Aligning Tuplets and Eighth Notes

2015-07-30 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi list, I'm almost positive I've seen a solution to this before, but I can't seem to find the magic search terms to get me what I need. I want to align the third eighth-note of an eighth-note triplet to the second eighth-note of a two eighth-note segment. In the attached example, I want the two E

Re: Aligning Tuplets and Eighth Notes

2015-07-30 Thread Sam Bivens
he following > example: > > \version "2.18.2" > \relative { > << > { g'8*2/3 f e } > \\ > { c8*4/3 e8*2/3 } % note the altered durations > >> > } > > hth, > Kevin > > On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:36 PM, Sam Bivens wro

Including Rests in Horizontal Brackets

2015-10-27 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi everyone, In the attached MWE, I'm hoping to extend the horizontal bracket to the right to include the three remaining whole rests. As it is, Lily is smart enough (darn it...) to stop the bracket at the final notated pitch; but can I force the bracket to extend, or will I have to come up with

Re: Including Rests in Horizontal Brackets

2015-10-27 Thread Sam Bivens
graver" > } > } > > \relative c'' { > \override HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP > g1\startGroup | > e | > R | > R | > R2 \once\hideNotes r\stopGroup | > %get the bracket to extend and "include" this final rest > } > >

Re: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains by Stainer

2015-12-03 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Gregory, As Chris pointed out, it's (partially) up on CPDL. You might try contacting some of the editors on to see if they'd be willing to share any of their scores with you. I see Andrew Crookall, for

Compiling Twice on a Single Page

2016-03-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi everyone, Attached is a MWE that you can mostly ignore: it's just c'1 on 8.5x5.5in paper (the top half of a sheet of letter paper). My question is whether or not it's possible, with a single .ly file, to compile this twice on a single sheet of 8.5x11in letter paper; once on the top half,

Cross-Staff Kneed Beams; Nested Voices

2015-05-05 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi guys, Two questions that I just can't figure out for some reason: First, I can't manage to create kneed beams for the right hand cross-staff eighth notes in the below example. I've attempted to invoke \override, but to no avail (so it's not included here). Here's the code, a

Re: Cross-Staff Kneed Beams; Nested Voices

2015-05-05 Thread Sam Bivens
" Alas, I had it backwards, but at least it's fixed now! Thanks again, --Sam -- Sam Bivens Ph.D. Student, Music Theory Eastman School of Music Co-Editor, /Intégral/ ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.gnu.

Re: How many lilypond users are there?

2015-05-12 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Andrew, Mark me down as another Fedora 21 Lilypond user. Unfortunately I don't have the skills (or time...) to aid in your development issue, but I still thought I'd share! To address something that Martin hinted at--what Linux distros automatically come with Lilypond? I was unaware that that

Beginning with Grace Notes

2015-07-02 Thread Sam Bivens
staff (see incorrect.png) and makes the actual bass clef smaller. Any tips? I'm on Fedora 22. Thanks, --Sam -- Sam Bivens Ph.D. Student, Music Theory Eastman School of Music Editor, /Intégral/ \version "2.19.21" upper = \relative c { \clef bass e \grace { d16 } c4 } lowe

Cleanly showing every measure number

2019-12-09 Thread Sam Bivens
mber to be measured, how have you solved this problem? I'm unfortunately not too keen on the solution shown in the recent "bar numbers at top of score" thread. Thanks, Sam -- Sam Bivens, Ph.D. Music Theory Faculty Cleveland Institute of Music 11021 East Boulevard Cleveland, OH

Re: Equal space between all notes

2020-04-22 Thread Sam Bivens
erent notes. For example, i would like to have the identical horizontal > space between 2/4 notes and 1/4... A greater duration usually takes more > space, while I need always the same... Thanks! > > > > -- > Sent from: &g

Re: Equal space between all notes

2020-04-22 Thread Sam Bivens
Does a combination of proportionalNotationDuration and overriding the SpacingSpanner do the trick? The attached example, admittedly a bit of a hack, seems to work. Description: Binary data

Re: Equal space between all notes

2020-04-22 Thread Sam Bivens
Yes, I realized I misread the e-mail, as I clarified to the questioner in a private e-mail. I hope I shared a possible hack in a later message to the full list. On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 6:45 PM David Kastrup wrote: > Sam Bivens writes: > > >> On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 3:20

