Newby questions

2008-09-13 Thread tim
cs = sopranosb \lyricsto sopranos \sopWordsb My question is about the "\new Lyrics" command. What's the {s1} referring to? It uses "sopransob" to find the right set of lyrics. When I had four verses, I used s1, s2, s3, and s4. got an error messa

lilypond to midi

2007-07-17 Thread Tim
Hi! Your FAQ describes a number of ways to use midi as an input method. I wonder if one can go the other way and generate a midi file from a lilypond document? Thanks Tim ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Feta symbols in latex

2006-08-07 Thread tiM
;s not latex, but i think it'd give me a better insight and makes me able to figure out a lot more by myself so i don't have to bother you guys unless there are more serious issues. Greets, tiM ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Feta symbols in latex

2006-08-10 Thread tiM
ot found. \def l.41 \def \fetafont{\fetasixteen} No file tmpmuyqwr.aux. } And here's were it ends. Anyone knows what to do? Probably more a latex question than a lilypond-book one. But still I think here's the place to ask. Thanks a lot, tiM -Original

Zoom in really far

2006-08-10 Thread tiM
nd has very much care/concern about > beauty and perfection, i just report it. > > Gr tiM (lilypond 2.8.5) ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: triangle chord notation (bit of toppic: why c != b sharp)

2006-08-11 Thread tiM
r correcting me, tiM -Original Message- From: Anthony Youngman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: vrijdag 11 augustus 2006 9:38 To: tiM Sportny Cc: Subject: RE: triangle chord notation (bit of toppic: why c != b sharp) Actually, that bit about "all instru

RE: Feta symbols in latex

2006-08-11 Thread tiM
lytex file on the url should work for some version. Is there a save way to get the files the author used without accidentically removing my previous install of lilypond? Tnx tiM > A second alternative, along the lines of what you have tried > so far, is to install the LilyPond fonts so tha

Missing noteheads

2006-08-12 Thread tiM
_4 a_5 a_5 g2_4 e_2 } } \end{lilypond} How is this possible? Tnx. tiM ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Missing noteheads

2006-08-14 Thread tiM
ion, don't bother, I'll repear the problem with the "bug" on the second example. Greets, tiM MiKTeX 2.4.1461 Windows XP SP2 LilyPond 2.8.5 > -Original Message- > From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: maandag 14 augustus 2006 10:03 > To: tiM

RE: Feta symbols in latex (how to disable footer)

2006-08-14 Thread tiM
ps, etc. But life would get a whole lot easier if there's a way to delete the footer right from the beginning. So I could just make a lilypond file and crop that output. Thanks, tiM > -Original Message- > From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: maandag 14

RE: Feta symbols in latex (how to disable footer)

2006-08-14 Thread tiM
Nope sorry, tagline = " " \markup \note #"4" #1 Still gives a footer. > -Original Message- > From: Stewart Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: dinsdag 15 augustus 2006 1:37 > To: tiM > Subject: Re: Feta symbols in latex (how to disable footer

RE: Markup macro?

2006-08-14 Thread tiM
ing for. Now, how to put this in a function, i wouldn't know. I hope this is of any help.   gr. tiM   p.s. on intuitive reading, i think the/one problem of your code is that the \finger command only allows you to place numbers (i think). You should look at the output of \finger more as charact

RE: Feta symbols in latex (how to disable footer)

2006-08-14 Thread tiM
Hi Stewert, Again, I'm relatively new with lilypond. I didn't place tagline ="" in a header{}. So I've got results now. But now ps2epsi doesn't creates a bounding box. But this one I have to figure out myself. (unless someone has brilliant ideas on this :P) Thanks,

RE: Lilypond-Book error

2006-08-19 Thread tiM
your working folder, make a new folder named "out" (or anything you like) and execute "lilypond-book --psfonts --output=out mybook.tex". Lilypond-book's output will be placed in .\out\ and won't overwrite the original input file. Hope it's of any help. Gr.

RE: Lilypond-Book error

2006-08-19 Thread tiM
Hmm that's really strange... Try to put your input files in a brand new folder (with a new .\out folder) maybe something goes wrong if you name your new file after your test file. In this way there's no chance lilypond-book is going to overwrite anything. Gr. tiM > -Ori

Re: Is it possible to import scores generated by Lilypond to other softwares?

