Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-11 Thread Geoff Horton
> PS. Could I simply replace > \override Score.SeparationItem > with > \override Lyric.SeparationItem > (or something) and put it with the lyrics? You can add \context { \Lyrics \override SeparationItem #'padding = #10 } to your layout block, and it will affect the output. (O

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-11 Thread Geoff Horton
> Thank you very much, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I _think_ (perhaps the official guys can comment) that LilyPond has a fair amount of flexibility built into the staff spacing, so that adding just a small amount won't have any visible impact on your music (the extra space just gets soaked

Weirdness in page breaking

2006-03-11 Thread Geoff Horton
2.6.4, Cygwin. I was setting a score that fit fine on one page, but that had a blank markup block below it (left over from the file I'd used as a template) that went onto a second page. I deleted the markup, and the last line of music moved onto the second page. This isn't a catastrophic problem,

\skip -- What am I missing?

2006-03-12 Thread Geoff Horton
I'm obviously not understanding something important about the \skip command. I'm trying to use it in lyrics to skip over a leading refrain, and no matter what argument I give it, it skips over exactly one beat. See the sample below. As I read the documentation, the first word of verse two ought to

Re: skip -- What am I missing?

2006-03-12 Thread Geoff Horton
> I hope you have read the manual for version 2.7, since it contains > several clarifications compared the the earlier version. I haven't because I've been reluctant to move up to 2.7. Is it stable enough to use for regular production work? Thanks, Geoff

Re: line breaks

2006-03-14 Thread Geoff Horton
> I thought they are added automatically. =\ > I have that piece of music: > ,encoded in lilypond. Lilypond will only break at bar lines. The easiest thing to do is to add: \bar "" at places where a break would be OK. That adds an invisible b

Re: New to Lilypond...many questions! Simple chord placement ? to start

2006-03-14 Thread Geoff Horton
> I tried to post some code I lifted the example below from one of the examples > in the documentation, but the submitter form kept saying I was top posting. What sort of changes did you make to the code from the documentation? ___ lilypond-user mailin

Re: unmetered music question

2006-03-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> To quote Section "Layout tunings within contexts": > > "the |\revert| command for a context undoes an |\override| command" > > so, simply do > \revert Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function > where you want to make the time signature visible again. That still leaves the blank spaces within the bar

Re: unmetered music question

2006-03-15 Thread Geoff Horton
On 3/15/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 15-Mar-06, at 3:07 AM, Geoff Horton wrote: > > > That still leaves the blank spaces within the bars. You have to remove > > the engraver to stop that from happening (AFAIK), and I don't know how >

Re: line breaks

2006-03-15 Thread Geoff Horton
I didn't used to put | at the end of every bar, but the more I do the more I've found that it really does make life a lot easier--and even more so since I started using jEdit, which obligingly gives me the beat count as soon as I type the | symbol. It's quick and saves me a fair number of edit/comp

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-15 Thread Geoff Horton
Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I've been working on converting files to 2.7.38 for the last few days and I'm in full agreement with Fr. P on this. The lyric spacing in 2.7.38 is very, very bad (see the attached image, generated from the attached file--there's no way to tell from the text alo

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
On 3/16/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Yes, look at the example called "" in the > Regression tests document. Thank you! This does work: \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6 } } Might I suggest u

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
> The default value is 0.3, see the link to "LyricSpace" at the bottom of the > section on "Entering Lyrics". This is correct, but is it possible to revise the program reference to make it clear that this property now affects lyric spacing ("Minimum distance between rest and notes or beam" doesn't

My tips page

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
I've been typesetting a number of hymns, and in the process I've come across (and occasionally at least somewhat invented) some techniques that are helpful in getting the results to look like I want. Some of these might be genuine FAQs, but since I concentrate on choral music, I know there are a lo

Re: My tips page

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
> Why not publish them in the LilyPond Snippet Repository? > See -> Documentation I may add them, but I do a lot of discussion that I don't think fits very neatly into the format there. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: My tips page

