Re: [LincolnTalk] Jets

2024-05-06 Thread Jennifer Saffran
IDK exactly why, but all airports will change the “pattern”, meaning which runways are used for take offs and landings, from time to time. This can be due to winds, although yesterday was quite still, or, as I have been told, Hanscom rotates their landing patterns so as to “share the pain” among

Re: [LincolnTalk] Bear sighting just now at Fox Run Road

2024-05-13 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I’ve seen bear tags before, but “Dodger” appears to have both ears tagged. What’s up with that? > On May 12, 2024, at 9:20 PM, Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln > wrote: > > It’s Dodger! > > > Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone >

Re: [LincolnTalk] Bat houses in Lincoln

2024-05-14 Thread Jennifer Saffran
We put them up in Quebec, and the ones facing north, as is advised, became homes for bats. The ones facing south never were used because they got too hot in the sun, or so I am told. > On May 13, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Sara Mattes wrote: > > I put houses up in the mountains in CO, but no takers. >

Re: [LincolnTalk] Bear? Two bluebird houses broken and smashed.

2024-05-15 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Yes, bears. They are incredibly strong and persistent when hungry. I have seen them shred a wood shed to get to soiled restaurant kitchen linens. They can open heavy metal commercial dumpster doors while looking for leftovers. In one famous story that circulates in NH, they can even climb in an

Re: [LincolnTalk] Coincidence or Conspiracy?

2024-06-11 Thread Jennifer Saffran
My family in New Mexico had to get lockable mailboxes for single family dwellings because of stolen checks. That was well over a decade ago. At least with online banking you have proof that a check was issues and sent. > On Jun 10, 2024, at 12:21 PM, Sara Mattes wrote: > > Online banking has m

Re: [LincolnTalk] Historic Boston tours

2024-06-16 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I concur, but if time is limited, the Duck Tours are the easiest way to see the most in a short period of time. Plus, they are fun. They give you an idea of what you want to google later once you get off the duck boat. In all my years of living in Boston proper, I've never seen bus tours because

Re: [LincolnTalk] Historic Boston tours

2024-06-17 Thread Jennifer Saffran
One of the places that has made a big impression on my visitors from outside of this area has been is the Lowell Heritage State Park. The working water powered looms really helped my guests understand the Industrial Revolution. Like most things, seeing something actually work in person creates a

Re: [LincolnTalk] This article is based

2024-07-09 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Love it! It’s surprising how. much of the slang I learned as a teen were words that infiltrated the decade before, more or less. A surprising amount of those words were related to the 60s drug culture. > On Jul 8, 2024, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Butler Everitt > wrote: > > I love youth slang rig

Re: [LincolnTalk] Air conditioning repair

2024-07-09 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Nicholson. They are everywhere. We’ve used them in two houses. > On Jul 8, 2024, at 11:47 AM, Bruce Campbell wrote: > > Chris Silva > 781-599-4100 > > > On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 11:40 PM ERIC SNYDER > wrote: >> looking for a recommendation for a knowledgeable and

Re: [LincolnTalk] This is the 55 anniversary 0f the first moon walk.

2024-07-20 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I watched it on our rear screened in porch that had dark panelling, an avocado green “indoor outdoor” rug, on a portable black and white TV that my father had brought home from the PX in Japan on his way home from Vietnam the year before. For our neighborhood, this room was a relatively upscale

Re: [LincolnTalk] Physical therapist for Shoulder

2024-07-27 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Pro Sports Therapy, Waltham. > On Jul 26, 2024, at 12:10 PM, iearlerice--- via Lincoln > wrote: > > I had rotator cuff surgery in May and have been seeing Adrea Lenson at > Newton-Wellesley Hospital Rehabilitation Services at 159 Wells Ave. in > Wellesley. She only works on shoulders and arms

Re: [LincolnTalk] Lincoln bear, and compost bin - Oh, my !!