Automatically centering markup along an arrow

2020-07-18 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, I've recently discovered Harm's terrific arrow markup; see attached. Is there any way to automatically center new markup along these paths instead of manually tweaking an halign for every one? In other words, the "X" in the attached MWE should automatically center itself between the endpoin

Re: Automatically centering markup along an arrow

2020-07-18 Thread Sam Bivens
e the text clear and unencumbered by the staff lines. Thanks, Sam On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 6:57 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Sa., 18. Juli 2020 um 20:34 Uhr schrieb Sam Bivens >: > > > > Hi all, > > I've recently discovered Harm's terrific arrow markup; see attached

Re: Automatically centering markup along an arrow

2020-07-19 Thread Sam Bivens
Juli 2020 um 01:06 Uhr schrieb Sam Bivens < >>: > > > > > > Hi Harm, > > > Yes, I see now that I was unclear. I'd like the X to be horizontally > centered between the endpoints, but not vertically centered. The markup > should always

Re: Automatically centering markup along an arrow

2020-07-20 Thread Sam Bivens
Thanks, Harm, this is incredible! (And I learned a new grob that I'd never seen before.) When I put this question out I didn't intend to just have one guy do all of the work, but it's very much appreciated! Sam

Re: version 2.18 is too old...

2018-10-29 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Mike, Does your version statement in the file youre compiling say 2.18.2? Sam On Mon, Oct 29, 2018, 11:55 Mike Dean wrote: > Error message: > > Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.18.2 []... > > Processing > `C:/Users/Mike/Documents/musicwork/May-Jesus-Christ-Be-P

Re: URL in footer

2018-12-11 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Peter, How about \with-url #""; "Lilypond" Enjoy! Sam ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Happy New Year to everyone reading! Please see the attached MWE; how can I specify the radius of the circled text? Using `\circle 2` results in differently sized circles based on the circled text, but when I specify the radius with `\draw-circle`, I somehow can't manage to center the text insi

Re: Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Kieren and Harm, Thanks so much for the help! This is exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated, Sam On 1/2/19 4:56 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Mi., 2. Jan. 2019 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Sam Bivens : Happy New Year to everyone reading! Please see the attached MWE; how can I specify

Creating combined manuscript/ruled paper

2019-09-03 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, I'm attempting to use LilyPond to create sheets with blank staves on the left half of the page and college-ruled paper (equidistant lines spaced by 9/32in, or 7.1mm, apart) on the right. I've of course managed to create the blank staves—see the attached MWE—but I'm having trouble cre

Re: English Version of Functional Harmony Analysis Symbols

2019-10-30 Thread Sam Bivens
minant-Parallele | > Dg | Dominant-Gegenklang| > DD | Doppeldominante| > > Any proposal is welcome > > many thanks for your answers > Karsten > > -- > Karsten Reincke/\/\ (+49|0) 170 / 927 78 57 > Im Braungeröll 31 >oo< ma

Re: Thriple flat/sharp glyphs...

2018-03-14 Thread Sam Bivens
___ lilypond-user mailing list -- Sam Bivens Music Theory Faculty | Cleveland Institute of Music Ph.D. Candidate | Eastman School of Music ___ lilypond-u

Tie/Accidental Collision

2018-03-20 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, In the attached MWE, I'm having difficulties correcting the collision between the tie and the accidental. The documentation has ample support for /slur//accidental collisions, but I'm having trouble fixing the collision with /ties/. I'd appreciate any help you can offer! Thanks, S

Re: Tie/Accidental Collision

2018-03-21 Thread Sam Bivens
\once \override Stem.layer = -1 I don't know how to shorten the Ties Maybe use the \shape function? Cheers, Kieren. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: ‣ email: -- Sam Bivens Music Theory Faculty | Cleveland In

Re: lyluatex: call for Fedora users

2018-03-27 Thread Sam Bivens
the problem is in Fedora or my configuration.. See this issue: Thanks Federico ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- Sam Bive

Re: lyluatex: call for Fedora users

2018-03-27 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Federico, The MWE I compiled a couple weeks ago that *did* work fine now no longer does, and now I have the exact problem that you have. Curious. I have TeXLive 2016, which was downloaded from the Fedora repositories along with LilyPond. I just have the lyluatex files in my file's directory