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
> Make sure you run the "texsetup" or "texconfig" and set the dvips paper > size to "letterpaper". For some reason it defaults to A4 -- even when > you specify "letterpaper" in your .latex (or .lytex) file. :( I'll have to play with this more, I guess. I was pulling my hair out (figuratively) a

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
> This works fine for me: > > > \version "2.7.36" > > soprano = \relative c'' { > \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #5 > c4 c c c | c c c c | c c c c | > } The point is that this is a score-wide tweak, affecting everything and not just the lyrics. The further point is that an adjustment

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
On 3/16/06, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > |Try to use LyricSpace > > Bert| > wordsOne = \lyricmode { \override LyricSpace #'padding = #4 Long long longer longer longest longest longest longest Long long longer longer longest longest longest longest } produces unchanged output.

Re: lyric spacing : "why not follow instructions in manual"

2006-03-16 Thread Geoff Horton
> The default value is 0.3, see the link to "LyricSpace" at the bottom of the > section on "Entering Lyrics". I'm surprised a 0.3 spacing isn't more visible, but I'll shut up (at least on this point) and go away (at least on this point). Thanks again for helping me through this. Geoff _

Re: Exercises

2006-03-18 Thread Geoff Horton
> What I'm trying to do (I think) is stop a staff, add some space (and text) > between it and the next staff (exercise 2)... One way to do this is with multiple \score blocks. AFAIK, Lily will set each one as it encounters it. The text between can be done with \markup commands (see the discussion

Re: Increase minimum word spacing?

2006-03-20 Thread Geoff Horton
> I have a score in which the words to the verse have become very close > together, such that it is hard to read. Is there a control that specifies the > minimum inter-word space that is acceptable? See my tips page: Geoff __

Re: v2.8 Upgrade?

2006-03-22 Thread Geoff Horton
> Is there going to be a v2.8 "Upgrade" function, since I'm using 2.6.5 now. convert-ly will upgrade old source (input) files. See section 5.6 of the new manual. If you're referring to upgrading the program itself, I think it's a matter of uninstalling the old and installing the new. Geoff ___

Re: SciTE and Lilypond

2006-03-23 Thread Geoff Horton
> Is there a recommended editor > (I'm on Windows here, or I'd consider Kate or something similar) that is > already recognizes .ly files for syntax highlighting and can handle make > style compilations? Emacs can do almost anything, if you're willing to put up with the learning curve. Geoff __

Hiding ledger lines?

2006-03-26 Thread Geoff Horton
I'm working on a piece that has two lines (soprano and alto) on the same staff. The alto has a helf-rest where the soprano has music, and because of the pitches in the soprano line, the alto rest is set on a ledger line at middle C. I don't want it there; I want it sitting on the e-line, so I moved

Re: Mirror margins

2006-03-27 Thread Geoff Horton
> My question is about the margins. My songbook consists of a D-ring binder, so > I > need some space where I can punch the holes. I can only find settings for left > and right margins, but as you probably know, the holes are on the right on > even > pages and on the left on odd pages. So I need

Re: Hiding ledger lines?

2006-03-27 Thread Geoff Horton
> Have a look in the manual, Section 6.1.6 'Rests.' You can specify where > the rest goes: Thank you! I looked through the manual for "ledger" and never thought to re-read the section on rests to see what's been added. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing

Re: Regression Tests?

