
I have a score, that begins without upbeat. After some measures (in the example four) a second part begins. The second part has an upbeat. Therefor the last measure of the first part has less notes (3/4). The second part has also a volta repeat.

Lilypond produces this as expected including the first \alternative of the repeat. The second \alternative part is wrong.

How should I write this stuff?

Best regards, Helge

\version "2.11"
\include "deutsch.ly"

mbreak = \break

upOne = \relative c''' {
\key c \minor

| g4 g8 as g4. f8
| es4 d c2
| f4 f d b
| c8 d es d c4

\repeat volta 2 {
  g'8 f
| g4 c c, g'8 f
| g4 c d,2
| f4 f d b

\alternative {
 { c8 d es d c4 }
 { c8 d es d c2 }

| c4 b8 d d2

\score {
\new Staff=upOne \upOne

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