
here a snip of the solution i use:

  5 disk_config disk1 align-at:1M fstabkey:label bootable:1
  6 primary                 /boot                   1024    xfs     defaults 
createopts="-L BOOT"
  7 primary                 -                       1025-   -       -
  8 disk_config disk2 align-at:1M fstabkey:label
  9 primary                 -                       100%    -       -
 11 disk_config lvm
 13 vg      vgsys disk1.2,disk2.1
 14 #                                                createopts= -L Label in 
fstag, -m root reserve
 15 vgsys-swap              swap                    4G      swap    sw
 16 vgsys-var               /var                    6G      xfs     defaults 
createopts="-L VAR"
 17 vgsys-vartmp            /var/tmp                2G      xfs     defaults 
createopts="-L VARTMP"
 18 vgsys-root              /                       5G      xfs     defaults 
createopts="-L ROOT"
 19 vgsys-tmp              /tmp                       2G    xfs     defaults 
createopts="-L TMP"
 22 vgsys-postgres_encrypt    -       10G      -    -
 28 disk_config cryptsetup
 30 luks:"< $PASSPHRASE >" /opt/db/postgres    /dev/vgsys/postgres_encrypt     
xfs     defaults,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30,_netdev createopts="-L POSTGRES

37                 CRYPT_DEVs=$(cut -f2 $target/etc/crypttab)
52         PIN='{ "t":1, "pins": {  } }'
56         for TANGSERVER in ${_TANGSERVER} ;
57         do
59                TANGSERVER_JSON='{"url":"http://'${TANGSERVER}':7500"}'
65                 PIN="$(echo "$PIN" | jq --argjson TANGSERVER "$(echo 
${TANGSERVER_JSON})" '.pins.tang += [$TANGSERVER]')"
66         done
68         # Syntax Check
69         jq -Me . <<< $PIN >/dev/null ; echo "JSON Check RC: $?"
76         for CRYPT_DEV  in ${CRYPT_DEVs[*]}; do
77                 $ROOTCMD clevis luks bind -f -y -k $PASSPHRASE -d 
${CRYPT_DEV}  sss "${PIN}"
78         done

Unforturnately it work only at install


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: linux-fai <linux-fai-boun...@uni-koeln.de> Im Auftrag von Robert Moulton
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Dezember 2024 22:30
An: fully automatic installation for Linux <linux-fai@uni-koeln.de>
Betreff: cryptsetup disk_config example(s) ?

Does anyone have working examples to share, with standard partitions and/or lvm?

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