2006-03-27 Thread Geoff Horton
> What is the "Regression Tests" documents? Where do I locate them? They're in the documentation. They're probably installed on your hard drive, but they're also here: (well, 2.6.6 is, which should be close enough). It's a large fi

Moving dynamic markings & changing font weight

2006-03-28 Thread Geoff Horton
I found a post on the list which suggests using the staff-padding parameter to put all dynamic markings on the same baseline. But it didn't say, and I can't figure out, how to actually make that happen. Based on the manual, this parameter belongs to TextSpanner, which lives in Voice, so \layout {

Re: Moving dynamic markings & changing font weight

2006-03-28 Thread Geoff Horton
> You're missing an update to the docs that got submitted just after > 2.8.0 was released. :) > > > Some situations (such as dynamic marks) have preset font-related > properties. If you are creating text in such situations, it > is advisable to cancel those properties with > @code{normal-tex

Re: satb and pianoreduction

2006-03-29 Thread Geoff Horton
> Is there any way to define a fixed direction in the stem for the > individual voices of the piano reduction without having to duplicate > the source material? I would apply the \tag functionality; see section 8.2.8 in the manual. Geoff ___ lilypond-

Extra-long word durations

2006-03-29 Thread Geoff Horton
Every now and then, assigning durations to syllables really is easier than \lyricsto. I was trying it with long-duration notes and ran into a problem--\breve is not interpreted as a duration in Lyrics context. Given the definition of a word (anything up until the next space or digit), it's easy to

Re: lilypond-mode.el

2006-03-30 Thread Geoff Horton
> In addition doesn't auto-complete but rather indents the current > line... I'm pretty sure this is the intended behavior. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Bug with octave check

2006-03-30 Thread Geoff Horton
I was doing an octave check for "c" when the actual pitch in the output was "c,". The resulting error message tells me: warning: octave check failed; expected c, found: c, I know what it means, but it's very easy to misconstrue (especially if the piece had been more complicated). Would it be poss

Obscure lyric placement issue with markups

2006-03-31 Thread Geoff Horton
I'm getting an odd shift in lyrics placement for lyrics placed above a staff: music = \relative c'' { c4_\markup \small \italic "word" c c c } wordsOne = \lyricmode { La la la la } wordsTwo = \lyricmode { Lo lo lo lo } \score { << \context Lyrics = top { s1 } \context Staff =

Re: Obscure lyric placement issue with markups

2006-03-31 Thread Geoff Horton
Geoff Horton> writes: > > I'm getting an odd shift in lyrics placement for lyrics placed above a staff: etc. FWIW, the equally obscure and not-in-the-manual-yet alignAboveContext property fixes it. Geoff ___ lilypond-use

Forcing a page break in markup

2006-04-01 Thread Geoff Horton
It would be really handy to be able to insert page breaks in the middle of markups, or at the very least, in between \markup blocks. The \pageBreak command only works within a score as far as I can tell, and I'm not excited about dumping a ton of Scheme code into my file, though I can do that if I

Re: Different names of notes

2006-04-01 Thread Geoff Horton
The various language include files (LilyPond\usr\share\lilypond\current\ly) should answer some of that as well. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly 2.8.1 and 2.9.1 broken

2006-04-02 Thread Geoff Horton
> in win2k (2.8.1) > convert-ly work, > but it is writing in the new file : \version 2.7.40 That's not an error. See the manual, Section 5.6: "convert-ly always converts up to the last syntax change handled by it. This means that the \version number left in the file is usually lower than the ver

Manual rest placement doesn't seem to work

2006-04-02 Thread Geoff Horton
I've been trying to use the manual placement mechanism and it doesn't seem to work. Before I file it as a bug, though, I want to be sure I'm doing it right. Code follows, output attached. Basically, I want the rests of the center line of each staff. world = { \key d \major \time 3/2 } melody

Re: Manual rest placement doesn't seem to work

2006-04-02 Thread Geoff Horton
> Try these simple examples on your system. If they work, then try to > figure out exactly what the difference is between these examples and > your situation. It's the \voiceOne etc. that does it. This does not work: melody = \relative c'' { b2\rest } alto = \relative c' { s2 } \score {

Re: Manual rest placement doesn't seem to work

2006-04-02 Thread Geoff Horton
Combining the voices with \partcombine also produces a misplaced rest. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Manual rest placement doesn't seem to work