2020-07-23 Thread tim
r it is > possible to import scores generated by Lilypond to professional softwares > allowing to play music. Frescobaldi can export a MusicXML version of your score. Many music programs can import that format. -- Tim Slattery

Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and landscape music

2021-02-11 Thread tim
I use Fresco's LilyPond|Engrave(publish) command, Adobe Acrobat shows it the same way! What have I missed? -- Tim Slattery

Re: Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and landscape music

2021-02-12 Thread tim
the function of existing language instead of invoking the new feature with new language? -- Tim Slattery

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread tim
.bat, *.cmd,*.lnk that sort of thing. It doesn't know about the *.py extension, so you have to type it in as part of the command. -- Tim Slattery

Re: Help!

2021-07-29 Thread tim
environment for hacking LilyPond code. > Do you have those two things? > Lukas Frescobaldi will also ask you questions in a Wizard format, then set up a Lilypond file for you, ready for you to add notes, lyrics, whatever you want. Very nice! Frescobaldi runs on just about any platform you

Search/Replace in Frescobaldi

2021-08-17 Thread tim
delete all occurrences of a particular string from my source code with Frescobaldi? -- Tim Slattery

Re: Search/Replace in Frescobaldi

2021-08-17 Thread tim
eplace" box. When I click the "Replace" button > > ... nothing happens. > > When I click the "All" button ... nothing happens. > This sounds reminiscent of > > What OS are you using? Wh

Midi file is quiet???

2021-09-03 Thread tim
file ends. The PDF looks absolutely beautiful;, no problem there. But the midi file is completely quiet, from beginning to end. What would cause that? Thanks! -- Tim Slattery

Re: Midi file is quiet???

2021-09-03 Thread tim
i file is > > completely quiet, > > from beginning to end. What would cause that? > > > > Thanks! > > > > -- > > Tim Slattery > > > > What version of LilyPond are you using? What environment are you on > (like Windows 10, Lin

Re: issues with installing Lilypond

2022-09-20 Thread tim
On 19 Sep 2022 at 17:55, Cluanie Fraser wrote: > > Hi Tim, > Thanks for responding. I´m really struggling as I´m quite out of depth > with this tech stuff. > This is what shows up when I download the Lilypond file from the website > and double > click to op

Landscape output displays sideways

2023-02-17 Thread tim
oth in Frescobaldi and in a separate PDF reader, so the problem must be in the PDF. -- Tim Slattery

Re: Landscape output displays sideways

2023-02-17 Thread tim
five of these messages: warning: MIDI channel wrapped around warning: remapping modulo 16 I am-generating a MIDI file, but the only line in the source file talking about MIDI is \midi { \tempo 2=100 } in the score block. What's going on. -- Tim Slattery

Re: Landscape output displays sideways

2023-02-18 Thread tim
i { >     \tempo 2=100 >   } > in the score block. What's going on. > You cannot have more than 16 channels in a MIDI file, it's a limitation of > the MIDI > format. Maybe you have more than 16 staves? The piece has four staves. -- Tim Slattery

Re: Frescobaldi

2017-12-06 Thread tim
On 6 Dec 2017 at 14:49, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > > Tim, > > From Frescobaldi menu: Tools | Special Characters -- my install has all three > of the characters > you mention (highlighted in the screen shot). This is the default view shown > me when I select this > Tool.

Re: Frescobaldi

2017-12-06 Thread tim
On 6 Dec 2017 at 14:49, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > > Tim, > > From Frescobaldi menu: Tools | Special Characters -- my install has all three > of the characters > you mention (highlighted in the screen shot). This is the default view shown > me when I select this &g

Re: Gaps in lyrics

2016-04-26 Thread tim
On 26 Apr 2016 at 17:14, Richard Shann wrote: > I just did this in Denemo, I selected the notes and chose the Skip > Syllables in Selection command > it generated > \repeat unfold 8 \skip 1 Outstanding! Works perfectly. Thanks for the solution! -- Tim Slattery t...@ri

Re: Lyric braces?

2008-05-16 Thread Tim Litwiller
It looks like the attachment didn't come thru - so my example doesn't make a lot of sense. If you want to see the example let me know and I'll put it on a web server after work tonite. Timothy C Litwiller wrote: Timothy C Litwiller wrote: This isn't perfect but may be a place for you to start

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Reeves
Reinhold, I noticed that on the second staff (downward stems), the eighth notes have their flags all in the C space, rather than at the end of their stems. Do you know why that happened? Tim Reeves original message: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/19/2008 09:05 AM

Re: changelog (was: Arbitrary changes?)