2024-08-13 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Bears do eat vegetable matter. > On Aug 12, 2024, at 1:08 PM, Jai Kaur wrote: > > Thanks for this feedback ! I just ordered one of those two options on Amazon > and thanks, Paul, for your endorsement on that. > > It's our responsibility to steward and preserve our lands and I’m glad I live

Re: [LincolnTalk] Cat Found Stratford Way Photo

2024-08-30 Thread Jennifer Saffran
We thought that same thing. > On Aug 30, 2024, at 11:53 AM, Nancy McDonald wrote: > > Based on the 'rosette' pattern, this could be a Bengal cat, if that is any > help in identifying the cat and/or owner, Nancy > > On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:38 AM Emily Marcus

Re: [LincolnTalk] For this concerned about climate change (I assume the is everyone)...

2022-12-11 Thread Jennifer Saffran
The DoD, or rather, the Pentagon, has long recognized climate change as a national security threat. > On Dec 10, 2022, at 5:07 PM, Sara Mattes wrote: > > Step by step… to have DoD taking such a lead is remarkable. > We need to applaud them while we ask others to also step up. > Sara > > Sent f

Re: [LincolnTalk] transfer station

2022-12-23 Thread Jennifer Saffran
yes. it was just posted somewhere. on the 31st, too > On Dec 22, 2022, at 11:26 AM, Colleen Katsuki > wrote: > > > Does anybody know if the transfer station will be open this Saturday or not? > > > > Colleen Katsuki > > -- > The LincolnTalk mailing list. > To post, send mail to Lincoln@li

[LincolnTalk] Deer sightings

2023-01-16 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Recently, we have been seeing a small herd of deer frequently crossing 126 in the area between the Wayland town line/Oxbow Road and Codman Road. Please take extra caution at night. While deer are not uncommon, this appears to be more activity than usual. -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post

Re: [LincolnTalk] Water?

2023-01-17 Thread Jennifer Saffran
To answer your original question, we are not experiencing such amber water in Farrar Pond Village. Our water, however, almost always smells and tastes like peat moss, to some degree. > On Jan 16, 2023, at 9:19 PM, Sonja Johansson wrote: > > That is terrible! I would call the non-emergency poli

Re: [LincolnTalk] Seamstress

2023-01-30 Thread Jennifer Saffran She’s in Marlboro, off of Route 20. Ann. She’s remade ball gowns for me, tailored baggy blazers with linings so that they looked brand new, remade pants for me so that they actually fit, etc. She’s amazing. It’s worth th

Re: [LincolnTalk] Indoor Air Quality and Gas Stoves

2023-01-31 Thread Jennifer Saffran
This does not answer your question directly, but we recently renovated and put in an (electric) induction stove. It has the quick responsiveness of a gas stove and it is much easier to clean because of it’s glass-like top. Yes, we had to buy a few new pots because it won’t work with aluminum. Hi

Re: [LincolnTalk] Lincoln School Projected Class Size

2023-02-01 Thread Jennifer Saffran
You mentioned decreasing “special” services. If you mean special education, understand that there are complex state and federal laws and regulations that govern these. The good news is that the additional staff that is demanded, particularly in-classroom aides and paraprofessionals lower the st

Re: [LincolnTalk] Piano movers

2023-02-02 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Deathwish piano movers. Used by professional musicians > On Feb 2, 2023, at 12:17 PM, Sofia Kampoures wrote: > > Hello > I’m looking for a piano mover – any references? > Thanks! > Sofia > > Sent from my iPhone > -- > The LincolnTalk mailing list. > To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntal

Re: [LincolnTalk] Lincoln School Projected Class Size

2023-02-03 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I would like to remind people that, yes, Lincoln is, on average, a privileged town, but that doesn’t mean everyone in it is “privileged”. (By privileged, I assume that means a high per household income.) It is easy to see the incredible beauty and assets of Lincoln and its residents as somehow s

Re: [LincolnTalk] Piano movers

2023-02-06 Thread Jennifer Saffran
When we lived in the South End of Boston in the 1980s, before it became too chi chi for most people, including musicians, we saw many a baby grand swinging in the streets as Death Wish deftly put it through a window and into someone’s apartment. A lot of people who were affiliated with the BSO a