2006-04-02 Thread Geoff Horton
> Combining the voices with \partcombine also produces a misplaced rest. Sigh. No, it doesn't. Sorry about that. The other example really is broken, though. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Manual rest placement doesn't seem to work

2006-04-03 Thread Geoff Horton
A solution (or at least a workaround): Use \oneVoice before the rest and then \voice[whatever] after it. I don't like it because it makes the input file busier, but I suspect that a real fix would involve fairly extensive recoding. Geoff _

Markup next to a note:

2006-04-03 Thread Geoff Horton
I want to put a small script to the left of a note. This puts it below the note: d2_\markup \small \italic "Org." Is there any way short of using manual offsets to move it? Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists.gnu.

Re: Control space between notes?

2006-04-04 Thread Geoff Horton
I think what I would try in your case is setting each row with an invisible line of sixteenth notes. See if you have a copy of on your computer and use that as a starting point. Gepff ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.or

Re: Newbie, Some quick chord questions?

2006-04-05 Thread Geoff Horton
> 1) How can I enter a chord name with a designated bass note? (commonly > called "slash" chords). For example how would I enter the chord name > "Cm7b5/Ab"? Where if I transpose the piece both the "C" AND the "Ab" will > be transposed properly too? c:min/af > 3) Also if I use guitar chord fret

Re: Spacing between adjacent \lyrics?

2006-04-06 Thread Geoff Horton
>minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 2.4) This looks like what you want, but it isn't. Use \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) instead. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: special characters in lyricmode

2006-04-06 Thread Geoff Horton
> Now I read at this point: > To use a Unicode escape sequence, use > #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2014)) If you have a UTF-8 compatible text editor, you should be able to type the character you want directly into your input file. Geoff ___ lily

Re: PDF size

2006-04-06 Thread Geoff Horton
> lilypond prepends its own directories to PATH, so this shouldn't be a > problem. That assumes no other program comes along and monkeys with PATH, which may not be a safe assumption. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://l

Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-06 Thread Geoff Horton
I guess I should start by explaining what I want to do. I have a lot of notes in chords whose noteheads need to be individually \tweak-ed to be smaller. Always on the lookout to reduce typing (and thus typos), I tried: organ = { \tweak "'font-size #-2 } But LilyPond wants an argument right then a

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-06 Thread Geoff Horton
> Just read sections 11.1.3 and 11.1.6 in the manual. That's far more complicated than I want, and even further more complicated than a musician who's not a computer programmer is going to want to deal with--please note that those sections are in the chapter on "Interfaces for Programmers". Why sh

Re: ADV: Re: time signature outside repeat bars in bagpipe music

2006-04-08 Thread Geoff Horton
> Many pipe tunes have an initial partial bar and a final partial bar in > the measure, which should between them total an entire bar. > > Is there an existing way to barcheck this by telling lilypond that the > first partial and the final partial should be considered together? I'm not aware of on

Re: dynamics: integrated or separate variable?

2006-04-10 Thread Geoff Horton
As a matter of practice, I put the dynamics directly in the note code, even though my philosophical preference is to separate notes from interpretation as much as possible. I'm not sure why--maybe to keep down the number of independent music parts, I guess. > In any case, I'm happy to be shown whe

Re: Spacing between adjacent \lyrics?

2006-04-10 Thread Geoff Horton
> My only want now is for a macro pre-processor that can write source code by > doing string replacements of command patterns out of functions "myFunc(arg1, > arg2, arg3...)" I write. Something that gets executed right after the > \include files are processed but BEFORE compilation begins, that wo

Old-style F clef?