2008-07-09 Thread Tim Reeves
hem anyway most likely. Tim Reeves ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: indexing (was LSR search is broken)

2008-07-09 Thread Tim Reeves
x27;m not just being "anti-pedantic". Believe me, I can be quite pedantic. ;-) Tim Reeves___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changelog (was: Arbitrary changes?)

2008-07-09 Thread Tim Reeves
True, but I usually avoid command line stuff. I'm on Windows XP. Also, I learned a little bit by looking at the code. Not enough to do anything with it, mind you. Tim Reeves Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/09/2008 12:49 PM To Tim Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

Re: lilypond-user Digest - no messages for a few days

2008-08-13 Thread Tim Reeves
For several days I didn't get any message digests from lilypond-user, but instead of resubscribing, I just looked at the archives a few times. Now, all of sudden, today, I'm getting digests again. Anyone know what happened? Tim Reeves___ lil

Re: Score with large empty section at the top

2008-08-14 Thread Tim Reeves
> > I think it is standard behaviour. > > I remember there was a command to let LilyPond display all the spaces > > it uses and its names. But I don´t remember the command and couldn´t > > find it by searching ... > > Take a look at Notation Reference 4.6.1: "Displaying spacing." > > -Chris He

Re: doc work

2008-08-15 Thread Tim Litwiller
Well, you decide! I'll keep the thread open for a while, and then make a final decision based on the majority of responses I get. Thanks! Kieren. I agree, keep the midi code in the examples - comment it out if you want. with a reference or link to the part of the documentation that explain

OT: singing training

2008-09-15 Thread Tim Litwiller
This is not specifically on the topic of lilypond but my daughters love of singing and trying to help her learn to sing is one of the things that got me interested in lilypond in the first place. She loves to sing and I would love to help her learn to hear when she hits a pitch. We are 2 hours

Re: OT: singing training

2008-09-15 Thread Tim Litwiller
Nick Bailey wrote: We did some work on Rosegarden which might interest you: The software described in that paper was for training expert musicians to sing microtonal songs which have more than 12 divisions of the scale suc

Re: OT: singing training

2008-09-16 Thread Tim Litwiller
Graham Percival wrote: On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 12:21:38 -0500 Tim Litwiller<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: What I would like to find is some kind of program that would play a note or tone and she would try to sing that note or tone back into a microphone and then it would continue to the nex

Re: generating pdf and png but no ps

2008-10-03 Thread Tim Slattery
Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Hi > >How can I generate pdf and png but no ps? AFAIK, you can't. My understanding is that Lilypond generates the *.ps first, then converts that to *.pdf. You could write a script that invokes the program then deletes the *.ps fil

Re: mao

2008-10-06 Thread Tim Reeves
> > > > So when I write "Mao", it has *nothing* to do with chairman mao. > > > > Ah -- finally I get an explanation of "mao" in the writings of Graham. > Obviously the M in WTM has just as much meaning as the F in WTF, but I have > never before been able to find out when or why "mao" began to be

Re: LilyPond examples

2008-10-16 Thread Tim Slattery
w I did something, I'll have done my job ;-). For lots of examples, look at All the sheet music there is done by Lilypond, and each one comes with the *.ly file that generated it. -- Tim Slattery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What to do when \> and \< produce text

2008-10-29 Thread Tim Reeves
e needed if we used > the above definition). > > Given that what \cresc currently does can also be achieved with > >\override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 >\crescTextCresc\ > > as clearly shown in Notation Reference 1.3.1, it there really a need to > keep

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Slattery
wakes up and processes the file. It's still usable, but it sure slows things down. -- Tim Slattery [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Special characters (umlauts, accents, etc) in lyrics

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Slattery
ran I got hordes of messages about them. In the PDF output, there were blanks where these characters should have been. So how can I get Lilypond to use these characters? -- Tim Slattery [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypo

Re:LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Reeves
est of each? i.e. Ubuntu 8.10 and XP SP3? Tim Reeves___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-12 Thread Tim Reeves
the idea of Linux and make the switch the next time Vista crashes hard ;-) Thanks for the information. Did you mean you switched from Lilypond back to some proprietary music software and that forced you to use Windows instead of Linux? I don't know what DAW is. Tim Reeves "Haj

Re: pdf file

2008-11-14 Thread Tim Slattery
Naomy Gaudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >i just installed lilypond and i cant get the pdf >file Have you used the --pdf flag when you invoke Lilypond? -- Tim Slattery [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypo

Re: pdf file

2008-11-14 Thread Tim Slattery
"Francisco Vila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >2008/11/14 Tim Slattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> Naomy Gaudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> >>> >>>i just installed lilypond and i cant get the pdf >>>file >> >> Have yo

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-17 Thread Tim Slattery
just ..." box >can then be checked again and all should thereafter work correctly. Bizarre, just totally bizarre. I'll certainly try this, and I hope it works. I've been programming computers for over forty years. I've encountered lots of strange bugs, but this is a

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-19 Thread Tim Slattery
he DST box and ran the program a couple of times. No change. So I downloaded and installed 2.11.64. The first time I ran it, there was the long wait again, though it was only about 30 seconds instead of the 50 seconds that 2.10.33 had been taking. The second time, no wait at all! -- Tim

Re: LilyPond is excessively slow on Windows Vista

2008-11-19 Thread Tim Slattery
files. That's how Unix works, not Windows. Files are made hidden or system by setting a property bit in their directory entry. >To see them, select your home directory in Windows Explorer, >then Tools -> Folder Options, select the View tab and select >the "Show hidden files

Re: More vertical space between staves

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Reeves
Probably this was not the first time you compiled it, and a previous run's output (pdf file) was still open, preventing writing the new one. You were just looking at the old pdf. Happens to me frequently. Close the pdf and re-run Lilypond on it. Tim Reeves > > Interpreting


2008-11-24 Thread Tim Slattery
the other verse. I'm wondering whether I missed something that would have let me say "do the automatic match, but in this measure do it this way". -- Tim Slattery [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mail

Re: Lyrics

2008-11-24 Thread Tim Slattery
n this case), is actually no longer true >in LilyPond 2.11.x. The setting now applies to the very next lyrics syllable >already! *Many* thanks to all who responded, and thanks especially for the note about the documentation. The more I learn about Lilypond, the more impressed I am with it!

pianist's needs

2008-11-28 Thread Tim MacEachern
I like the thrust of your notation software. As a pianist, I'd like to make a comment on what I would like to see. Although the traditional method of marking accidentals works, it can be time-consuming to figure out whether a note is to be played as an accidental and this is often time a pianist

4 bar repeat

2008-12-13 Thread Tim Sawyer
4 sn4 sn8 sn8 sn8 sn8 sn4 sn4 sn4 sn8 sn8 sn4 sn8 sn8 sn8 sn8 r8 sn8 sn4 sn4} \bar "|." } If I shorten the music down to two bars worth, then I get a correct two bar % repeat. Cheers, Tim. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: 4 bar repeat

2008-12-13 Thread Tim Sawyer
On Saturday 13 December 2008 17:41:23 Neil Puttock wrote: > Hi Tim, > > 2008/12/13 Tim Sawyer : > > I'd like to produce a four bar percent repeat, is this possible in 2.10? > > I'm not sure whether this is what you're after (and I haven't tested > it

Re: 4 bar repeat

2008-12-13 Thread Tim Sawyer
drum tutor book. It should be fairly obvious really! Thanks for trying, Tim. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation fault on file with bookparts

2008-12-15 Thread Tim Reeves
type`unknown' > warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns > warning: too many colliding rests > > Patrick Also ran successfully here on Win XP SP2, Lilypond 2.11.65, with many warnings. (different from above warnings!) Tim Reeves___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: why is Dutch the default language for note-entry?

2008-12-17 Thread Tim Reeves
> Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:54:21 +0100 > From: "Francisco Vila" > Subject: Re: why is Dutch the default language for note-entry? > Do English-speaking people read music saying "g sharp f sharp" all the time? Yes. An extra syllable is not a

Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-17 Thread Tim Slattery
following file: > >and download > Can you give a clue what this is and what it does? I find no description, only the jars (which implies that it's a Ja

Re:New LilyPondTool version available for testing

2008-12-19 Thread Tim Reeves
> Message: 3 > Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 15:41:05 +0100 > From: "Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)" > Subject: Re: New LilyPondTool version available for testing > To: Tim Slattery > Cc: > Message-ID: <> > Conte

Re: question about transposing an interval of a 4th

2008-12-23 Thread Tim Reeves
> Umm... yeah. The fact that he thinks this answers the question > gives me *less* confidence that he knows what he's talking about. > If he wanted it a perfect fourth lower, then \transpose does the > job. And normally when somebody says "a fourth lower", they mean > a perfect interval. If he w

