Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey
True, but textedit doesn't have syntax hilighting or bracket matching. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to send my syntax hilighting for lilypond to this list for ages, but haven't done so. It isn't great, nor is perfect, but it hilights and helps me spotting errors. And, the only time

syntax hilighting for nano

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey
clicked the send button instead of attach. lilypond.nanorc Description: Binary data ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: syntax hilighting for nano

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
s for sending. Jon James E. Bailey wrote: clicked the send button instead of attach. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics following split voices

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 27.07.2008 um 11:04 schrieb Paul Scott: Trevor Daniels wrote: Paul Scott wrote Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:01 AM Hi, When I use << { } \\ { } >> without voice naming to show note variations in different verses of a song the parallel music gets skipped by the lyrics. I have read all the

Re: lyrics following split voices

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 27.07.2008 um 11:04 schrieb Paul Scott: Trevor Daniels wrote: Paul Scott wrote Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:01 AM Hi, When I use << { } \\ { } >> without voice naming to show note variations in different verses of a song the parallel music gets skipped by the lyrics. I have read all the

Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
hould work on OSX, but I haven't been able to get it to do so. You can use textedit to edit your lilypond files on OSX. Carl On 7/26/08 3:36 PM, "James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Looks like I was mistaken, lilypondtool is for windows. Am 26.07.2008 um 23:24 s

Re: syntax hilighting for nano

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
hed \{ Press Enter to continue starting nano. Nonetheless when I press enter to continue, I do have the syntax highlighting. It's nice! I didn't realize this was possible in nano and as such have always uses an editor with a GUI. Thanks James, Jon James E. Bailey wrote: I

Installing lilypondtool on osx

2008-07-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.07.2008 um 03:01 schrieb Carl Sorensen: On OSX 10.5, I am able to get Java installed, get JEdit running, and get LilyPondTool installed. The syntax highlighting works. It's a lot like running it in Windows. How? I can't figure out how to get lilypondtool installed.

Re: WikiLily - a lilipond wiki

2008-07-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Is this a part of of, or in addition to ? On 29.07.2008, at 19:07, Mike Blackstock wrote: A couple of us have started a 'lilypond wiki' so that people can collaborate on the creation and or editing of lilypond scores. It's at and

broken link

2008-07-29 Thread James E. Bailey
In, Ancient note heads, the link to the Gregorian_ligature_engraver in the IR is broken. It works fine in the big-page version, though. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: broken link

2008-07-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.07.2008 um 00:04 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2008/7/29 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: In, Ancient note heads, the link to the Gregorian_ligature_engraver in the IR is broken. It works fine in the big-page version, though. By `works fine', I assume you mean it

Re: GDP: NR 1.3 Expressive marks, second draft

2008-07-30 Thread James E. Bailey
It looks fine to me. It might be useful to mention (if it hasn't changed) that for crescendo and diminuendo to playback in MIDI they must be terminated with \! Am 30.07.2008 um 20:22 schrieb Patrick McCarty: I would like to announce the second draft of NR 1.3 Expressive marks. Please proofre

Re: GDP: NR 1.3 Expressive marks, second draft

2008-07-30 Thread James E. Bailey
No worries, since it was required, I've just kept on with it, if it's been changed, then all the better. Am 30.07.2008 um 21:34 schrieb Trevor Daniels: James E. Bailey wrote Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:11 PM It looks fine to me. It might be useful to mention (if it hasn't

Re: Double \time change - Solution found! (with another question)

2008-07-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.07.2008 um 21:51 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd: Question Can this be handled by lilypond, to put the possible times only at the beginning of the score, when there are too many? I would just create a fake time signature that looks like what I want, then just remove the engraver for all of the oth

broken links

2008-07-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Speaking of broken links,, the link to NR InnerChoirStaffGroup leads nowhere. Which would make sense, because the NR has an entry for an InnerChoirStaff. (Which makes me feel a lot better, because I thought it silly to have InnerChoirStaffGroup instead of InnerChoirStaff). __

Re: Double \time change

2008-07-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.07.2008 um 01:15 schrieb Neil Puttock: James E. Bailey-2 wrote: Am 30.07.2008 um 21:51 schrieb sdfgsdhdshd: Question Can this be handled by lilypond, to put the possible times only at the beginning of the score, when there are too many? I would just create a fake time signature

