On 03/06/2020 15:55, Francesco Petrogalli wrote:
Hi all,

I need to add  a metronome click sound to the MIDI generated with
lilypond, to allow people sync up a record-from-home session. A quick
web search didn't bring up anything that I could have used. Is there a
special midi instrument I could use for that?

Hi Francesco,

The solution I use for click tracks uses this:


That will give you a definition of clickTrackForMusic. All you need to do then is to provide the time signature and the music.

When I use it I do this:


clickPart = \clickTrackForMusic \timeSignature \music

% Click track:
clickStaff = \new DrumStaff = "click" {
  \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = #"Click "


It automatically adjusts the length of the click track to the length of the music, but does not handle changes of time signature or tempo.


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