I want to typeset a score and want to keep close to the original in some aspects. The original uses heavly staff changes that look
nice to me.
I tried to use the technic from the lilypond manual pg. 189, but I dont know how to place the beams between the staves. Can you tell
me how I g
I want to use Lilypond mode in XEmacs 21.4.21 with Lilypond 2.11.57. I
configured the XEmacs init.el so:
(setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "~/site-lisp")) load-path))
(autoload 'LilyPond-mode "lilypond-mode" "LilyPond Editing Mode" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ly$
I just installed lilypond 2.11.62 at my Windows XP SP3 box. I ran lilypond before, but I installed the latest lilypond version and
Windows installed the Service Pack 3. Now lilypond doesnt run anymore. Is the version 2.11.62 known to have problems or what should
I do in this case. Here t
Sorry, I pressed the send-button too early.
- Original Message -
From: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lilypond-User"
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 6:42 PM
Subject: Lilypond installation
I just installed lilypond 2.11.62 at my Windows
What version of antivirus software are you using. I have got a infected
message too. I have Avira Antivir installed.
From: "Nick Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On my system (same Lilypond version) that file is in C:\Program
Files\LilyPond\usr\share\guile\1.8\ice-9. Is it ther
- restore the original stem direction
I think this must be defined with a scheme function. But I have a hige lack of
knowledge how to write this.
- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Kulp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I write a piece for harp. I need sometimes fingering information for the player.
While sometimes fingering above the staff is ok, I need it at the left side under some circumstances. In the example I want to write
the fingering number for the notes "ces" and "es" at the left side of the a
4(\p^"Andante" ) |
{ b'\arpeggio( as) }
{ \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) 2\arpeggio }
>> |
lowerStaff = \relative c {
\clef bass \key as \minor \time 2/4
as | as
\book {
\score {
\context PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
I have seen a similar problem. Your Lilypond output should show a line:
foo.ly:27:56: Warnung: no heads for arpeggio found?
{ g16 d' d' d d' g4.
\arpeggio }
Arpeggio obviously needs a chord. I tried to extend the note to a ch
ning LP on win32.
From: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What version of antivirus software are you using. I have got a infected
message too. I have Avira Antivir installed.
Same. Updated Avira AntiVir. Maybe (hopefully) this is a false positive. Do you
also get same error when
Am I alone. Or is there really no text in the mail?
Best regards,
- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Hulme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: Repeat volta: how many times to repeat?
- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Hulme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: Repeat volta: how many times to repeat?
Hash: SHA1
On Sat, Nov 01, 2008 at 02:15
- Original Message -
From: "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: The behavior of a \score block
2008/11/4 Dany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
... what is the
difference between entering a \score bloc
I edited a small piece for harp. Everything looks quite nice, except the
final chord in the last measure.
How do I avoid the nearby collision between arpeggio and previous note (D)?
How can I draw the arpeggio over lower and upper staff?
Best regards, Helge%
% Give Me Your Hand
% secon
I want to write a score for three instruments. One instrument has one staff,
the two other have two staves. I found in the documentation at 6.4.7 some
system start delimiter for combination of single staff lines. How do I
combine second to third and fourth to fifth staff?
So it look like
I have a problem with Lilyponds automatic line breaking. The attached score
has only one line break. All notes are squeezed and finally run out of page.
What's wrong with the score source?
Best regards, Helge
\include "deutsch.ly"
upperNotes = \relative c''' {
g8 d h g g a h e,4 e
I want to write a score for three instruments. One instrument has one staff,
the two other have two staves. I found in the documentation at 6.4.7 some
system start delimiter for combination of single staff lines. How do I
combine second to third and fourth to fifth staff?
So it look l
I found a problem where the beam is not at the end of the stems but flying
somewhere below them. The score excerpt is below.
There is also an very interesting output, if you remove the \stemDown. It
looks as the stemDown doesn't make sense in the excerpt, but it does in the
whole scor
thanks for reply. I don't use 2.11, since 2.10 is the "stable" version.
No, I didn't meant it. I want the melody to change to staff "upper", since
- the original (but badly readable) score has the same pattern
- it shows the melody clearly as an arpeggio played with both hands.
