Automatically adding extender lines in lyrics

2023-12-23 Thread YTG 1234
Hello, Often, multiple voices in a score have the same lyrics, or the lyrics have repeating components (such as lines from a poem). Is there a way to automatically add extender lines to melismata in the lyrics? I found this old project:, but, at

Setting the emoji font

2024-01-16 Thread YTG 1234
I want to use emoji within markup, and I can see in the output log that Lilypond can't find a character in its default emoji font (Symbola). I can't figure out how to override the default font. %%% \markup {     "🔒" %% This character isn't be found } %%% I saw an old thread recommending to u

Re: Setting the emoji font

2024-01-16 Thread YTG 1234
On 16/01/2024 20:26, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2024-01-16 9:12 am, YTG 1234 wrote: I want to use emoji within markup, and I can see in the output log that Lilypond can't find a character in its default emoji font (Symbola). I can't figure out how to override the default font. %%% \marku

Re: Setting the emoji font

2024-01-17 Thread YTG 1234
Hello Werner, Thank you for the speedy merge request and the pointers. I managed to switch to a different typeface for now with the FC setup files (though I don't know much about it so my approach could be problematic), but the Pango issue seems to not be active anymore. Thanks everyone for

Drum notation and style

2024-01-17 Thread YTG 1234
specifying the color of the bar lines that connect staves and the entire opening bar line Just looking through the list of layout objects in the internals documentation, I think you need to override the color of SpanBar and SystemStartBar, like %%% \override StaffGroup.SpanBar.color = "slat

Transposing transposing instruments?

2024-01-23 Thread YTG 1234
I need to set some Clarinet in A parts (including quotes) for B♭ Clarinet players. My current attempt: %%% clI = { \transposition a \key c \major c'4 d' e' } % Copied from the original parts \addQuote "clI" \clI clII = { \transposition a \key c \major \quoteDuring "clI" s4 b4 c' } <<     \ne

Re: Incipit with default noteheads possible?

2024-01-24 Thread YTG 1234
I have tried an override ( \override = #'default ) Note heads are drawn in Voice, so you can just omit the context name. \override = #'default The more fundamental issue here, though, is that \incipit is hardcoded to create a MensuralStaff context. Does an

Re: Incipit with default noteheads possible?

2024-01-24 Thread YTG 1234
    (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'self-alignment-X RIGHT)))       (system-start-text::print grob)))   #} ) David Kastrup wrote: YTG 1234 writes: I have tried an override ( \override = #'default ) Note heads are drawn in Voice, so you can just om

Brackets (and more) in text spanners?

2024-02-20 Thread YTG 1234
Hello List, I want to set a text spanner with an ending bracket. (for example, a "sul g" instruction for violin): %%% \relative c' {     \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup \upright "sul G"     g'4\startTextSpan fis g a |     bes a g d\stopTextSpan } %%% P. S. Just remem

Re: Brackets (and more) in text spanners?

2024-02-20 Thread YTG 1234
On 20/02/2024 23:06, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi, I want to set a text spanner with an ending bracket. Hope that helps! Kieren __ My work day may look

Staff highlights

2024-02-27 Thread YTG 1234
Hello List, is there any way to alternate between staff highlights on single staves and on groups containing those staves? Such that, for example, in one bar each stave in a group has its own highlighting, but in the ne

Splitting divisi passages in staves

2024-03-26 Thread YTG 1234
Hello everyone, I want to set divisi passages (for strings) in the part as separate staves, but in the score combined. I am aware of the \partCombine functionality, but I'm not sure that it suits this use case.

Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread YTG 1234
Hello List, I want to override the default text markup used with commands such as \f, \p, \mf, etc. However, trying to define f = #(make-dynamic-script ...) doesn't work because Lilypond interprets f as a note-name. Additionally, how would I be able to change the text while maintaining the

Re: Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread YTG 1234
On 12/04/2024 11:51, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2024-04-12 12:21 am, YTG 1234 wrote: Hello List, I want to override the default text markup used with commands such as \f, \p, \mf, etc. However, trying to define f = #(make-dynamic-script ...) doesn't work because Lilypond interprets f as a

Re: Footnotes for the entire bar

2024-05-18 Thread YTG 1234
Did you try attaching it to a mark? You definitely set me on the right track there. Marks are typically only drawn on the top-most staff, and I didn't want to interfere with other marks, so my (slightly overkill) solution was to create a new engraver for this purpose. In any case, I learned s

Avoiding errors in custom title markup

2025-01-31 Thread YTG 1234
Hi all, In order to emulate the appearance of some editions, I want to set the instrument name at the top left of the first page, instead of below the titles. I have code that works; I just override bookTitleMarkup and add: %%% \fill-line {   { \large \underline \fromproperty #'header:instr

Re: Generating dependencies for Lilypond

2025-03-16 Thread YTG 1234
On 16/03/2025 1:08, Saul Tobin wrote: These are questions I've had to consider as I work on Emacs lilypond-ts-mode, and I suspect are relevant to lots of tooling projects. Since output file names and locations are potentially set via arbitrary Scheme code, it's not feasible to do this reliably

Generating dependencies for Lilypond

2025-03-15 Thread YTG 1234
I've been wondering what the equivalent of cpp -M for Lilypond is, if there is such a thing. It wouldn't be so simple to implement; as well as tracking \includes recursively, tracking the expected names of output files (as there can be multiple per source file) is also required. There's probab