I've just installed Lilypond. "lilypond --help" works fine, but I can't run
the simple test:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/home2/Music/Scores> cat test.ly
c4( c)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/home2/Music/Scores> lilypond test
GNU LilyPond 2.6.3
ERROR: In procedure hash-fold:
ERROR: Wrong type argument in p
Many thanks for your suggestions.
On Tuesday 30 August 2005 20:08, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> Matt Wallis writes:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/home2/Music/Scores> lilypond test
> > GNU LilyPond 2.6.3
> > ERROR: In procedure hash-fold:
> > ERROR: Wrong type argument
On Wednesday 31 August 2005 13:46, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> Matt Wallis writes:
> >>
> >> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2005-08/msg00481.html
> >
> > As suggested here, I installed guile 1.6.7, but this did not fix the
> > probl
On Friday 02 September 2005 07:15, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> I suspect that there is still a guile 1.6.4 lingering around on your
> system. If so, get rid of it.
I have just upgraded to guile 1.6.7 using an RPM I found on rpm.pbone.net
(previously, I had built guile 1.6.7 from source download
Hi Han-Wen,
Thanks for your help.
On Saturday 03 September 2005 00:04, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> don't do that. instead, get the src rpm and do
> rpmbuild --rebuild foo.src.rpm
> then install what you built.
I've downloaded guile-1.6.7 from the SUSE 9.3 source tree (I'm running SuSE
9.2, bu
Jan, Han-Wen,
I finally resolved the problem by finding that my SuSE 9.2 distribution comes
with lilypond 2.2.6, which installed without a hitch. I should have looked
here first. Thanks for your replies to my messages.
And now I've started to experiment. I have to say it is a wonderful piece of
For some compositions, I create midi output with click tracks.
If the music is in 4/4 time and of 64 measures in length, the the click
track looks like this:
\repeat unfold 64 \drummode { wbh4\f wbl\pp wbl wbl }
If it's in 6/8 time, and 40 measures in length, it looks like this:
On 19/12/2019 23:27, Karlin High wrote:
On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 5:03 PM Matt Wallis wrote:
What I want to do is to automatically create a click track for any
length of music, and any time signature.
I remember a similar question for generating a continuous-drone track
for bagpipes.
On 20/12/2019 01:10, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2019-12-19 3:03 pm, Matt Wallis wrote:
What I want to do is to automatically create a click track for any
length of music, and any time signature. For example, if the music is
L measures in length, and the numerator of the time signature is N,
and the
On 23/05/2020 14:00, David Nalesnik wrote:
Hi all,
Is anyone aware of Bach's 371 being transcribed into LilyPond? I have
some faint recollection of this, but I'm not finding anything at
As a Bach fan, I was intrigued ... For me, the fourth hit on Google
(searched "ba
On 24/05/2020 05:05, Andrew Bernard wrote:
Hello Marc,
Who are we to thank for this wonderful and useful work? I see the name
Ph. Hardy in the score with an email. Is he still active?
On Sun, 24 May 2020 at 02:26, Marc via LilyPond user discussion
Dropbox link
On 24/05/2020 11:27, Urs Liska wrote:
I would suggest doing so and making it somewhat more accessible in the
sense to not having each chorale live in a self-contained file. I would
love to see an interface where you can *select* which chorale(s) to
engrave, apply style sheets, choose voices to en
On 24/05/2020 15:00, Ph. Hezaine wrote:
An updated version with included tar.bz2 sources is available:
Many thanks for this work.
With your permission, I would like to add the updates to the git
repository I just set up at
> Le 15 mai 2020 à 18:03, Fr. Samuel Springuel a écrit :
>> On 15 May, 2020, at 3:43 AM, Valentin Villenave wrote:
>> On 5/15/20, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
>>> Before I start writing a script to do this, is there an existing
tool which
>>> will identify all the `\include` files that a
I would like to obtain timing information to tell me at how many seconds
into the score each page begins. I have had a go at this, and failed. So
I'm now looking for answers to two questions:
1. How to obtain this output from lilypond (e.g. a file listing the
number of seconds into the score a
On 28/05/2020 19:29, Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 5/28/20, Matt Wallis wrote:
I would like to obtain timing information to tell me at how many seconds
into the score each page begins. I have had a go at this, and failed.