Re: Lilypond Style Guide

2008-08-05 Thread James E. Bailey
I think an excellent place to look for inspiration would be LM 2.1.3 Am 05.08.2008 um 09:03 schrieb Jordan Eldredge: I am currently working on and realized that one thing that could be very helpful when collaborating on Lilypond code, would be a style guide. My question for all of y

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on macintosh computers. And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG? Am 12.08.2008 um 19:43 schrieb Tomas Valusek: Hello, BTW, AU is what? An Astronomical Unit??? IR is commonly recognized is InfraRed :-))) IMHO there shou

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 13.08.2008 um 08:17 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: I am not sure if you should use durations rather than dottedness. Should a dotted 64th need a lot of space to accomodate for the dot, or should it be treated like a very short note? A dotted, beamed note gets automatically more horizontal space


2008-08-13 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't understand this. Why aren't the last two eighth notes beamed together? \version "2.11.54" \relative { \clef bass << {e8 d d c d8 c } \\ { 4 g 4} >> } ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: autobeams

2008-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 14.08.2008 um 13:58 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Perhaps even better: don't use the \\ but explicitly instantiate one of the voices (related to a recent email discussion). When I removed the \\, I got errors about clashing columns. I'll check into the explicit voice instantiation thing. For

Re: autobeams

2008-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 14.08.2008 um 17:31 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: James E. Bailey wrote: Am 14.08.2008 um 13:58 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Perhaps even better: don't use the \\ but explicitly instantiate one of the voices (related to a recent email discussion). When I removed the \\, I got errors

Re: autobeams

2008-08-14 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 14.08.2008 um 23:28 schrieb Kieren MacMillan: Hi Daniel, Under what circumstances would you want the upper part to be a different voice from the one-voice part? One case is when you want lyrics or dynamics (etc.) to be attached to the lower part. Hope this helps, Kieren. Or if you

vcenter help

2008-08-15 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm reading through, trying to understand how to center two lines of text. How does \vcenter work? The documentation doesn't really provide an example, so I'm kinda confused. I got it to work with \center-align, but I'm understanding because of recent discussion that sometime in the

Re: vcenter help

2008-08-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Aha! there's a big difference in this section from the 2.11.54 documentation and the 2.11.55 documentation. Am 15.08.2008 um 17:59 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/8/15 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I'm reading through, trying to understand how to cente

Re: vcenter help

2008-08-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 15.08.2008 um 17:59 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/8/15 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I'm reading through, trying to understand how to center two lines of text. How does \vcenter work? The documentation doesn't really provide an example, so I

Re: vcenter help

2008-08-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 15.08.2008 um 19:36 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2008/8/15 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Thanks, I think I've got a hang of it, (I was actually looking for \hcenter), but now I have another question. Is there any situation where \center-align and \hcenter are exclusive?

Re: B.8.2. Align

2008-08-15 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 15.08.2008 um 19:36 schrieb Neil Puttock: The example for \hcenter in B.8.2 uses \column as a convenience to show the alignment relative to the arrow. Actually, this isn't centered. But the implication is that it is. \Since \hcenter aligns the center of an object with the left edge of an

Re: Proposed syntax change: renaming of \center-align markup command

2008-08-16 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 00:39 schrieb Neil Puttock: Thanks for the feedback, everybody. To recap, the favoured option is as follows: horizontal alignment (single): \left-align, \center-align, \right- align vertical alignment (stacked): \left-column, \center-column, \right- column As for \hcenter

Re: Proposed syntax change: renaming of \center-align markup command

2008-08-16 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 01:27 schrieb Neil Puttock: - change the current behaviour of \center-align to match \hcenter; keep \hcenter for backwards compatibility, or remove it What if I want a vertically centered column of arguments? Then, rather than just using \center-align, I have to use \column

Re: Proposed syntax change: renaming of \center-align markup command

2008-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 14:21 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: Trevor Daniels wrote: As for \hcenter and \column, should I leave these as duplicates of \center-align and \left-column (which would help minimize user complaints), or remove them? I just realized that \column and \left-column isn't the same

Re: Proposed syntax change: renaming of \center-align markup command

2008-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 19:53 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2008/8/17 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Yeah, the current documentation, with the arrows, is very misleading. I actually took the time to re-write those snippets. (I have zero idea how this could be integrated into future documen

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 21:43 schrieb Graham Percival: global = { s1*4 \bar "|." } I very rarely include s1*4 \bar "|." in my global variable -- is this good practice? When managing a score with many time signature changes, it's really useful. You only have to make (or correct)

