Rep. Stanley's news email today announces the Town receiving a $400,000 grant to upgrade the Farm Field waterwater treatment plant that currently serves the Mall and Lincoln Woods; the upgraded facility will also support mixed-use redevelopment in whatever form it's going to take. I followed the S
Is anyone else with Verizon cell service experiencing audio cutting out on
their iPhone calls? In the last couple of months this has become a real
problem with my phone; either my voice cuts out for a couple of seconds or the
voice of whoever I'm talking to does. It's frustrating, and has bee
going to call
Verizon as well but first need to find enough time to spend on it as I don't think it will
be a quick fix. Please let me know if you have any success in getting it fixed. I will do
the same.Warm regards,StaciOn Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 3:01 PM Deborah Howe via Lincoln
wrote:Is anyon
Using my phone both at home and on the road in metro Boston for the last
several days, I can report that turning on Roaming for Cell Data) and having
WiFi Calling on has made a significant difference for me. I still get the
occasional cut-out in audio, but don't know if I should chalk that up t
Hi, Colleen —
Massachusetts has some really excellent arborists! I’m a landscape architect,
and regularly call on a couple of companies for tree work :
Matt Foti ( is based in Lexington
Barrett Tree East ( has a Newton yard and
Hi, Lincoln Talkers ~
Rezoning parts of Lincoln to allow 635 new housing units is a big deal, and
will affect every Lincoln resident’s experience of the town. Jennifer Glass’s
post here in LT about the Housing Choice Act is a useful primer; to learn more
about the issues, consider attending th
Hi, Anne —
What you found in DC is a fruit from the Osage Orange tree (Maclura pomifera).
Osage Orange, also known in the Midwest as Hedge or Hedge Apple, is native to
the south and Midwest US, and was often planted as hedges or as windbreaks on
the Great Plains.
If you still have the fruit, g
>> On Oct 20, 2023, at 10:10 AM, Deborah Howe via Lincoln
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Anne —
>> What you found in DC is a fruit from the Osage Orange tree (Maclura
>> pomifera). Osage Orange, also known in the Midwest as Hedge or Hedge Apple,
>> is native
The link I posted last night about tonight's Planning Board meeting showed up
here, but the note I wrote to accompany it didn't, so here's the note, with
link attached to next post:Hi, all — Tuesday eve at 7 the Planning Board and
Housing Choice Act Working Group will meet on Zoom to discuss th
Here is the link to tonight's Planning Board meeting agenda, with Zoom link
attached to
from iCloud--
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to
Browse the archives at https://pairl
Hi, all -- I just received an email asking if I am posting notices of the HCA-related issues as a member of a town committee, or if I'm just an interested citizen, and asking that I clarify my role when I post about town issues.My answer: I do serve on the Roadway and Traffic Committee, and the
Hi, Lincoln -- I'm writing in a private capacity here. I really appreciate all
the work done to date on the HCA issues; those involved have done a tremendous
amount to create and present development options. And I also think that the
town as a whole -- not simply the Planning Dept, or HCAWG, or
Speaking as a concerned citizen:
The inclusion of by-right Mall development in the HCA, and resulting need for
septic upgrades funded by state grants sounds like a case of “If we had some
ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had some eggs.”
And Colleen, I agree with you that the Mall sale shou
Hi, Lincoln Talkers – I'm writing as a private citizen, one who lives in
Lincoln Woods and whose backyard shares a fence with the out-of-town commuter
rail lot. I am a landscape architect, and tend to see built form and open space
around built form as readable expressions of a homeowner's -- or
Hi, all -- I serve on a couple of Town Committees, and work at the Lincoln
polls on Election Day; I am writing this invitation as a private citizen. We
have all read and heard a lot of chat about the different options that will be
on the table at Saturday's Town Meeting. Wednesday night (11/29)
Hi, all --
I serve on a couple of Town Committees, and work at the Lincoln polls on
Election Day; I am writing this invitation as a private citizen.
We have all read and heard a lot of chat about the different options that will
be on the table at Saturday's Town Meeting.
To reiterate my post f
Hi, Lincoln Talkers -- The Lincoln Residents for Housing Alternatives group (LRHA) held an
information Zoom last night, and explained the HCA options, including and especially Option E.