2006-04-10 Thread Geoff Horton
Can LilyPond engrave an old-style F clef, such as the one in this Wikipedia article? It doesn't look like it from 7.7.4 in the manual, but I thought I might be missing something. Geoff ___ lilypond-user ma

Re: padding before note with accidental at beginning of standard measures

2006-04-11 Thread Geoff Horton
> Unfortunately, although it now *looks* correct, I get the error > programming error: unknown prefatory spacing > continuing, cross fingers > once per affected Staff-measure in the Score. > > Is there a better method than the one I'm using? > If not, is this error something I can just ig

Re: padding before note with accidental at beginning of standard measures

2006-04-11 Thread Geoff Horton
> Programming error messages should indicate bugs in LilyPond, no? I've never worked with the code, but my impression from using LilyPond is that "programming error" messages are not exactly bugs, but more in the lines of complaints that Lily has been asked to do something too complicated to figur

Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused

2006-04-11 Thread Geoff Horton
> The followup question is obvious, but I leave it to you to think about it > and see if you get any further. I've been wondering for some time if the distinction is a helpful one, but I suspect changing it now would involve too much internal tinkering, not to mention breaking of old scores. Geof

Re: trick/tip: hairpin length control

2006-04-11 Thread Geoff Horton
This is a great tip! Thanks for sharing it. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Still Have convert-ly Questions/Problems.

2006-04-12 Thread Geoff Horton
> The script seems to run, but stops at conversion 2.7.40 and leaves > the line \version "2.7.40" in the new file. (It started as "2.6.0".) > Is this the expected outcome or should it have continued further? There weren't any syntax changes after 2.7.40, so that's what convert-ly codes in the \ver

Re: Spacing within same staff group

2006-04-14 Thread Geoff Horton
Add this to your \paper block: annotate-space = ##t That will show you what LilyPond thinks is going into each space. Unfortunately, it doesn't help in this case, because the extra space between the first and second staves isn't labelled with anything. This makes me wonder if you haven't found a

Re: Spacing within same staff group

2006-04-14 Thread Geoff Horton
> annotate-space = ##t Sorry, that should be annotate-spacing = ##t Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Size of Notes and Text

2006-04-14 Thread Geoff Horton
> 1. Why is my single 8. notes so big, and how do I change it to the size > similar to the other notes? I'm not clear on the problem here. I don't see any outsize notes. Are you referring to the ones with flags rather than with beams? > 2. How do I change the size of the text under the grace note

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-14 Thread Geoff Horton
> So I was thinking of a method to make contibuting to the docs more easy. > Perhaps it's a good idea to set up a wiki for the docs. I'm of two minds about this. The advantages you point out are real, but I also encounter a lot of frustration with wiki-based docs; for one thing, there's no very go

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> Unfortunately I do not agree with most of your points. About searching: I > often use google. With the option you can narrow the > search to that site and by including a version number in the search terms > you can narrow it down to one version. This method could be used with a

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> About the "tarballs". Most Windows users don't even know what a "tarball" > is. This is a good point. I think zip files are much more portable than tarballs. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> no problem, a zip file can also be generated. anyway, AFAIK all major > unzip programs for windows extract tarballs and other formats as well. WinXP has native support for reading zip files but not for tarballs. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Helping with the documentation

2006-04-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> this is not much of a problem because a zip file is as easy to generate > as a tarball. but just for the record, if windows users want to be able > to extract files in tarballs and other formats as well they can use the > free program 7-zip: > > I know. I use it. But is Joe

Re: Feature requests

2006-04-15 Thread Geoff Horton
> One hangup for me is lilypond's handling of lyrics. I don't care as much how > they're entered as how they're output. Right now, it looks like syllables are > aligned so that the left edge of the longest syllable (in polyphonic choral > music) is aligned with the center of the note it's matched w

Re: one line - two voices + 2 sets of lyrics

2006-04-17 Thread Geoff Horton
> I am setting up a piece of music that has a soprano and alto line. I > have figured out how to add lyrics to the alto line but realise that my > soprano lyrics will be tricky. See if this helps any: Geoff

Re: numbers in variable names

2006-04-19 Thread Geoff Horton
> > but Lilypond (more likely LaTeX) won't let me. Does anyone know a > > workaround? It's LilyPond. LaTeX isn't even used anymore. Roman numerals or spelling out the numbers ( \globalZeroOne ) are the only ways I know to work around it. Geoff ___ lil

Re: Beaming- help needed

2006-04-19 Thread Geoff Horton
\revert is your friend. Use it on everything you used a \override on. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: denoting "division" when voices separate

2006-04-24 Thread Geoff Horton
> Is it possible to add a div< marking when a soprano line temprorarily > divides into two parts? I am writing the soprano part as one music > block with the brief voiceOne voiceTwo layering when division occurs. You can certainly do that with text markup. See 8.1 in the manual. Geoff

Re: Non-syllabic prepositions?