I stripp
I tried to use a graphical front end at my Windows XP system. Since Finale
Notepad is free, I wrote a simple song and store the MUS file. When I run
etf2ly lala.MUS I get always the content
% lily was here -- automatically converted by etf2ly from lala.mus
This is not too much. Can et
Is there any other possibility to enter scores graphically before I edit and
tweak them for Lilypond? I tried Canorus, but this program starts without
any music edition capability at my Windows XP SP2. So it's currently not
Regards, Helge
- Original Message -
From: "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: etf2ly
2007/5/24, Helge Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Is there any other possibility to
I installed version 0.2.5 of the program. This program does not run after
installation, since the runtime msvcrt71.dll is missing, but I could grab it
from a VS2003 installation. I got the same error message "site import
failed". The user interface looks a bit different, but only "ne
I downloaded LilypondTool as well as JEdit. But JEdit requires Java Runtime,
that I avoided as long as possible. I think the programmers of LilypondTool
and JEdit have done a good work, but I cannot see it without this ugly Jave
Runtime Einvironment JRE 1.3.
At the sun web site I found
Why don't you install jEdit + Java bundle downloadable from the jEdit
I did not found any bundle neither at jEdit.org not SourceForge.net. I
searched this morning again and it's still not there. Probably this bundle
was available before.
Best regards, Helge
I want to write some chords, played with both hands, in one staff. To
indicate that it's played with two hands, I want to write some of the notes
with stem and beam up and some other down. The excerpt below combines both
chord with one stem and one beam.
How do I get one beam above and
thanks for your advise. I installed JRE and got LilypondTool running after
fiddling with a lot of error messages like
Requieres version 1.4.2. or later of errorlist.Error.ListPlugin,
but errorlist.ErrorListPlugin is not installed
The PluginManager was not able to download/install the files.
I dont know. After playing around I found the Download Options. After I
changed the setting from "Plugin central default" to "SWITCH", plugins are
That would install dependencies like the Console, ErrorList, Templa
I have a score, that begins without upbeat. After some measures (in the
example four) a second part begins. The second part has an upbeat. Therefor
the last measure of the first part has less notes (3/4). The second part has
also a volta repeat.
Lilypond produces this as expected incl
Thanks for advise. The workaround does it.
lilypond-user mailing list
Lilypond formats a score and tries to fit as much as possible at the first
page. Unfortunately the piece is too long and I have one remaining line at
the last page. Therefore I would like to relax the lines at the pages before
without entering manual breaks. How can I say "not more than
--- Original Message -
From: "Joe Neeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: break in measure
On 6/7/07, Helge Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lilypond formats a sco
I would like to include some graphics in the score like celtic ornaments at
the page borders. What are best practices in an MS Windows environment?
lilypond-user mailing list
I have installed Lilypond 2.11.25 at MS Windows. I want to produce an EPS
file for further layout work as suggested in the manual, chapter 14.10 . But
Lilypond doesn't accept -b eps, it's even not listed with the --help
Are there some secrets to generate EPS?
Best regards,
Best regards,
- Original Message -
From: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Helge Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: EPS output
Helge Kruse wrote:
I have installed Lilypond 2.11.25 at MS Wind
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Decorated scores
Helge Kruse gmx.net> writes:
I would like to include some graphics in the score like celtic ornaments
the page borders. What are best practices in an MS Windows environment?
Occasionally, I use \epsfile t
I saw your log and suspected something with locale problems.
But I got no problems with Lilypond 2.11.25 at a German Windows XP.
| GNU LilyPond 2.11.25
| »rune.ly« wird verarbeitet
| Analysieren...
| Interpretation der Musik...
| Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
| Zeilenu
Yes, you can include lyrics. You read this:
didn't you?
- Original Message -
From: Rhodel Jacobson
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:08 AM
Subject: lyrics
I want to write my first guitar notes with tabs after finishing some harp
While I found most guitar specific points, I have problem with polyphony.
The "normal" polyphony gives a problem with tabs. The notes are written to
the staff instead of tab. (see meaure 4). What's wrong
You can try an update. see
- Original Message -
From: "Julian Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lily Pond"
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: Why can't I get this to work (viola tuning)
I have the opposit problem. Lilypond will put string numbers on notes in
chords. But I dont want them. How can I suppress them in this example?
\version "2.11.32"
melody = \relative c'' {
\key d \major
\time 4/4
b8 d,, b' g a' e\2 cis\3 |
bass = \relative c {
g2 d |
writing a piece for guitar I include tabs. At some difficult I want
additionally write a fret diagram to show, how to set the fingers. Maybe
most guitar players think that's overkill, but the player should see as fast
as possible how to set the left hand fingers.
When I add fret diagr
Downloade ~18 MByte, installed ~60 MBytes at a Windows XP system.