To keep the focus on each speaker in the presentation, we kept all but the speaker's cameras
off -- no secrec
An impressive list of people have signed a letter here endorsing Option C for the HCA zoning article, and I
applaud their cohesion. My view is similar to theirs -- to see smart redevelopment of the South Lincoln area,
and "to create a vibrant, welcoming center for this town." I absolutely agree
Hi, fellow residents of Lincoln ~
I am writing as a private citizen to remind you that tonight at 6:30 pm the
Planning Board will hold a hybrid meeting to confirm Saturday’s Town Meeting
HCA decision and to consider their next steps. (For those of you not present
Saturday, the maximum-build by-
Hi, Lincoln Talkers —
The Planning Board and HCA Working Group will continue working on zoning and
planning issues for Option C at a Zoom meeting next Tuesday (12/12/2023) at 7
Here’s the Town’s link for that meeting and its agenda:
Hello, Lincoln Talkers -- Writing as a private citizen, to remind you that the
Planning Board will meet with the HCA Working Group at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening
to discuss issues related to rezoning under the HCA (building heights,
percentage of commercial space to be required in South Lincoln, bu
To clarify my recent notice about tomorrow’s Planning Board Zoom: I am neither
on the Planning Board or on the HCAWG; I post on my own behalf.
I live in Lincoln Woods, which abuts the Mall and CR lot, so the HCA will have
a direct impact on my daily life, and on the lives of many, many others w
Hi, all -- I am writing this post as a private citizen. Just to echo, for those who may not
have seen it, Jim Hutchinson's good post on tonight's Select Board meeting, at which the
Selects will discuss the recent Special Town Meeting and responses to it. According to Jim:
"Our meeting starts at
Hello, Lincoln Talkers -- I am writing as a private citizen. According to the
timeline set by the Planning Board last month, there will be an in-person
Planning Board meeting this Friday morning, January 5 at 7:30 a.m., to discuss
open issues pertaining to the zoning bylaw rewrites for the HCA
at and the zoom link
> and agenda are here:
> Best,
> Jennifer
>> On Jan 3, 2024, at 11:18 AM, Deborah Howe via Lincoln
>> wrote:
>> Hello, Lincoln Talkers --
AGENDA 01052024.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to
Browse the archives at
Sorry — I was trying to share the Zoom link to this morning’s 7:30 Planning
Board Zoom, and in testing the link from email I mistakenly hit Send, posting a
non-note instead.
To find the link (it doesn’t play well when shared here), go to the Town
website Agenda Center, scroll to the Planning Bo
Hi Lincoln Talkers —Writing as a private citizen to let you know the Planning Board will be meeting tonight in person (Donaldson Room, Town Hall) and on Zoom at 7 pm. Among other issues, the Board will discuss its meeting management policy — how it orders its meetings, including how and when public
Thanks, Sara, for posting this notice; I’m glad to know about this talk, and
hope others from Lincoln attend as well.
Countless people have recommended HCR’s writing to me, and in turn have
recommended her to many many others. She draws parallels between today’s ideas
and events in the US and
Hi, Lincoln Talkers —Private citizen writing to let you know that the Planning Board will convene Tuesday night (5/14) at 7 pm in a hybrid (Zoom and in-person) meeting. Aside from ordinary project-related business, there will be further discussion of a Tree Committee. And the Board will discuss it
Hi, Lincoln Talkers —Writing in as a private citizen to let you know the Planning Board will hold a hybrid meeting tonight (Tuesday, 5/28) at 7 pm. The meeting agenda includes items on a possible tree protection bylaw and a possible lighting bylaw, and the Board will entertain comment on issues fro
Hi, Lincoln Talkers -- Writing as a private citizen who believes in an informed
electorate: The Planning Board will be holding its next meeting in hybrid format --
Donaldson Room at Town Hall and on Zoom -- at 7 pm. on Tuesday (6/11). In addition to the
project-based agenda items, the Board wil
Hello, Lincoln Talkers -- Writing as a private citizen to let you know that the
Planning Board will be holding a hybrid (in-person and Zoom) meeting Tuesday
evening (7/9) at 7 p.m. After a couple of site plan review discussions, the
agenda lists discussions first on the Dark Skies Subcommittee
Hi, Lincoln Talkers -- Writing as a private citizen, as usual, to say that the
Select Board will hold a hybrid meeting on Monday, July 15 at 6 p.m.. The
meeting has a big list of items to address. One that may interest a number of
you is the update to be offered on the Town Meeting Study Commit
Mark, the weed you posted is called clearweed (Pilea pumila). It’s an annual weed that seeds prolifically if allowed to grow to reproductive age (happens in one season). You can mow it to limit reseeding in your lawn, or simply pull out individual plants. They are shallow-rooted and come out very e
Tricia has written a concise and clear précis of the Hanscom issues here; it’s
a really useful summary of why in the instance of private jet facility
expansion compromise is not actually the best option.
