I found this weird behaviour if Trill (on right hand) and SustainDown (on
left hand) are used simultanously on the first measure of a piano staff.
Take the example below: the trill is not centered with the note head as it
would be without the \sustainDown on bottom staff.
I used a tweak with: _\m
How do I decrease the distance between staves?
The command
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
Doesn't seem to help much, I tried all possible combination of numbers but
there is always a minimum distance between staves which I don't know how to
I would like to print the a
> ___
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Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello and Happy New Years
I am trying to engrave this piece as per attached, I am going crazy trying
to figure out how to replicate the exact beaming of the image.
with this code I can make three groups of four demisemiquavers, but they
are beamed by a 8th beam, whereas I want them to be beamed b
This is a great solution! Thanks a lot, I was fixated with \set baseMoment
and beatStructure things that I completely missed other solutions.
Il giorno lun 2 gen 2023 alle ore 14:58 Jean Abou Samra
ha scritto:
> Le 02/01/2023 à 14:44, Renato Biolcati Rinaldi a écrit :
> >