>From: Iacopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>How to write in \chordmode this chord?
>Notes: [C, D#, G, B] or [C, D#, B]
>Intervals: min, maj, maj
>Name: Cm7M
for a quarter-note:
c4:min 7+
lilypond-user mailing list
>From: Jonathan Ano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>... The users' manual for
>the stable branch version is 451 pages long, and it's extremely
>inconvenient to print that. I was wondering if you have the manual in
>a book form that you ship; something like that would be helpful.
i don't know of anyone offe
i am copying an orchestral score in which there are three flute parts,
always in rhythmic unison. we would like them to appear in the full
score as chords, but still be easily extracted for parts. is there a way
(other than a lot of cut'n'paste) to do this?
my basic strategy for t
when using voltaSpannerDuration to restrict the length of volta
brackets, i get a warning "cannot end volta spanner", when my
restriction forces ending the bracket before the end of a line. the
output seems fine; just wondering if there's anything that should be
done about this
when using \override ChordName #'font-size to make chord-names smaller,
the superscripts stay the same distance above the main text baseline.
i.e. the vertical distance between chord letter and chord type and
extensions, relative to font size, gets larger.
is this the intended
>> Users of unstable LilyPond please raise a hand:
plutek raises *both* hands, hoping the vote-counters won't notice.
personal projects only (no commercial work for other folks), but all of my own
composing for my various ensembles is either hand-copied (yes, pen and ink!) or
does anyone know how to change size of a metronome marking?
this changes everything, except the note stem (which stays as it was both
in position and size):
\notes { \property Score.MetronomeMark \set #'font-magnification = #0.5
\tempo 4 = 120 c''1 }
this doesn't seem to be addressed in regressi
related to my recent query about metronome sizes:
\markup { \teeny \note #2 #0 #1 } yields the same problem (small
notehead, but original size/position stem).
anyone know a way around this?
Lilypond-user mailing list
followup to my own post:
while the notation manual states: "\note log dots dir" with a note
explaining that the third value refers to the stem direction (+1 is up and
-1 is down), it does not tell us what i have just discovered: the third
value ALSO controls stem length and position.
\markup { \m
AFAIK this is not yet available. i highly endorse your request for
inclusion of this much-needed feature!
perhaps, in the meantime, someone has a work-around??
> Hi everyone!
> I checked the Lily-documentation but couldn't find anything about it:
> quater-tones. Is it possible to ma
regression | beaming.ly states "Beams may cross bar lines. In that case,
line breaks are forbidden."
i am attempting to typeset a piece with many cross-barline beamings. in
some places, there is insufficient opportunity, while avoiding
beamed-across barlines, to find line breaks. i get a warning:
anyone have a method for putting parentheses around a grace note (other
than building the whole thing with \markup)?
specifically, i wish to have a parenthesized small notehead beside the
main note of a trill, to indicate the trill note.
yes, i have seen the discussion about placing an accidental
in "tips and tricks" : harmonic.ly
if the initial c'4 is removed, then the two notes within the <<>> behave
as polyphony rather than as a chord. this is consistent with the new
polyphony and chord syntax, but why does the initial c'4 force chord
if, after removing the initial
with this score in EMACS:
\score {
\notes { f16 g a b c[ < d f >]
\paper {}
EMACS claims that the closing parenthesis of the \notes block is
mismatched, and if i put in a second line of notes it wants to indent to
the < of the first line.
if i move the ] inside the chord like: < d f]
in the following:
\score {
\notes \relative c' {
\paper { raggedright = ##t}
it seems clear to me that the tie between g's should go up, to avoid
colliding with the tie between f's. unfortunately, that does not follow
the rule of curving away from staff center.
i have not been able to find
> On Friday 26 September 2003 04:57 pm, you wrote:
>> in the following:
>> \score {
>> \notes \relative c' {
>> ~
>> }
>> \paper { raggedright = ##t}
>> }
>> it seems clear to me that the tie between g's should go up, to avoid
>> colliding with the tie between f's. unfortunately, that does no
>> On Friday 26 September 2003 04:57 pm, you wrote:
>>> in the following:
>>> \score {
>>> \notes \relative c' {
>>> ~
>>> }
>>> \paper { raggedright = ##t}
>>> }
>>> it seems clear to me that the tie between g's should go up, to avoid
>>> colliding with the tie between f's. unfortunately,
a better version, perhaps but i stil can't get around the need to
"extra-offset" the notehead and tie for the 'f':
\score {
\notes \relative c' {
\context Staff {
<< \new Voice {
\property Voice.NoteHead \set #'extra-offset = #'(-1.3 . 0)
laura conrad asked a question similar to this a while ago, and never got
an answer i'll try again:
i am attempting to force the current key signature to display after a
\break, but without also printing a cautionary time-sig at the end of the
previous system. if i simply insert another \time c
>Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:15:47 -0700
>From: Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>From here lilypond.org seems to be down. I can't even ping it.
it looks fine from here.
lilypond-user mailing list
>Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:37:30 -0700
>From: Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Paul Scott wrote:
>> Hi,
>> >From here lilypond.org seems to be down. I can't even ping it.
>> Paul Scott
> From here too--if some can get to it, then something on the backbone
>quit routing for some r
i have implemented some changes to chord markup symbols, using the method shown
--- i've got this in a house-style.ly, which i \include at the beginning of
each lilypond file:
% Exception
thing kind of thing doesn't seem to work:
\include "/some_directory/*.ly"
and i don't see any reference to wildcards for \include in the docs.
is it possible somehow?
lilypond-user mailing list
>From: "Carl D. Sorensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 15:43:13 -0600
>On 10/2/08 9:59 AM, "plutek-infinity" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i also wish to have chord symbols only notated when they change. normally, to
>> imple
>From: David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I've posted a slightly clearer copy of such a clef to issue 693. For
>what it's worth, my memory tells me that this style of C clef is to be
>found in French publications. I certainly remember seeing it in
>trombone parts of French pieces and this ex
is there a collected reference of the meaning of the many lilypond predefined
commands? i don't see it in the docs
in particular, right now i'm trying to figure exactly what
\compressFullBarRests does, so i can use my global style file to direct
multi-measure rests to always com
>From: "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>2008/10/9 plutek-infinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> greetings!
>> is there a collected reference of the meaning of the many lilypond
>> predefined commands? i don't see it in the docs
>From: "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>...look at the the definition in ly/
thanks very much, graham and neil -- that was the hint i needed!
lilypond-user mailing list
i don't understand why the chord names end up below the staff when i do this:
\version "2.11.61"
changes = \chords {
c1 c1
slashes = {
\override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
b'1 b'1
\score {
\new Staff <<
i'm trying to figure out how to apply doits to a chord, and neither of these
produces anything:
\score { 1-\bendAfter #+5 }
\score { 1 }
this has the desired effect, but seems messy and gives clashing note column
\score { \new Staff { <> } }
does anyone have a solution for
in 2.11.61, this changed time signature style to numeric:
\layout {
\context {
\override TimeSignature #'style = #'()
in 2.11.62, it no longer does so, but the definition for numericTimeSignature
in property-init.ly is:
\override Staff.TimeSignat
a staff context, so i guess the two staff
contexts were conflicting.
>plutek-infinity wrote:
>> greetings!
>> in 2.11.61, this changed time signature style to numeric:
>> \layout {
>> \context {
>> \Staff
>> \override Ti
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 18:05:46 +0200
>From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>plutek-infinity wrote:
>> sorry my mistake. i had this later in my layout block:
>> \context {
>> \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
>> }
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