Hello and Happy New Years I am trying to engrave this piece as per attached, I am going crazy trying to figure out how to replicate the exact beaming of the image.
with this code I can make three groups of four demisemiquavers, but they are beamed by a 8th beam, whereas I want them to be beamed by a 16th like in the original. I tried to change values in all possible ways in \set baseMoment and \set beatStructure, with no success. This is the cose I am currently using: \version "2.25.0" \language "english" \relative c' { \time 12/8 \key bf \major r8 << { \override DynamicTextSpanner.style = #'none fs'16^3\cresc (a g8) bf,\rest g'16^3 (bf a8) bf,\rest \set subdivideBeams = ##t a16^3\f [(bf) bf^3 (c)]} \\ { c,8 bf s bf c s c d } >> \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8) \set beatStructure = 2,2,2,2 <ef'!^1 c'^5>32 [(bf'^3 a g fs^4 ef d c bf^2 a bf c)] | } Thanks Renato