Re: [LincolnTalk] Follow up: Parent Dissatisfaction Survey

2023-02-07 Thread Jennifer Saffran
For context, the Mass. Education Reform Act passed in 1993. This legislation eventually made Mass. schools competitive with other states with excellent to good public schools, such as NY. I am assuming that the survey results attached do not reflect that reform. Since then, state curriculum gui

Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center space utilization and cost as input vs output

2022-11-16 Thread Jennifer Saffran
FYI: The Town of Lincoln no longer owns the DeCordova. The Trustees of the Reservation are the owners now. > On Nov 16, 2022, at 5:57 PM, ROY HARVEY wrote: > > Appendix D (Program Schedule Matrix) and Appendix O (A day in the life of the > Lincoln CC, excerpted below) of the 2018 report by the

Re: [LincolnTalk] Your recommendations for kitchen design

2022-11-27 Thread Jennifer Saffran
We did our entire kitchen in IKEA, but that was mid-2020 before supply chain issues got very bad. I have no idea if they have recovered. We are still very pleased with these cabinets. IMO, very good if you are looking for a contemporary/Modernist look. The top cabinets are deeper than most Ameri

Re: [LincolnTalk] The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths

2022-11-27 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Like Woodward Avenue, Detroit. The first road made of concrete in the US. It’s about 4 lanes wide in both directions, separated by an island. The idea was to build the kind of roads that were grand avenues in 20th century cities. You see that even in NYC as you go north. > On Nov 27, 2022, at 4

Re: [LincolnTalk] on property taxes

2022-11-28 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Regarding “open space”, I am more familiar with one of these towns—Bolton. Bolton has a number of commercial farms and orchards. So, while it appears that there is open space, it’s taxable land. I do not know what the tax rate for working farms are. A quick search shows there are at least 20 wo

Re: [LincolnTalk] Anonymous Mailing

2022-11-29 Thread Jennifer Saffran
It says it’s a normal town like anywhere else. Stuff like this happens in any town when there is a suggestion to spend money on large projects. > On Nov 29, 2022, at 12:03 PM, Richard Panetta > wrote: > > I haven’t seen this mailing so I can speak to it but if it had decent points > on why w

Re: [LincolnTalk] Community Center

2022-11-29 Thread Jennifer Saffran
No. This kind of study, where options are explored, is how building projects work. Anywhere. To be clear, the vote is on the study. Period. Now, obviously, if a voter feels that such a center should not be built, then vote no. If a voter wants more information of what can be bought for how man

Re: [LincolnTalk] new look at community

2022-12-03 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Intergenerational community is “engineered” in places like the Netherlands when they build programs and facilities. It’s socially and democratically useful for everyone. > On Dec 2, 2022, at 8:23 AM, John Kimball wrote: > > I have a hope that the so-called community building committee, perhaps

Re: [LincolnTalk] on property taxes

2022-12-05 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I have not heard of alternative funding, but what you are describing is a lament that I’ve heard in Cambridge and certainly in Chestnut Hill when we moved to Brookline in the early 90s. Those huge Georgian houses on small lots were built in the 1920s, so by the time the 90s rolled around, most w

Re: [LincolnTalk] more on the epidemic of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities

2022-12-07 Thread Jennifer Saffran
This is interesting. My stepfather was Dutch. We didn’t get to go as frequently as we liked, but we spent quite a bit of time there in the 1970s, with another short trip in the late 80s. From the. 70s trip, I remember everyone was cycling everywhere to do all their daily commutes and errands. My

Re: [LincolnTalk] more on the epidemic of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities

2022-12-07 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Madison, WI. > On Dec 6, 2022, at 6:17 PM, Sara Mattes wrote: > > It would be helpful to have some examples from countries that had more > opens-paces and rural settings…some place that looks more like us. > I saw amazing infrastructure for bikes and pedestrians in Florence, but I > would

Re: [LincolnTalk] Gluten Free Candy

2024-10-31 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Major candy companies like Hershey’s will put “may contain nuts” on the wrapper. Same with M & Ms. They don’t, but for legal reasons, they decided to do this. I have two (now adult) kids with food allergies, one of whom is allergic to peanuts, and as far as I know, you can venture into giving ou

