to generate a debian 12 image to boot on vmware esxi
but grub ist installed on /dev/loop0 and in fstab "/" is set to /dev/loop0p1
so systemd-mount tries to mount /dev/loop0p1
what do i wrong? :)
cat disk_var.sh
thats is it
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: linux-fai Im Auftrag von Thomas Lange
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Mai 2023 14:11
An: fully automatic installation for Linux
Betreff: Re: fai-diskimage and /dev/loop0
>>>>> On Tue, 16 May 2023 11:43:45 +,
Hi Thomas,
Now with fai 6.0.2 i use
fai-diskimage --cspace file:///adm/rschulz/fai/config -v -N --size 25G -u
x-ra5285 -ra5285.raw
and got:
ERROR: No classes are defined
looking on the fai-diskimage code at lines
182 if [ -z "$classes" ]; then
183 die 7 "No classes are defined"
3 May 2023 07:48:08 +, "Schulz, Reiner"
>>>>> said:
> Hi Thomas,
> Now with fai 6.0.2 i use
> fai-diskimage --cspace file:///adm/rschulz/fai/config -v -N --size 25G -u
> -ra5285.raw
> and got:
> ERROR: No cl
Hi there.
The subject named it:
How can i set the luks:"passwd" without write it into the disk_config file?
here a snip of the solution i use:
5 disk_config disk1 align-at:1M fstabkey:label bootable:1
6 primary /boot 1024xfs defaults
createopts="-L BOOT"
7 primary - 1025- - -
8 disk_config
) ?
On Wed, 2024-12-18 at 08:40 +, Schulz, Reiner wrote:
> Hi!
> here a snip of the solution i use:
> Unforturnately it work only at install
Just checking, are you installing the cryptsetup-initramfs package in the
target? Not doing this has bitten me before.
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