Re: Can't get the thing to compile...

2002-10-29 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
is your python.h in the default include path? guile 1.6 is needed for lily 1.7, iirc. greetings, simon. On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 15:42, Alexandre Aractingi wrote: > ... actually I can't get past the ./configure stage... > > I am using a Mandrake 9.0 Linux distribution, and I have tetex, python > a

Re: Coloring note heads by pitch

2009-11-04 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
david, You have _installed_ a version of the HTML manual together with your software. It does not make sense at all to google for some online version that does not fit with the rest of your installation. while i agree with your sentiments, would you mind pointing out _where_ the documentat

Re: Key and accidentals in Lilypond

2002-12-06 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
hi, On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 14:56, s.abeccara wrote: > When I state a key for a piece in Lilypond I expect it to follow > common rules for writing music, i.e. not to put natural signs on every <---SNIP---> > who know this (after all simple) solution. this is a discussion that has been kicked around

Re: segno (and so ...)

2003-03-31 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
hi joerg, On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 12:32, Joerg Anders wrote: > Perhaps somebody could give a short answer to 6 questions: > > 1.) Is the sequence: > > notes1 segno notes2 dal segno notes3 > >the same as: > >notes1 ||: notes2 :|| notes3 > >So, this form is actually supe

Re: segno/ still one Q.

2003-03-31 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 14:14, Joerg Anders wrote: > Still one question to clarify wthether I comprehended ... > > > > > notes1 segno-segno notes2 segno notes3 coda-coda notes4 coda notes5 > > "D.S. al codaI" > > codaI: notesA "D.S.S. al codaII" > > codaII: notesB \bar "|." > > > > ... this right

Re: page break?

2003-07-29 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
try putting it in one of the staff meta objects (\piece ="\newpage part II") that's how i got round this problem when i was using plain lilypond for multipart scores... hth, simon. On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 16:48, Laura Conrad wrote: > > "Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >

Re: guile 1.6.4

2003-08-08 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
this one would interest me as well, as i just tried compiling lily 1.8 and failed at the guile check (1.6.0). if there is no major dependency problem, then i'll fool the configure script as well... regards, simon. On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 10:10, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > Related question: Why did yo

guile 1.6.4, harakiri staves, lily 1.8

2003-08-09 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
hi all, lily 1.8 seems to be running fine with guile 1.6.0 on my system. i tried a few of the regression examples and they seemed to work ok. i'm also starting to get my teeth into lily 1.8 syntax. as always, the output is looking great. :) a suggestion: would it be too hard to hack convert-ly to

Re: guile 1.6.4

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
i like the comment in configure at line 6076... :)) <<< # urg. should test functionality rather than version. if test $? -eq 0 -a -n "1.6.4"; then >>> am now compiling the software. if i run into problems i'll just shout. regards, sb On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 13:19, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

guile 1.6.4 -- followUp

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
hi all, firstly, is it possible to use the new \markup syntax in the titling paramaters of a piece? if not, then there's not a problem. if yes, then there might be a problem... :/ the following excerpt results in this error: paper output to `test.tex'... lilypond: String

Re: guile 1.6.4, harakiri staves, lily 1.8

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 13:19, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > Yes, we will look at conversion to postfix syntax before it becomes > mandatory (in 2.0). It may need the user's attention, though. ok. it was a fairly quick fix in emacs for the piece i was working on. > > (also, convert-ly only converts u

Re: some problems

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 20:47, Stefaan Himpe wrote: > 1) slurs crossing stems (bars 4, 8, 9, 10, 14) you could try attaching these slurs to stems rather than note heads. in bar 4 and 14 that should solve that problem. You will have to do a \override \revert for the slurs that are crossing stems \pr

tuplet bug in 1.8??

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
hi all, if you look at the excerpt in the attachment, you can see funny behaviour on behalf of the tuplet brackets over the rest on the last beat of the bar. the code that generated this excerpt: \score { \notes \relative c'' { \key g \major \time 3/4 \property Voice.tupletSpannerD

Re: guile 1.6.4 -- followUp

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
sorry, forgot something. lily crashes with signal 6... regards, simon. On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 11:22, Simon G. P. Bailey wrote: > hi all, > > firstly, is it possible to use the new \markup syntax in the titling > paramaters of a piece? > > if not, then there's not a pro

PFA fonts, INSTALL.txt

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
there is a bad link in the INSTALL.txt file released with 1.8.0: If, in addition, you want to generate PDF files of your scores and have installed mftrace, type: make pfa-fonts make MAKE_PFA_FILES=1 install texhash (PFA versions of the fonts for th

Re: New website

2003-08-14 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 10:51, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > - At first, I didn't really get the idea of the navigation system. >It didn't feel obvious that the top line is the main "menu" and the >second line is the submenu within the choice made at the top line. >I don't have any good suggest

Re: GSview 4.4 printing dilemma

2003-08-19 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
have you rebooted your system since the changes to autoexec.bat? if so, and it is still not working, you need to check the system variables (System Properties in the System Management -- sorry, my windows spaak is not up to scratch). easiest way: right click on "My System" on the desktop, select "

Re: guile 1.6.4 -- followUp

2003-08-21 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
i'm having a bit of a blonde moment here... On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 18:05, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Can't duplicate this over here. Can you provide a GDB stacktrace ? > > (run in GDB, and send output of the bt command after it crashes) sorry, gdb is complaining that ly2dvi is not in executable for

Re: guile 1.6.4 -- followUp

2003-08-23 Thread Simon G. P. Bailey
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 18:31, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Ah, got it; it got confused over your use of \markup in the \header > field. > > I've fixed it in CVS. does that mean that \markup now works in the \header block? sb -- I have a very strange feeling about this... -- Luke Sky