Re: vcenter help

2008-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 00:02 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2008/8/17 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: A practically relevant example of the use of \hcenter (to be renamed to something else), should rather contain a single markup. Within scores, markups are in principle always used for graphical objects,

Re: point and click, was: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.08.2008 um 22:26 schrieb Graham Percival: Why manually number the bars? I'll give you my most recent opera score WITH MY CODE BAR NUMBERS REMOVED, and then ask you to add a cautionary accidental to the first quarter note in m. 413 of the violin music... ;-) Welcome to the world of po

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 09:14 schrieb Dmytro O. Redchuk: And, the question -- why global ? You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so why not set \key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })? If you do an open score and closed score version of a choral piece, the tenor par

Re: emacs questions

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Aquamacs Emacs and the cli emacs can both compile lilypond files. doesn't seem to load my $PATH correctly, because I get / bin/bash: lilypond: command not found I've solved this by having an ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, which contains global settings for your user-id.

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
This is a known issue. Known issues and warnings Collisions are not checked. If you have notes above the top line of the staff (or notes with articulations, slurs, text, etc), then the metronome m

another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this? ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 13:26 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Oy. In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs. So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it was not a fatal error and the fi

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 13:41 schrieb Francisco Vila: 2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the GDP docs: Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2. Speakin

Re: another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 17:29 schrieb Peter Johnson: James E. Bailey-2 wrote: Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can c

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.08.2008 um 19:53 schrieb Francisco Vila: 2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that there's a slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice into the same voice context be

Re: ubuntu package

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 19.08.2008 um 07:51 schrieb David Stocker: How do I go about removing 2.10.33 (if that's even necessary) before installing the latest development version. Path$ and Directorie$ are new to me because ever since I have used a computer, I have never had to deal with such weighty decision

Re: lyrics

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Here's a version with voices and all that stuff. \version "2.11.54" Music = \new Voice = "musicvoice" \relative { a'4 g f8( e) f( g) \new Voice = "musicrepeats" { \repeat volta 2 { f4 e d c } } } VerseText = \lyricmode { Text for vers -- es. } RepeatOne = \lyricm

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
/home/tomc/bin probably isn't in your $PATH. I'm going to guess that to add it to your path you'd have to modify (or create and then modify) the /home/tomc/.bashrc and add PATH=$PATH:/home/tomc/bin/ export PATH I think the last line has to be blank, I'm not sure. And again, I've never done

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
I think the lilypond in that folder is lilypond, the program. If you type /home/tomc/bin/lilypond what do you get? Am 19.08.2008 um 13:15 schrieb Tom Cloyd: Jan, James, I continue to be amazed at the quick responses on this list. Fully matches the response time on the Ruby list (my favorite

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
You need to add the folder that lilypond is in to your $PATH. Then, linux will know to look in that folder as well for executables, regardless of which directory you're actually in. Apparently on linux, according to carl, you add to your /home/tomc/~.bashrc: PATH=/home/tomc/bin:$PATH export

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 19.08.2008 um 22:42 schrieb Patrick McCarty: On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 08:39:16PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Am Dienstag, 19. August 2008 schrieb Patrick McCarty: I did not consider this, since I just have a self-compiled version installed. If I did have two LilyPond binaries on my s

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-20 Thread James E. Bailey
Sure, if you're up on your Linux, no problem, but the Linux world is drawing a number of people who come from other backgrounds (i.e., Windows), AND don't have a lot of time to study up. Knowing that you run a program by doing cd progdir ./progname or adding it to your PATH environment varia

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-20 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 20.08.2008 um 11:15 schrieb Graham Percival: It's not the job of the lilypond manual to teach users how to use their operating systems. There's *tons* of other help available on the internet for such tasks -- and a lot of that help has much prettier pictures than we'd have the patience to

Re: "set-global-staff-size..." puzzle

2008-08-20 Thread James E. Bailey
It isn't simple. Chapter 4, Spacing Issues is (for me) a difficult read, and somewhat complex. Also, I read the email thread from a couple of months ago about this every couple of weeks, I don't understand it all fully, but I understand a little more each time I read it. http://lists.gnu.or

Re: Questions relating to hymnals

2008-08-20 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 21.08.2008 um 04:58 schrieb Carl Peterson: I'm working on a hymnal, and I have some questions about some things I need to do for it, layout-wise. 2) If I have verses with different rhythms (e.g., one verse has only one syllable at a quarter note, but another verse has two syllables in