Extension line in figured bass notation

2008-12-24 Thread Tim Yang
ension lines are drawn, I see a single line, not seperate lines drawn after each stacked figures. Maybe there should be a way to simply express a "extension line" rather than writing repeated figures, or is there a way to draw such line righ

Re: Extension line in figured bass notation

2008-12-24 Thread Tim Yang
2008/12/25 Carl D. Sorensen : > > > On 12/24/08 8:19 AM, "Tim Yang" wrote: > >> In figured bass notation currently we can use \bassFigureExtendersOn >> to represent repeated chords. However, In many baroque music scores I >> encountered, often there are l

Re: save generated files to a separate directory

2008-12-31 Thread Tim Slattery
into the new directory and drag >the .ly file onto it there? Right-click the shortcut and choose "Properties". On the "Shortcut" tab, type the desired directory in the "Start in" slot. -- Tim Slattery __

Re: nvlle version -pov 3.7 beta 30

2009-01-06 Thread Tim Reeves
unny. Making 3d-looking shapes based on musical content. Who would've thought? Tim Reeves ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fragment with broken/torn/shredded staff lines

2009-01-06 Thread Tim Reeves
>I made a small change to the randomization code (attached). >- Mark Mark, That is a very cool function. I don't have an immediate use for it, but I saved it for later, and I think it's a great illustration of the power of Lilypon

Re: splitting chords entered as <>^"with stuff" \etc

2009-01-18 Thread Tim Woodall
#x27;s probably the case that the music doesn't do this but ...) It might be sufficient to drop all the ' and , and then let the OP put them back by hand if that doesn't cause too many places where the octave goes wrong. "s/,'//g" first on the file Tim. -- God said

Re: Trying to start once again...

2009-01-18 Thread Tim Woodall
][240][248][256][264][272][278] Preprocessing graphical objects... warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns \times 2/3 {a gis fis} \times 2/3 { e b' e} Layout output to `'... Converting to `beethov

Re: splitting chords entered as <>^"with stuff" \etc

2009-01-18 Thread Tim Woodall
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009, Tim Woodall wrote: Surely the octaves can change? (I'm a very new lilypond user but a fairly confident sed user so I might be completely misunderstanding something) Well it was an interesting exercise. I believe that the following bash script does what is require

Re: splitting chords entered as <>^"with stuff" \etc

2009-01-18 Thread Tim Woodall
many octave changes are needed for each step. v1, v2 and v3. It replaces any existing ', in the chord with the values in v1, v2 and v3 (note that replacing v1 should be a no-op) And finally it writes the arrays back into the files it read them from. Tim. #!/bin/bash cat | sed &#x

Re: splitting chords entered as <>^"with stuff" \etc

2009-01-19 Thread Tim Woodall
o numbers 0..11 but that's no use when you need to distinguish between Gb and F# to calculate whether a ' or , is required.) Tim. -- God said, "div D = rho, div B = 0, curl E = - @B/@t, curl H = J + @D/@t," and there was light.

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 74, Issue 101

2009-01-19 Thread Tim Reeves
when I saw how big it was, I promptly uninstalled it and found a free and more functional replacement. Tim Reeves___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bar 23 missing 1/16th

2007-05-31 Thread Tim Reeves
Tao, The previous bar (22) has 9/16ths in it. That is why the last sixteenth of bar 23 shifts to bar 24. Tim Reeves ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Tim Reeves is out of the office.

2007-06-15 Thread Tim Reeves
I will be out of the office starting 06/15/2007 and will not return until 07/02/2007. I will have e-mail access and will respond when I am able. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Tim Reeves is out of the office.

2007-07-20 Thread Tim Reeves
I will be out of the office starting 07/20/2007 and will not return until 07/24/2007. I will have e-mail access and will respond when I am able. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
Hi, I've just migrated to 2.10 under Ubuntu. With 2.6, this used to produce a line of four single quavers, with tails - not joined together. e16[] e[] e[] e[] How do I achieve the same effect in 2.10? Thanks, Tim. ___ lilypond-user mailing

Re: Four Single Semiquavers In A Row

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
Works a treat, thank you very much. Tim. On Thursday 02 Aug 2007, Dominic Neumann wrote: > Hi Tim, > > try the switch \autoBeamOff: > > \autoBeamOff > e16 e e e > > > Dominic > > 2007/8/2, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > Hi, > > > >

