Transpose up or down conditionally

2019-08-28 Thread Steve Cummings
(also posted on Stack Exchange) version 2.19... How can I make Lilypond decide whether to transpose up or down depending on a target octave/range for one of the transposed notes? I want to make a set of chord voicings, each in multiple transpositions, with the lowest note of each transposed v

Scheme function to return pitchnames as markup/text

2019-11-18 Thread Steve Cummings
Though I remain baffled by Scheme and its use in LilyPond, my hope is to build one or more functions/procedures that would transpose input music and for each chord display the transposed chord's note names, with control over the way the names are represented (as in Cb or F# instead of ces and f

Re: Scheme function to return pitchnames as markup/text

2019-11-19 Thread Steve Cummings
First off, further apologies for accidentally posting a follow-up via an second email address. Aaron, thanks for all of this. Helpful to have the demonstration of column-formatted note names from pitches, along with evidence of something called "note-name->markup"; maybe that's all I need if I

Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-26 Thread Steve Cummings
What's the test for differentiating between non-chord notes and notes within a chord, when iterating through events in music? I can examine the notes within a chord individually, but I can't been able to find the way to capture notes that don't belong to a chord (or alternatively, to discard no

Re: Frescobaldi LilyPond Log

2019-11-26 Thread Steve Cummings
(Apologies for any duplication--I didn't see this alternative mentioned in the thread.) Nothing wrong with the Autohotkey solution but it's pretty easy to unstick the stuck font size setting in the log, a known problem in the Windows version of Frescobaldi. The issue has been fixed in the so

Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-27 Thread Steve Cummings
4 etc. And as an extra bonus: When you have chords like “c:7+”  the EventChord’s are branches (or sub-branches) of an ContextSpeccedMusic event with the music-attribute ‘context-type’ = “ChordsName” Jaap *Van:*lilypond-user *Namens *Steve Cummings *Verzonden:* Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7

Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-29 Thread Steve Cummings
Aaron, thanks a million for the solution (with the convincing demo).  I'm examining note data rather than tweaking output, but with your example as a guide the rest will be 'easy' (as easy as Scheme goes for me). If you have time for a question: The "for-some-music" function is new to me. Any