Deb Howe
88 Wells Road
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:53:24 -0400
> From: Patri
For those who haven’t gone onto the Town website to pull up the Planning Board
calendar, here is the agenda and Zoom link for Tuesday night’s Multi-Board
meeting about the Housing Choice options.
As the agenda points out, this meeting is scheduled for the various Town boards
involved to select
s to be in a real rush, which I find quite Scary
> especially when MANY residents are ill informed …on a major building proposal
> that is going to directly impact the landscape of this quaint small town.
> Thanks again,
> Theresa Kafina
> Sent from my iPhone
I just looked on the Town website and the agenda link wouldn’t load, but here,
again, is the agenda and link for the 7 pm meeting:
AGENDA 10102023.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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The LincolnTalk mailing list.
To post, send mail to
Browse the a
Hello, all -- I haven't seen mention of Lincoln's proposed trail policy
changes in this forum since the May 18 Conservation Zoom call, and thought that
perhaps people not on that call might be interested to know about the changes,
which have implications for people and dogs who walk the trail
Just a reminder that the Lincoln Conservation Commission will be discussing
proposed revisions to the trails policy tonight at 8 pm. Their meeting agenda
and Zoom link are available here:
The Conservation Department has
Hello, all -
The June 1 ConComm trails discussion over Zoom was robust and heartening; lots
of people showed up and voiced their opinions on the proposed trails
For those who couldn't make it, the ConComm decided to hold off on voting on
the regs, and instead to continue the m
Hi, all --Just a note to remind anyone interested in the Lincoln trails that
the Conservation Commission will be taking up the question of a new trails
policy Wednesday evening (6/22) on Zoom. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
Committee, which has done a great deal of work on the trails/cycli
Hi, all --This conversation is an important one, and I am glad to hear and read
the wide variety of perspectives Lincolnites and others have shared.So many
factors regarding opening trails for recreational use in particular have been
discussed: -- the wish by Lincoln cyclists to ride Lincoln tr
Hello, all —
Lincoln Talk has hosted lively discussion of the proposed trail policy changes
in the last few weeks, which I think can only improve peoples’ awareness of the
issues involved and, hopefully, the policy draft itself. I understand that the
Conservation Department and LLCT staff s
Hi, Lincolnites ~
Lincoln’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will be holding a Zoom
forum tonight, one of a series of forums being held for residents of Lincoln’s
East, West, North, and South quadrants. Tonight’s forum (at 7 pm) will be
directed to and for the residents of Lincoln’s W
let people know about it, and let
them hear and weigh in.
Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 2, 2022, at 8:22 AM, Cindy wrote:
> Hi Deb,
> Are minutes from previous meetings available?
> Thanks,
> Cindy Sheriff
>>> On Nov 2, 2022, at 8:09 A
For those looking for another Christmas Eve service option, St. Anne's In The
Fields Episcopal Church on Concord Road (just to the right of the Codman
Road/Concord Road intersection) will be offering two evening services. The
service runs about an hour and a half.; one will start at 5 p.m., the
Hi, Lincoln Talkers — In the past year, a few Lincoln residents have formed the
Lincoln Tree Preservation Committee, with the goal of understanding what bylaws
and regulations are in place in Lincoln to protect and preserve our tree
resources, and looking at how other Towns have addressed/are a
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