If you’re trying to make videos out of LilyPond scores, here are some
On 28/05/2020 23:15, Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 5/28/20, Matt Wallis wrote:
The output from event-listener is so close. I just need to get it to
listen to the appropriate events ... if that is possible.
Then you should definitely have a look at the last link I sent
On 29/05/2020 09:38, Valentin Villenave wrote:
That’s the “pools” example. You can try the following:
git clonehttps://gitlab.com/sigmate/lilypond-html-live-score
cd lilypond-html-live-score
python2 ./make-live-score -i examples/pools.ly -o pools.html \
On 02/06/2020 11:30, Thomas Morley wrote:
Am Di., 2. Juni 2020 um 10:19 Uhr schrieb Valentin Villenave
On 5/30/20, Matt Wallis wrote:
But I'd still like to know how to find out when a page of a score begins
Well, there is something to be done with the 'page-number and
On 03/06/2020 15:55, Francesco Petrogalli wrote:
Hi all,
I need to add a metronome click sound to the MIDI generated with
lilypond, to allow people sync up a record-from-home session. A quick
web search didn't bring up anything that I could have used. Is there a
special midi instrument I could
On 06/06/2020 16:34, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
I have now updated the repository I posted earlier
(https://github.com/rpspringuel/lilypond_make) to contain two additional
GNUmake_dependencies: Implements dependency generation as described in the
GNUmake manual
On 09/06/2020 10:54, Matt Wallis wrote:
Include the backslash when you define a directory (as above).
On 09/06/2020 15:57, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
On 9 Jun, 2020, at 5:54 AM, Matt Wallis wrote:
I found https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2020-05/msg00148.html
very interesting.
It describes how to get lilypond to print out dependencies. Have you looked
into this?
On 15/06/2020 12:18, Mark Knoop wrote:
At 11:09 on 15 Jun 2020, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
Sometimes I would like to modify a bit the midi file generated by
Lilypond. What stops me from doing that is that in case I modify the
lilypond source I lose all the work done on the midi and I have to do
it ag
hing wrong?
I want to do the setting in the midi context block because I require
different pan positions for a staff depending on which score it appears in.
Matt Wallis
On 08/11/2019 14:30, David Kastrup wrote:
Matt Wallis writes:
But it doesn't work if I try to set the midiPanPosition inside a midi
context block like this:
\version "2.19.83"
\include "english.ly"
sopStaff = \new Staff = "sop" {
\relative c' { e4
On 11/11/2019 13:16, David Kastrup wrote:
You seem to be hung a bit on my strong verbiage. It wasn't supposed to
be a personal criticism but rather expressed my dismay that the
combination of what LilyPond flags as problematic and what our manuals
and examples suggest led to a result that I had
I want to pass the subtitle into lilypond on the command line because it
is also required by other programmes (e.g. sox needs the subtitle to
create a tag for the mp3 it creates).
Looking at
On 19/11/2019 15:39, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2019-11-19 3:37 am, Matt Wallis wrote:
I want to pass the subtitle into lilypond on the command line because
it is also required by other programmes (e.g. sox needs the subtitle
to create a tag for the mp3 it creates).
[ . . . ]
But I now get the
Having seen that many here are using 2.19, I thought I'd have a go. I
use both Mac/OS and Linux, but what I'm describing here is for Mac/OS.
I install lilypond via macports which provides two packages:
lilypond @2.18.2_5 (textproc)
lilypond-devel @2.19.80 (textproc)
So, I deactivat
On 17/11/2017 14:15, David Kastrup wrote:
There are no error messages referring to my own lilypond source files,
which makes me wonder what's going on here.
Your source is triggering an error in the library. Have you called
convert-ly -ed on your source in order to upgrade its syntax?
I under
On 17/11/2017 15:57, David Kastrup wrote:
Matt Wallis writes:
On 17/11/2017 14:15, David Kastrup wrote:
There are no error messages referring to my own lilypond source files,
which makes me wonder what's going on here.
Your source is triggering an error in the library. Have you c
On 22/11/2017 16:33, David Kastrup wrote:
You know: the minimal example would have been
\midi { \time 4/4 }
Nice minimalism! And I thought I'd done well to reduce the original 200+
lines in 4 files down to 13 in 1!
and that would have saved adding a lot of other explanation:
... which shows my
33 matches
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