Hope you have enough hard disk space. ;-)
lilypond-user mailing list
Interesting. For 451 page you get a price of ~ $20. I think twice about
"selling" the user manual, but a paper manual would be nice.
But currently a new edition of the manual is prepared. I would wait before
"sell" the book (to me).
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Knoop" <[E
I just wonder, if you know, if the Ave Maria by Schubert has been notated
with Lilypond. I did not found it at Mutopia.
Sorry, if this is off-topic.
Best regards,
lilypond-user mailing list
many thanks for reply. I wasn't specific enough in my question. I was
looking for a piano version ("the original") or a piano solo version. I used
google, but I didn't found anything I like. Phil could send me a version, he
edited. I dont know, if there is any piano solo version, even
Hi I am still searching,
I did google around, but find only versions with a violin or human voice. I
had no luck with the piano solo version. Do you have seen the piano solo.
Sorry for bothering.
lilypond-user mailing list
I tried the LaTeX example from the Lilypond manual and ran it with MikTeX on
Windows XP.
Unfortunately LaTeX doesn't know lilypond at all.
! LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H for immediate help.
Thanks for reply. You're right I have to read
But the example in the lilypond manual looked so similar like plain LaTeX
and tempting, that I just used copy&paste. Now I realized thank lily-pond
book is not an alternative book a tool to integrate lilypond in LaTeX.
Best regards,
I write for mandoline with LaTeX and lilypond-book. The book includes a lot
of small pieces included in this way:
mel = \relative c' {
e\upbow f\downbow g a b c d e f g a g fis e d c b a g f e d c b
\header { title = \markup { "Hänschen Klein" } }
\score { <<
True! but only in Windows. In Linux it is almost instantaneous.
Maybe true, but this doesn't help any Windows user.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello, the manual states in section 13.6
Emacs has a 'lilypond-mode', which provides keyword autocompletion,
indentation, LilyPond specific parenthesis matching and syntax coloring,
handy compile short-cuts and reading LilyPond manuals using Info. If
'lilypond-mode' is not installed on your pl
Hello, the manual states in section 13.6
Emacs has a 'lilypond-mode', which provides keyword autocompletion,
indentation, LilyPond specific parenthesis matching and syntax coloring,
handy compile short-cuts and reading LilyPond manuals using Info. If
'lilypond-mode' is not installed on your pl
ond sources and got the INSTALL.txt.
Editing now works except "reading LilyPond manuals using Info". I cannot
find any info file installed with the Windows installation.
Regards, Helge
- Original Message -
To: "Helge Kruse" <
(La)TeX just sets boxes of objects on a base line. You can see this when you
change your sample in this way:
Bli bla blub, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla (%
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \time 4/4
\override NoteHead #'style = #'cro
as you can see with the framebox, the space is not added by LaTeX. This is a
question for the Lilypond gurus.
I also noticed this additional space, but did not made any tries to remove
it, although it is annoying in this circumstance.
Regards, Helge
- Original Message -
The three words in Czech I know are not sufficient to read the page. Is there
and English (or German) page about the program?
- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:52
The page is ok. But you probably just ckick at the link. You need to copy the
complete URL to your browser.
- Original Message -
To: "Kurt Kroon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sr Catherine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 20
I am new to this mailing list. I hope it's ok to ask these questions here.
If not, please excuse.
I want to write a score with two systems and two voices in the lower system.
I found some trouble with it.
1) In the upper system I need a full 6/8 rest. But r1 stands for 8/8 rest.
How do I
I installed Lilypond and now I get warnings from
F-Prot about guile.exe. The virus scanner gives the warning:
Infection: Possible a new variant of
Is this infection real at the lilypond web server? If
this only is a mistake of the scanne
> > 3) The lower system has an overlay of the rest and the g. I assume
> Lilypond
> > counts the voices from top to bottom. So I changed the order in the
> second
> > measure. But this gives a too high rest. It should be from third to
> fifths
> > line.
> >
> Try setting the rest manually with some
4) see Lilypond-Index: tagLine,
Keep the copyright as mentioned in the footnote.
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im
> Auftrag von Martial
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. November 2006 13:35
> An: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Betreff: Re: silly newbie
I have a voice in the lower staff, that is so high, that it should be noted
in the upper staff, but logically it belongs to "lower". I tried to edit
this with staff change, but the "upper" staff is already full and the six
16th notes are moved to the next measure.