Re: convert from absolute to relative

2008-08-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.08.2008 um 19:21 schrieb Gilles THIBAULT: Talking about utilities: Has anybody ever seen one that transforms a simple voice (pitches and durations) into a "ghost voice" consisting of spacers and durations only (e.g. c2 d e ==> s2 s s). In scheme, it can be quite short :

Re: SLopUF: Sumatra and issue 635 (pdf locking)

2008-08-23 Thread James E. Bailey
I have no previous knowledge about the issue, other than to say that on mac osx 10.4 and earlier, the file would be overwritten, but it wouldn't update automatically in acrobat or apple's pdf reader, preview. One workaround I found was to open the pdf in a web crowser that can open pdf's (l

Re: lyrics

2008-08-23 Thread James E. Bailey
The problem is the last measure of the left hand of the piano. There are only three beats in the measure. Changing it from : \bar ":|" to r4 \bar ":|" should solve your problem. Am 23.08.2008 um 16:28 schrieb Lara Diamand: Hi Dominic, Here is my file, I send you the whole thing, beca

Re: Locally disable hiding of empty staves?

2008-08-25 Thread James E. Bailey
You might be better served with \stopStaff and \startStaff. Am 25.08.2008 um 13:24 schrieb Alexander Kobel: Hi, all, does anybody know whether/how it's possible to locally prevent staves from hiding troughout a part of the piece? An example (and my best up to now) is attached... By the way

Re: Mark_engraver in PianoStaff?

2008-08-25 Thread James E. Bailey
How does the output differ from what's suggested in, printing marks on every staff? I get relatively similar output \version "2.11.56" markings = { s1\mark \default s1*3 s1\mark \default s1*7 s1\mark \default s1*3 \bar "|." } notes = { \repeat unfold 16 {c'1} }

Re: custom titles example doesn't work

2008-08-26 Thread James E. Bailey
looks like something before line 11 of your input file is incorrect, causing line 11 to have errors and something before line 32 as well. Maybe an unclosed bracket? or scheme setting that doesn't habe enough space around it? Am 26.08.2008 um 09:22 schrieb Tom Cloyd: [LilyPond-2.11.56 (deve

Re: custom titles example doesn't work

2008-08-26 Thread James E. Bailey
and looking at it more closely, try adding a space after #'header:composer Am 26.08.2008 um 09:22 schrieb Tom Cloyd: [LilyPond-2.11.56 (development-branch), in Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1] Inserting the definition example given in "3.2.1 Creating titles" of the Notation Reference (NR) for GNU Lily

Re: custom titles example doesn't work

2008-08-26 Thread James E. Bailey
that page. You probably want the evenHeaderMarkup. In my code file I have things in this order (is that the problem?): \version... \paper... \layout... \header... \score... Any help much appreciated! t. James E. Bailey wrote: and looking at it more closely, try adding a space after #'

Re: leopard in the pond

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Also, installing without macports is doable. The first time is a pain, but it has the advantage of not being dependent on macports. Am 27.08.2008 um 05:17 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Found it. Thanks. I'm going to try to follow these instructions tomorrow. I've had trouble getting all the depe

Re: Printing bar number 1

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 27.08.2008 um 15:05 schrieb Peter Johnson: On 27 Aug 2008, at 13:21, Johan Vromans wrote: So, here it goes again: How can I print bar number 1? E.g., Add this here: \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) \set Score.currentBarNumber = #1 \bar "" \repea

strange appoggiatura behaviour

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Oddly, in the attached code, if the appoggiatura is commented out, then the stems follow how they're supposed to. Is this a bug or a super-special feature of graceMusic that I just didn't know about? \version "2.11.57" { \relative { \voiceOne \appoggiatura e' f4 e d c b a

Re: strange appoggiatura behaviour

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
chrieb Reinhold Kainhofer: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2008 schrieb James E. Bailey: Oddly, in the attached code, if the appoggiatura is commented out, then the stems follow how they're supposed to. Is this a bug or a super-special feature of graceMusi

collision problem

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
I can't seem to reproduce this out of context, but I have a clef change that happens on top of a bar line. There are other clef changes, none of the others have collisions. The most minimal snippet I could extract follows. \version "2.11.57" \include "" \paper { indent = #0 } Vocal =

Re: strange appoggiatura behaviour

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.08.2008 um 01:38 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2008 schrieb Daniel Hulme: On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:32:31PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Am Mittwoch, 27. August 2008 schrieb James E. Bailey: Oddly, in the

Re: collision problem

2008-08-27 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.08.2008 um 01:17 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/8/28 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I can't seem to reproduce this out of context, but I have a clef change that happens on top of a bar line. There are other clef changes, none of the others have collisions.