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-11-30 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Drag queens are not perverts. Five years olds are creative, openminded, expressive little people. All choices of dress are costumes with signifiers, etc. One could say that a Lincolnite in a pair of LLBean jeans, Merrill mocs, and a Patagonia jacket is doing “drag” of a different sort. That sa

Re: [LincolnTalk] Exploring the Holy Land Problem: Friday, Dec 6 and Saturday, Dec 7

2024-12-04 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Also, many Jews go back and forth between Israel and other countries, or have close relatives in both places. IDK any American or Canadian Jewish person that I can think of who does not have a relative in Israel. Having said that, IDK a single Jewish person who supports Netanyahu. (There may be

Re: [LincolnTalk] End of an Era for BLFF

2024-12-04 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I was a tour guide at the ICA. They no longer have this program. It is difficult to explain the impact, importance, and excellence of the collection that she gifted to the ICA. She opened minds as well as doors. > On Dec 3, 2024, at 4:10 PM, Sara Mattes wrote: > > Many of us remember when Barb

Re: [LincolnTalk] Keeping an open mind-

2024-12-03 Thread Jennifer Saffran
My friend, who lives in Bedford, his brother was one of the ones killed at the Tree of Life synagogue listed below. What happens to one person affects us all. Despite what JS just posted, there are legal limits to hate speech. An easy and reputable way to find info on hate groups, etc. SPLC col

Re: [LincolnTalk] Calkins Lawsuit

2024-12-08 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Dr. Urion is very well known. This “whole language” problem has been going on all over the state. State and federal law demands that kids be educated in their home districts when possible. For something like dyslexia, it’s def possible. It also costs the districts less, is less disruptive, etc.

[LincolnTalk] Pre-schooler ski gear

2025-01-06 Thread Jennifer Saffran
A friend of mine is search of kid’s alpine gear for a 3-4 year old. The proud grandparents took their grandson on the magic carpet but the “buckle on” skis were not working out now that the grandson is progressing. Thanks. -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolnta

Re: [LincolnTalk] recommendation -- furniture movers

2025-01-01 Thread Jennifer Saffran We used them twice—once when moving to Lincoln from a much larger house during the worst of the pandemic. They were very careful with our stuff. The only issue is that they misjudged how much stuff we actually had. Still, they didn’

Re: [LincolnTalk] Donate stuffies?

2025-02-03 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Savers will not take stuffed animals/plush toys. > On Feb 3, 2025, at 8:26 AM, RAandBOB wrote: > > Try Savers in Framingham > > Ruth Ann > (She, her, hers) > >> On Feb 3, 2025, at 8:14 AM, Emily Parker Beekman >> wrote: >> >>  >> Does anyone know where I could donate stuffies/kids’ stuffe

Re: [LincolnTalk] coyotes

2025-02-03 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Yes, me, too, for years. > On Feb 2, 2025, at 8:37 PM, Melody Elliott wrote: > > I always thought that coyotes are out hunting during dusk and dawn hours, and > therefore afternoon hours were relatively safe. For the record, they can be > around at ANY time. I've seen 1 or 2 walk across my b

Re: [LincolnTalk] Mice

2025-01-31 Thread Jennifer Saffran
You ask a good question because red squirrels are considered “wildlife”, and mice are considered “pests”. We have had red squirrels decide they like to sit on my LR chair (not in Lincoln). They had chewed through a metal mesh screen where a utility meter conduit entered the house. > On Jan 30,

Re: [LincolnTalk] Walden Frozen?