2006-04-25 Thread Geoff Horton
> Is it possible to declare it somehow in the LilyPond lyrics mode? > I.e. that LilyPond does not print these "words" to individual notes, but it > interprets it as one group together with the first syllable of the following > word? For example, writing > > \addlyrics { v le -- se } \addlyrics { "

Re: Non-syllabic prepositions?

2006-04-25 Thread Geoff Horton
> Thank you both very much! Everything's alright now. But is it described > somewhere in the manual? I didn't noticed that... I don't see it there. Hmm. It does say that an underscore would have the same effect, so you could try v_le -- se. Geoff ___

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-26 Thread Geoff Horton
> \define-music-function {\foo \x \y} { c8 \x d8 \y } > ... > { \foo e16 {f g} } > => > { c8 e16 d8 {f16 g16} } > > The usefulness of this kind of function is disputed among developers, so it > might not become part of the official lilypond distribution. I am not a developer (though I do read the

Re: Set vs. Override - I'm confused

2006-04-26 Thread Geoff Horton
> > In 2.8 there's an essential difference between grob and context properties, > > which is visible for end-users: the \tweak command only makes sense on > > layout > > object properties, not on context properties. This difference might make it > > easier for new users to understand grob properti

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-29 Thread Geoff Horton
Using the techniques currently available in LilyPond, Erik's example is easily implemented as: foo = #(define-music-function (parser location x y) (ly:music? ly:music?) #{ c8 $x d8 $y #}) { \foo e16 { f g }} As you see, you don't really need any Scheme competence to do it. I question

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread Geoff Horton
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter. Well, it could help those of us who'd like to help out more with development but don't have a clear conception of how stuff fits together. Geoff _

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-30 Thread Geoff Horton
I don't understand the point of this discussion. I do appreciate the help that you and others so readily give, and I'm sorry you didn't like my statement, but I stand by it. (Please note that I'm not arguing for a large change in the way things work--that's David's argument, if he wants to make

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-30 Thread Geoff Horton
This is the point I really want to jump on. After the first two or three emails, this descended into the usual pointless spat over ease-of-use and documentation. Stop talking about it, and start doing something! If we all spent half as much time _working_ on the docs that we've spent _talking_

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-05-01 Thread Geoff Horton
As far as I understand, it should be trivial to make a version of define-music-function where the user doesn't have to add these arguments manually, so the syntax is #(new-define-music-function (arg1 arg2 ... ) (typecheck1 typecheck2 ... ) #{ordinary LilyPond code using $arg1 $arg2 ... #}

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-05-03 Thread Geoff Horton
Sorry for prolonging this thread... but have you taken a look at David Raleigh Arnold's "Lilypond Tools"? None of the hits for _David Raleigh Arnold Lilypond Tools" look like the right site. Am I missing something? Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing li

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-05-03 Thread Geoff Horton
Could be this: I think so. Thanks! Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TEX output

2006-05-06 Thread Geoff Horton
I forgot an point: with lilypond-book I get a font (emmentaler-20) which causes errors for dvips, I did not get it working to install this font properly. I think getting lilypond-book to work will be both the easier and the better approach in the long run. Geoff __

Re: different notehead styles

2006-05-08 Thread Geoff Horton
Read the NEWS for version 2.8. The \tweak command hasn't made it into the main manual yet. It's in section 9.2.6. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notes in parentheses, horizontal brackets, midi from TabStaff

2006-05-08 Thread Geoff Horton
1/ Is it possible to place some noteheads into the parentheses? Yes. See the \parenthesize command in 9.2.6 of the manual, assuming you're using a 2.8 version of LilyPond. It's possible to do it in 2.6 versions, but on the messy side. Geoff ___ lily

Re: Unmetered troubles...