Re: Vocal slurring and override-auto-beam-setting?

2008-08-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.08.2008 um 17:11 schrieb Mike Blackstock: Not being a singer, I assumed that vocal music never has beams - Current style guides indicate that vocal music follows beaming rules for instrument music. wrong! I see that when notes are slurred, the slurred notes have beams. Is there a

Re: Vocal slurring and override-auto-beam-setting?

2008-08-29 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 29.08.2008 um 18:04 schrieb Mike Blackstock: Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I'll just use brackets for now and look at Alexander's suggestions more closely a bit later on. This was prompted by a project to do Schubert's Winterreise, but I'm thinking ahead to Wagner's Ring. . Ok,

cross-staff stems

2008-08-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Is there a way to have cross staff stems on beamed notes? Or does it only work with flagged/non-flagged notes? I didn't see anything mentioned in the docs. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

piano centered dynamics and dynamic text spanner override

2008-08-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, I thought I was going crazy. If I use the template for piano centered dynamics, dynamic text overrides don't work unless they're attached to the proper voice context. Snippet follows. \version "2.11.57" \layout { \context { \type "Engraver_group" \name Dynamics \alias

dynamic line spanner overrides and voice contexts

2008-08-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Okay, it took me a while to figure all of this out. Normally, with the piano centered dynamics needing to be attached to a voice, I'd just name the voice and be done with it, however, when I do that, with the staff changes, I encounter another problem: the dynamics follow the voice into the

Re: cross-staff stems

2008-08-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.08.2008 um 20:46 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/8/30 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Is there a way to have cross staff stems on beamed notes? Or does it only work with flagged/non-flagged notes? I didn't see anything mentioned in the docs. I'm sure

Re: dynamic line spanner overrides and voice contexts

2008-08-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.08.2008 um 21:28 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, 2008/8/30 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Okay, it took me a while to figure all of this out. Normally, with the piano centered dynamics needing to be attached to a voice, I'd just name the voice and be done with

Re: LH fingering not working

2008-08-31 Thread James E. Bailey
First, I know nothing about this, but, Am 31.08.2008 um 19:23 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: Hi Tom, While it's possible to position fingerings very precisely using extra-offset, you can only do so to notes inside chord constructs. Fine. The problem is that if you're trying to position the finge

Re: LH fingering not working

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 01:07 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: It was with the extra offset part. I was putting the #' in the wrong place (inside the parentheses instead of out). If I had dug deeper I probably could have figured it out but I just googled a solution instead. I don't think it's a problem

Re: arpeggio problems

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
My quick and dirty solution would just be to make the chords take up more space with invisible notes: \version "2.11.57" { \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t \arpeggioNormal < \tweak #'transparent ##t c'' e'' g'' \tweak #'transparent ##t b'' > 1 \arpeggio \override Staff.L

Re: lyrics and repeat

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 12:48 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Isn't there a D.S. al Coda feature in Lilypond? No, you put in the symbols where you want them, and the performers interpret them. ___

Re: lyrics and repeat

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 16:42 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Can someone tell me why D.S. is not at the end of the bar, but on the beginning? How do I change that? Why isn't the second coda sign not displayed? Thanks in advance.

Re: lyrics and repeat

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 17:27 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Risto Vääräniemi wrote: If I have understood correctly, for Lilypond the D.S. and codas are just "text" and you cannot loop music i.e. MIDI with them. They are just visual aids for the real performer as James already pointed out. Therefore, you

Re: lilypond-latex

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 23:17 schrieb Kieren MacMillan: Hi Mats (et al): Even if you use LilyPond version 2.10.x, I strongly recommend you to read the manual for the latest development version 2.11, which has been significantly revised and improved and still applies almost completely to version

Re: lilypond-latex

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 01.09.2008 um 23:47 schrieb Graham Percival: On Mon, 1 Sep 2008 17:17:47 -0400 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Which doesn't work___ =( At least for me, it returns the error: NameError: global name 'set' is not defined I'm using Lilypond 2.11.57 and python 2.5, if that h

