(Apologies for any duplication--I didn't see this alternative mentioned
in the thread.)
Nothing wrong with the Autohotkey solution but it's pretty easy to
unstick the stuck font size setting in the log, a known problem in the
Windows version of Frescobaldi.
The issue has been fixed in the source
but as of a few days ago the binary available for download didn't
include that change. You can apply the fix yourself just by commenting
out or deleting one line of python code. Stepwise, for us blockheads, it's:
1. Open the file log.py (located in the ..\Frescobaldi\frescobaldi_app\
folder) in a text editor -- Frescobaldi will do.
2. Find the line (line number 124 in the current Windows version) that
output.setProperty(QTextFormat.FontSizeAdjustment, 0)
3. Comment out that line (put a # at the beginning of the line).
4. Save the file.
When you close and restart Frescobaldi the font setting for the log
should work--did for me.
You can delete the line instead of commenting it out. Either way, with
that change the mousewheel/Autohotkey zoom no longer works.