2025-02-04 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Also, avoid any disturbed ice where people have cut a hole in the ice for fishing because it may or may not have had time to freeze fully. One of the rangers lamented that people might not notice and skate into a hole. > On Feb 4, 2025, at 6:52 PM, Joanna Schmergel > wrote: > > Call the Walde

Re: [LincolnTalk] Coyotes Last Night

2025-02-01 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Fascinating! We often hear what sounds like 4-5 voices around Farrar Pond. In Southborough, I once saw 4 coyotes walk single file through my backyard to a wetlands behind us. We had seen single coyotes and small groups of deer do this before.On Jan 31, 2025, at 10:41 PM, Fil Zembowicz wrote:An in

Re: [LincolnTalk] Services Christmas Eve

2024-12-16 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I would also put a vote in for the Concord UU Church. I am a member of both. Again, big organs (they have two!), traditional music, messages more about the historical Jesus and related concepts, as UU churches do. Last year, they did not do candles lit inside of the church while singing “Silent

[LincolnTalk] Fwd: Thur Dec 19 | Harvard Voices on Climate Change: Building the U.S. Power Grid for AI and Clean Energy

2024-12-12 Thread Jennifer Saffran
> Begin forwarded message: > > From: The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard > University > Subject: Thur Dec 19 | Harvard Voices on Climate Change: Building the U.S. > Power Grid for AI and Clean Energy > Date: December 12, 2024 at 10:28:04 AM EST > To: Jennifer > Rep

Re: [LincolnTalk] cold

2025-01-20 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Yes. This is what we did when I lived in Alaska as a child. We were told to keep a stream of water running about the dimension of your pinky finger. > On Jan 20, 2025, at 5:03 PM, Claire Mount wrote: > > perhaps leaving taps dripping and cabinet doors open during this extreme > cold,to preven

Re: [LincolnTalk] Transfer Station Zoo Today

2025-01-04 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Alternatively, it is ok that that once every few years, when a holiday lands on a W or Sat., that a trip to the dump will just take longer. I think we can handle that. IMO, a “zoo” is the Cross Bronx Expressway during rush hour, or trying to get to Logan back when the Big Dig was still a thing.

Re: [LincolnTalk] to post: Trump cartoon

2025-02-13 Thread Jennifer Saffran
But this specific cartoon was just stupid. And not serving our community in any way. The causes listed below were not expressed in that meme. This is about CANADA. We, in our family, are following what is going on in Canada closely. Canadians are scared of physical and financial aggression fro

Re: [LincolnTalk] to post: Trump cartoon

2025-02-12 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Please, no posts like this. > On Feb 12, 2025, at 11:19 AM, Diana Smith wrote: > > > -- > The LincolnTalk mailing list. > To post, send mail to > Browse the archives at > Change your subscription settings at > http

Re: [LincolnTalk] Webinar on Induction Cooktops March 18, 2025 at 7-8 pm

2025-02-24 Thread Jennifer Saffran
Thank you for posting. We have one and very much prefer it to any other technology. > On Feb 24, 2025, at 6:31 AM, Robin Wilkerson > wrote: > > >> >> >> Ditch Gas, Cook Safer and Better >> Did you know cooking with gas might be making your kitchen air worse than >> outdoor pollution? Gas s

Re: [LincolnTalk] Bogus EZPass text alerts

2025-02-17 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I noticed these for the last four months or so. Great rule is to NEVER respond for any request for ANY billing unless you verify it by logging into your account online. Period. So annoying and so clever. > On Feb 16, 2025, at 2:47 PM, Anne Warner wrote: > > I have also received and fallen fo

Re: [LincolnTalk] Extra pair of Jack White tix for tonight

2025-02-17 Thread Jennifer Saffran
I saw him in Detroit well worth it > On Feb 17, 2025, at 12:30 PM, Jason Kass wrote: > > Hello LT! > > We have an extra pair of tickets for Jack White tonight if anyone is ready to > rock out. > > Roadrunner > 8 PM > $80 each > > Jason Kass > 11 Moccasin HL > > > Sent from my iPhone > --

Re: [LincolnTalk] notarization of real estate papers

2025-03-14 Thread Jennifer Saffran
We went to the Town Hall to have a simple document a month ago. The person there did it, but said that an appointment is preferred. She mentioned something about notarizing a 40 page real estate document…..So, you should call first. > On Mar 13, 2025, at 6:04 PM, Gus Browne wrote: > > There a