Re: lilypond-latex

2008-09-01 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 00:13 schrieb Graham Percival: On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 23:57:28 +0200 "James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Am 01.09.2008 um 23:47 schrieb Graham Percival: You're not actually using python 2.5, which is the problem. You're using osx 10.3, wh

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 12:57 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: <<{(a,4 a,4.)}{ 8 8 e'4\1 \pageBreak In the score above, I want to add some connection bows(?) (dutch ='verbindingsboogje') >> in lilypond language as example: In english, they're called either ties or slurs. Ties connect two notes of t

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 15:40 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: I want to connect the two a's and the with by ties. #{ \tempo 4=120 \clef #(if $inTab "tab" "treble_8") \key a \major \time 4/4 \partial 8 a,8~4. a,4\( 8 \2>8 e'4\1 \pageBreak #}) but the a is now connected to the e which is wrong

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 18:02 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: What I want is this: BUT with a tie between the two last 'a's. To have a tie between two notes, you place a ~ between the two notes. ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://list

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 18:02 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: What I want is this: BUT with a tie between the two last 'a's. To have a tie between two notes, you place a ~ between the two notes. 4. ~ a4 ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.09.2008 um 21:00 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: 2) only the a, of the last chord (e.g. should have an duration of 4. the gis and b of that chord should have an duration of just 4 (without a dot). That requires multiple voices. <<{a4.}\\{4>> _

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-03 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 03.09.2008 um 12:01 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Robin Bannister wrote: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Question 2) still remains There will be other problems like this in the bars to come, each needing a special effort to overcome, usually in an unsatisfactory

Re: notation TAB matching

2008-09-03 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 03.09.2008 um 12:48 schrieb Grammostola Rosea:Ah ok, nice. I just edited an example template, so I don't know all the commands yet... But it is good to see that something is possible with Lilypond and tablature... although there is no special signs support like bends, slides etc. I'l

Re: Stem Combining

2008-09-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.09.2008 um 03:57 schrieb Daniel Cheramie: Hi All, I am typesetting a number of SATB hymns and noticed that mine look quite ugly because of not combining stems in the desired manner. The hymnals I have seen combine most stems on the SA and TB parts except for: * Notes less than 2 st

Re: Stem Combining

2008-09-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.09.2008 um 12:00 schrieb Risto Vääräniemi: 2008/9/4 Mats Bengtsson : I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned \partcombine, so far. It's probably the closest you can get to your wishes, with the built-in support in LilyPond. See Section "Automatic part combining" in the manual for mo

Re: Stem Combining

2008-09-04 Thread James E. Bailey
What were you looking for in terms of combining? Typically, I found partcombine best when the parts are occasionally the same, but it can be adapted to normal multiple voice music, I guess. In the image that I see, the lower voice has stems down, the upper voice has stems up and the "lyrics

Re: Stem Combining

2008-09-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.09.2008 um 18:06 schrieb Neil Puttock: 2008/9/4 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Perhaps a better example would be voiceone = \context Voice = "voice one" \relative { c'4 b a g f e f2 c1} voicetwo = \relative {c'4 b a g f e \stemDown d_( b) \stemNeut

Re: Stem Combining

2008-09-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.09.2008 um 18:17 schrieb Risto Vääräniemi: 2008/9/4 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: What were you looking for in terms of combining? I was hoping to get results as presented in the attached image (situation was staged). I had one song that I wanted to cram into a smaller

Re: guitar slide with lilypond

2008-09-05 Thread James E. Bailey
I think the important thing is to find the symbol that you want. Am 05.09.2008 um 10:37 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Hi, I think I can use this for bends: And slurs for hammer on and pull off. But

Re: ()

2008-09-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 06.09.2008 um 00:25 schrieb Grammostola Rosea: Hi, for notation and tablature, I want to have this: () around one note in a chord. This is close to the solution: But the is only (almost) a () around the b in the tablature, the head of that note looks a bit strange to me... it shoul

texi2html docs

2008-09-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, the new documentation really shows off all of the hard work very well. I have just one request. It was nice that I could go up from the beginning of the documentation, i.e.; to the documentation index: http://kainh

Re: texi2html docs

2008-09-05 Thread James E. Bailey
local (offline) copy? Or should I wget it? Thanks, Josh On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:37 PM, James E. Bailey wrote: Wow, the new documentation really shows off all of the hard work very well. I have just one request. It was nice that I could go up from the beginning of the documentation, i.e.;

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