How can I get these six
I need for some lever harp notes fingering instructions. The result should look
similar to this http://dj1na.gmxhome.de/lever_and_fingering.JPG
While finger numbers can be added with lilypond I need also some more or less
diagonal brackets above or below the notes. These brackets show wh
thanks for reply. When I first seen the Analysis Bracket I didnt realized
its strength. But I need to tweek some properties (direction,
bracket-flare). I am a lilypond beginner and dont know, where I have to \set
them. Can you give me short example?
I will have a further look at the
I have an excerpt of my score, that doesn't look nice. The beams are
horizontal in the first measure and I don't know why. The stem's length of D
and C is much too small. To avoid a collision the slur has been blown up and
looks like, ... "blown up".
How can I change the beam's slope (or w
#include "German.ly" ;-)
I have a MIDI file, that with all patches one semitone too high. It sounds
in Cis . I have converted it with midi2ly to Lilypond format and transposed
each voice with \transpose to C so I can play it much better. But this gives
Ces instead of H and Fes instea
I write Gounod's Ave Maria for vocal and harp. Since the celtic harp has
fewer bass strings it is necessary to play one octave higher from
measure 20 until the end. The playing instruction can be notated with
#(set-octavation 1)
but the play had to transpose it in mind for all measure
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
I'm having trouble getting vim to do Lilypond syntax coloring on OSX. I
have it all working fine on my Linux machines but I'm doing something
wrong on the Macs.
Does anybody know a good vim version for windows (including coloring,
syntax help, etc.)?
I have a "Theme and Variations" questions. I started notating a piece
what could be handled with (3.1.2 "Multiple scores in a book", see also
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=310). But I need a lot of layout
setup in the PianoStaff, that is bound to the \score. Further I would
Anthony W. Youngman wrote:
Any other suggestions are welcome.
If it's all the same code, just bung it in a \include!
Ok, I placed the lines in the layout block into a .ly file and include
it wherever I would repeat the lines. I also tried to define an expression
dynamicsContext = {
%% all t
I sent this mail yesterday with the graphics attached, but it did not
appear in the mailing list. I resend it with an link to the graphic at a
web server. Hope this passes the moderation.
I write a piece with where are a lot of triplets in one variation. It
looks nice to have the beam
I have a variation of a piece, where the first lines are played single
voice over two staves and the other lines are normal upper/lower staves.
To avoid a lot of silent rests I want to use the \autochange in the
PianoStaff for the first lines and append the other in the same score.
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Helge Kruse wrote Sunday, April 05, 2009 7:22 AM
I write a piece with where are a lot of triplets in one variation. It
looks nice to have the beaming in the same length as the triplets as it
is done in the hand writing original.
I found in the manual (1.2.4 Beams) that
\consists "Measure_grouping_engraver" } }
- Original Message - From: "Helge Kruse"
To: "Trevor Daniels"
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Automatic beaming
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Helge Kruse wrote Sunday, April 05, 2009 7:22 AM
with help by Trevor I got forward a lot with my scores. Currently I
still have a little issue with slurs. The original score, that I want to
mimic, has slurs _above_ the noteheads: http://dj1na.gmxhome.de/pg-0009.JPG
Lilypond puts the slurs below the beams per default. This can be
Forgotten sample file attached...
Helge Kruse wrote:
with help by Trevor I got forward a lot with my scores. Currently I
still have a little issue with slurs. The original score, that I want to
mimic, has slurs _above_ the noteheads: http://dj1na.gmxhome.de/pg-0009.JPG
I tried to download
but got HTTP response 404: not found.
Is there any mirror of this tool?
lilypond-user mailing list
vs. lilypondtool)
If that was not the reason, you can also install it from within jEdit,
by going to the Plug-in Manager and selecting it from the list and
clicking on Install (IIRC).
Hope this helps.
Tim Reeves
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 19:41:43 +0200
> From
I installed jEdit and LilyPondTool (LPT) at Windows XP.
Unfortunately LPT could not be installed with the Plugin Manager of jEdit
4.2. So I choosed to install jEdit 4.3pre16 (the development version) and
I also write in LaTeX and tried to use jEdit for this purpose. But jEdit
I also write in LaTeX and tried to use jEdit for this purpose. But jEdit
hangs several times per hour when running LaTeX. I argue that it would
be better to use the stable version 4.2 of jEdit. But there's no LPT
I haven't used LaTeX for some years, that was before I used jEdit.
if you use the build in system console of jEdit, make sure to clear it
berfore running LaTeX again. LaTeX writes a lot of output and this has
to be buffered for that console.
Exactly in this case jEdit hangs. It seams like I have to make sure that
LaTeX has terminated, but it doesnt always in ca
I have found a problem with jEdit (probably LilypondTool). I just write
a .ly source that contains the word "Pincé". I saved the file yesterday.