Another upgrade/beaming question

2007-08-02 Thread Tim Sawyer
semiquaver, and then a group of three semiquavers. The odd semiquaver's lower beam line is pointing left rather than right. Can someone point me towards a fix for this please? Can I tell the time signature how I want it to beam things like this? Thanks,

Removing bar numbers with lilypond-book

2007-08-12 Thread Tim Sawyer
ror when running lilypond-book. Can someone point me in the right direction please? ta, Tim. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Removing bar numbers with lilypond-book

2007-08-12 Thread Tim Sawyer
bass << { \stemUp e4 e4 e4 e4 e8 e8 e8 e8 e8 e8 e8 e8 e16 e e e e16 e e e e16 e e e e16 e e e e1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { blah } >> } \layout {        \context {          \score          \remove "Bar_number_engraver"        }      } } \end{lilypo

Re: Removing bar numbers with lilypond-book

2007-08-12 Thread Tim Sawyer
x:2159:2: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING, expecting '='          \Score error: failed files: "lily-2637de181e" > \override Score.BarNumber #'transparent = ##t That's a LOT simpler, and works a treat! Thanks :-) Tim. On Sunday 12 Aug 2007, Kieren

Re: Removing bar numbers with lilypond-book

2007-08-13 Thread Tim Sawyer
othered about getting this to work, but it would be useful to understand why I'm getting a problem with it when I shouldn't. Tim. On Monday 13 Aug 2007, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > Your example below works like a charm, if you just fix the > capital "S" that others already h

test to list

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
I've tried sending my question 2 times already and I didn't ever get it back. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

sunday school songs

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
I have a bunch on sunday school songs like this that I need to put into lilypond so we can make clean nice prints. I have been playing with it for a week now and going thru the manual and tutorial, downloading samples and layout tools like Jedit and the pspad plug ins and canorus. I haven't

Re: sunday school songs

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
I have my .ly file at home. I'll have to wait till I get there this evening to send you an example. Ralph Little wrote: Hi, I had a bit of a fiddle and came up with the following which produces pretty much what you want, but I'm not really happy with it. It uses chords instead of \partcombi

Re: sunday school songs

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
I updated the link to contain the whole scan. this song only has 4 or 5 but I need something flexible enough for 60 - 100 songs. \partcombine {f4 f f g a8 a4 } {c4 c c c f8 f4} <> \partcombine {a2} {f2}... I'm not sure that that is much better, though - it depends on how many of the spl

Re: sunday school songs

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
Ralph Little wrote: Hi Tim, OK, it is a bit of a frig if you fancy giving it a try, but I think I can make it happen and it depends on what version of Lilypond you are using. Find the file part-combiner.scm - it should be in the scm directory of your Lilpond installation. Search for the


2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller on this page section D.4.2 SATB vocal score and automatic piano reduction if you look at the piano reduction part it gets it right. or at least in this sample. so if I could just make it do the

Re: Sunday School songs

2007-09-06 Thread Tim Litwiller
I'm playing with it. The notes are slightly different from my copy I changed to the head style we use - I haven't got the part combine working yet. and the tenor and bass repeating words I haven't figured out yet. Father Gordon Gilbert wrote: Hi Tim, Attached is a copy o

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller
wrote: Hi Tim, OK I see the problems you are having with \partcombine and lyrics now. AFAICS, \partcombine seems to mess with the parts to the extent that there is no single Voice available that the lyrics can follow. The example I tried shows that the documented "one" and "two&q

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller
here is a link to a scan of the original Ralph Little wrote: Hi, It would be easier to look at an example I guess. If you can scan it when you get home and send me a link, I'll have a look! Cheers, Ralph Tim Litwiller wrote: Ok,

bars not getting placed correctly

2007-09-07 Thread Tim Litwiller
I've been working on this piece, it is set in 4/4 time and rather than start as I think it should with a whole measure it places a 1/4 note and then the first bar. That throws the bars off for the whole song. here is a scan of the music I am working from

Re: bars not getting placed correctly

2007-09-08 Thread Tim Litwiller
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2007/9/8, Tim Litwiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I've been working on this piece, it is set in 4/4 time and rather than start as I think it should with a whole measure it places a 1/4 note and then the first bar. That throws the bars off for the whole song.

Re: sunday school music

2007-09-08 Thread Tim Litwiller
self explanatory to me. Ralph Little wrote: Hi Tim, There are two snippets following. The first is a bit of your "power" example with the lyrics spacing issue. You can use the same techniques as before but introduce another DevNull voice with one of the bottom parts which moves wi

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