Barline glyphs in lilyglyphs

2018-05-30 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, How can I invoke a barline glyph in lilyglyphs? I'm having trouble finding a list of glyphs akin to Thanks, Sam ___ lilypond-user mailing list https:

Re: Barline glyphs in lilyglyphs

2018-05-30 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Urs, A barline is not a glyph but is *drawn* in LilyPond. Therefore it doesn't"t belong to the glyphs accessible by lilyglyphs. Thanks; this is what I feared! Please describe more concretely what you want (with/without staff lines etc.). It is possible to add commands with precompiled Lil

Unwanted cross-staff kneed beams for piano with centered \dynamics

2018-06-06 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, In the attached MWE, I want to remove the kneed beam. The problem seems to be the centered dynamics, but I'd rather not remove that. Is there a solution to remove this kneed beam, or an alternative to the centered dynamics that wouldn't create the problem in the first place? Thanks!

Re: Unwanted cross-staff kneed beams for piano with centered \dynamics

2018-06-06 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Mark, I both love, and hate, when the solutions are so simple. *sigh* Thanks! Sam ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A separate line for dynamics?

2018-09-17 Thread Sam Bivens
ore, but I can not find it in the documentation of 2.19.82. Can you please point me to that. Thanks a lot! Bernhard ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- Sam Bivens, Ph.D. Mu

Automatically numbering "instrument name"?

2017-08-08 Thread Sam Bivens
As I finish up a sight-singing course packet, I'm wondering if it's possible for LilyPond to automatically number the individual scores from beginning to end. Throughout the document, I have six different types of score contexts, shown in The perfect solution would be a fix where LilyPond

Re: Automatically numbering "instrument name"?

2017-08-09 Thread Sam Bivens
> } c' > \new Staff \with { > instrumentName = #(score-number) > } c' > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- Sam Bivens Music Theory Faculty | Cleveland Institute of Music Ph.D. Candidate | Eastman School of Music Co-Editor, *Intégral* ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: automatic partwriter

2017-09-28 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi David, I agree, this is *really* impressive work! Have you experimented with including intentional errors as a type of error-detection exercise for students? Take care, Sam ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.gnu.

Re: openLilyLib (development)

2017-11-09 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Urs, Like Ralph, my programming skills are minimal (=mostly nonexistent). Is there a way for people like us to contribute? Thanks, Sam ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [OT] Linux Users

2017-11-18 Thread Sam Bivens
I'm also a Linux user. For notation I use LilyPond (with Frescobaldi) exclusively, and for any serious writing I use LaTeX. Although I use the lilyglyphs package in LaTeX, I've never gotten around to using lilypond-book; instead I just autocrop my Lily PDFs and insert those as floats. A quic

Re: figured bass / latex lilypond-book

2017-11-26 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Damian, I can't help you out all that much since I've never needed to do this in my own work, but be sure to check out if you haven't already (along with his blog post, in German, that's shared in that answer). He doesn't use accidentals, but you may

Horizontal Brackets and Markup Placement

2016-05-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi everyone, In the attached MWE, I'm somehow having trouble getting the initial `^\markup a` to be placed /above/ the horizontal bracket, even though all future instances of this markup are placed above the bracket no problem. It seems so simple; I feel a little silly just asking. The commen

Figured Bass Tweaks

2016-05-07 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi all, Attached, I show my solutions for two figured bass tweaks: first, a parenthesized (/not/ bracketed) figure; and second, a lone integer on the "lower line." The work-arounds are good enough for now, I'm just curious if anyone has any better ideas, or if I missed an obvious solution in

Typesetting a Bach Ornament; Sarabande, French Suite 5

2016-05-22 Thread Sam Bivens
I'm having trouble typesetting an ornament in the fifth measure of the Sarabande from the E-flat French Suite. An image can be found at The ornament in question is the two in-staff markings on the dotted-quarter A. Unfortunately, I do

Re: Typesetting a Bach Ornament; Sarabande, French Suite 5

2016-05-22 Thread Sam Bivens
ably barren MWE; it'll save about 4 seconds. Appreciated, though! Sam Cheers, Harm -- Sam Bivens Ph.D. Student, Music Theory Eastman School of Music Co-Editor, /Intégral/ ___ lilypond-user mailing list