Today I wanted to continue and see that this word has been changed to
"Pincé". That's a bit annoying. The "Pincé" is a playing instruction
Francisco Vila wrote:
2009/5/16 Helge Kruse :
I want to write a fragment as shown in the attachment. I wrote it as
\clef treble
\time 2/4
\key f \major
<< { f8 a g a f a g a f a g a g b 4 } \\
{ d4 e d e d e d c } >>
This gives th
I need to write something that looks like ottava brackets, but must not
affect the pitch. With _#(set-ocatavation 1)_ I can create a bracket
that yields to _#(set-ocatavation 0)_ and I would also change the text
to i.e. _\set Staff.ottavation = #"Pincé"_ after several measures.
But ho
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Helge,
> I need to write something that looks like ottava brackets, but must not
> affect the pitch. With _#(set-ocatavation 1)_ I can create a bracket
> that yields to _#(set-ocatavation 0)_ and I would also change the text
> to i.e. _\set Staff.ottavation = #"Pin
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Helge,
thanks for hint to TextSpanner. I suspect ottava brackets to use TextSpanner.
Clever... but too complicated in this case! =)
I read the manual and searched at LSR. The sample in LSR looks
promisingly. But I don't get the expected results:
1) The text
Helge Kruse írta:
I have found a problem with jEdit (probably LilypondTool). I just
write a .ly source that contains the word "Pincé". I saved the file
yesterday. Today I wanted to continue and see that this word has been
changed to "Pincé&quo
I want to add markups as shown in the attachment. The circled T and the
half-moon are playing instruction as described here:
http://hornandharp.com/publications/images/andresNotations.pdf (point 9b
and 7). How do I add such special markups?
The notes are written as f pitch, but they s
Always a good idea to attach the announced files...
Helge Kruse wrote:
I want to add markups as shown in the attachment. The circled T and the
half-moon are playing instruction as described here:
http://hornandharp.com/publications/images/andresNotations.pdf (point 9b
and 7
Brett Duncan wrote:
Helge Kruse wrote:
The notes are written as f pitch, but they sound as knocking or
tapping at the sound board. This is a short fragment in the voice. I
would like to "patch" the MIDI output for these notes. How to insert
MIDI commands in the output? This doe
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
Perhaps for maximum clarity, we should write this as:
#(define-markup-command (fingernail layout props) ()
(list 'bezier-sandwich
(list 1.6 1.5 0.4 1.5 0 0 2 0
0.4 0.75 1.6 0.75 2 0 0 0)
(cons 0 2)
I have a choir score that originally fit on one page. After writing it
with Lilypond the last measure is on an additional page. How do I shrink
the size? I think there should be room for shrink at the lower part.
% Created on Thu May 21 13:18:02 CEST 2009
I use a TextSpanner to indicate playing instructions, commonly used on
the harp. I found that the TextSpanner sometime does not include the
notes, when a line break occurs. I found no way to extend the spanner in
to the D in measure 11.
Another problem with TextSpanners is that they i
Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
Op donderdag 21 mei 2009, schreef Helge Kruse:
I have a choir score that originally fit on one page. After writing it
with Lilypond the last measure is on an additional page. How do I shrink
the size? I think there should be room for shrink at the lower part
Graham Percival wrote:
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 07:35:00AM +0200, Helge Kruse wrote:
For me each is confusing as the other, since I don't understand scheme.
Is there any "Scheme in a nutshell", probably especially for Lilypond?
You mean "in addition to LM appendix B.
Moin Thomas,
Error codes are created by the operating system and reported by the
application. The error code may be dependent on the context.
The context that you reported looks like a CreateFile
"http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858(VS.85).aspx" context.
In this case it means ER
chip wrote:
I was just browsing around in the LSR and found this very useful bit
that is just fantastic, I hadn't come across it in any docs - LM, NR, or
IR (I did a browser Edit/Find for output-suffix on all of those) -
#(define output-suffix "you-put-something-here")
It's for use in a mul
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
btw why don't you install ubuntu 9.04? It has all you want.
I would install ubuntu x.xx when you have ported i.e.
Platform Builder 6.0
The Nokia PC Suite
to ubuntu. Please keep in mind: Despite Lilypond is a great s
I hesitated to answer this, since I have great respect for the authors
of Lilypond. But I feel I have to respond.
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
You may want to give some of these programs another try. For
apt-get install skype
You are right, you find one point on the list, th
1 - 100 of 409 matches
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