2006-06-05 Thread Geoff Horton
perhaps the \time 14/4 should be \time 15\4 in the next to the last line? And for this reason, I strongly suggest using the barcheck feature. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Different staff sizes?

2006-06-08 Thread Geoff Horton
p.s. Graham -- shouldn't we try to implement some standards/ conventions within the various examples in different parts of the documentation? e.g., here the Staff is explicitly instantiated *WITHIN* a \relative block, whereas other docs have the other way around, or use variables, or... I imagine

Re: Evolutionary User Strategery

2006-07-07 Thread Geoff Horton
I have been looking on and off at m4 macros for the sort of music I'm typesetting. The advantage to this is that, if LilyPond changes something, I might just have to change a macro definition or two and re-compile. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Quote within markup

2006-07-12 Thread Geoff Horton On 7/12/06, Palmer, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Greetings - I'm grateful for LilyPond, and for all the work a number of you are putting into the program and the documentation. I can find answers to most of my questions, although some take some

Re: Quote within markup

2006-07-12 Thread Geoff Horton
e'''2 r2 ^\markup { \center-align { \line { (to aud.): \""A" "TRIO."\" Backwards :) "\"A TRIO\"' ought to do it. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Re: Mixing text and notation

2006-07-12 Thread Geoff Horton
I want to have a preambel, that is split in two columns. \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #1.0 % add more of these at the beginning and end \hspace #1.0 % to move the columns closer together \column { "The first column" "goes here" } \hspace #3 \column { "The seco

Change to Gregorian Transcript template?

2006-09-09 Thread Geoff Horton
I must have never before used this on anything with an accidental in it, because I just noticed some undesirable (to my mind) behavior. (2.8.6 Windows version, docs to match.) Consider a line like this: a bf a a \divisioMinima g a b I think most chants wouldn't show a natural sign before that fi

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-09-11 Thread Geoff Horton
You can take one of two courses of action here: 1. Update to a more recent version of Lilypond (this bug was fixed a couple months ago) -OR- 2. \override Rest #'staff-position = #0.0001 A third option is to use the b4\rest syntax in section 6.1.6 of the manual (2.8.6 version). Geoff _

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-09-12 Thread Geoff Horton
Looks like I spoke too soon. The b4\rest syntax (or in my case, because of bass clef, d4\rest) did not work. I suppose its the same bug, or at least related. I think I'll just move to 2.8.6. That's not a bad thing, but you can also fix the problem by using: \oneVoice d4\rest \voiceOne (or \

Re: Two-column stanzas

2006-09-12 Thread Geoff Horton
What you want to do is to stack them side-by-side using markup commands, rather like this: \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #1.0 % add more of these at the beginning and end \hspace #1.0 % to move the verses closer together \column { "5. The fifth verse goes here" "With all its

Re: \lyricsto not working with Devnull

2006-09-13 Thread Geoff Horton
Is it possible to add the melody line with invisible notes and turn off collision detection? I should think it would end up lining up right. Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond + LaTex (on Mac)

2006-09-16 Thread Geoff Horton
I think you missed a significant step. That file can't run straight through LaTex. You need to run it through lilypond-book first, as described in section 12.6 of the Lilypond 2.6 manual. (Look for "Invoking lilypond-book" in the table of contents.) Geoff ___

Re: Lilypond + LaTex (on Mac)

2006-09-16 Thread Geoff Horton
However, and my apologies for being so dim, how do I run it throught lilypond-book? Are you using Windows, Max OSX, Linux, or what? Also (though it shouldn't matter), what version of Lilypond are you using? Geoff ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilyp

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