>From: "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>2008/10/9 plutek-infinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> greetings!
>> is there a collected reference of the meaning of the many lilypond 
>> predefined commands? i don't see it in the docs....
>Unfortunately not, since there's currently no automatic documentation
>generation for the predef files (it's on the list of TODOs).
>> in particular, right now i'm trying to figure exactly what 
>> \compressFullBarRests does, so i can use my global style file to direct 
>> multi-measure rests to always compress.
>Have you tried the index?

thanks, neil.... as far as i can see, the index just shows me how to use 
\compressFullBarRests inside a score, without pointing me to any clues about 
how to accomplish the same thing globally.>


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