Space on the left end of each line

2007-11-15 Thread Don Blaheta
This seems like the sort of thing there should be an easy tweak for, but I'm not finding the right properties to change, I guess. I'm setting a bunch of plainchant stuff in more or less modern notation, so it uses modern note heads and spacing rules and five lines, but still doesn't have a time si

Re: Space on the left end of each line

2007-11-28 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Mats Bengtsson: > Don Blaheta wrote: > > I'm setting a bunch of plainchant stuff in more or less modern > > notation, so it uses modern note heads and spacing rules and five > > lines, but still doesn't have a time signature or key signature and > > the c and the LILYPONDPREFIX

2007-11-28 Thread Don Blaheta
The computer I have/had been developing on was running 2.10.0, but I wanted to run LilyPond on a different machine, so I've just installed 2.10.33 (Intel Mac version), along with the lilypond and scripts that I got from... somewhere... to let me use it from the command li

Stanza strangeness

2007-11-29 Thread Don Blaheta
I've noticed some curious behaviour with \set stanza. (Admittedly, I'm abusing it a bit, so it's not surprising this wouldn't've come up in testing!) If in a Lyrics context I put in a literal \set stanza = "*" then the name of the stanza (here an asterisk) is printed in the lyric, just as I wan

Phrased plainchant

2007-11-29 Thread Don Blaheta
After last night's emails I realised that the _real_ problem I was having was with the fact that the bars were ticking away according to an irrelevant time signature. It turns out that I was able to solve quite a few of my longstanding issues by attacking that directly. I'm actually pretty happy

Bum link on docs page

2005-11-28 Thread Don Blaheta
On the docs page for 2.6, the User manual link should go to but it's currently missing the "Documentation" part. (Likewise for the other two user manual links, actually.) -- -=-Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]-


2005-11-28 Thread Don Blaheta
How do I un-indent that first line of my lilypond output? I looked up "indent" in the index, and found section 10.1.9 of the documentation, so I know that there is a "most basic setting" named "indent" that is "set in the \layout block", but nowhere do I found *how* to set it in the \layout block.

Tying notes in dissimilar chords

2005-11-29 Thread Don Blaheta
I am transcribing a line for piano. The following gives the right note layout: 1 ~ << {1} \\ {2 2} >> but it doesn't draw the ties (there should be three of them). The problem is, as soon as I change it to something that will draw ties, that first column of whole notes gets knocked out of

Lyrics alignment, stanza numbers, metadata

2005-12-10 Thread Don Blaheta
I have a bunch of questions that arose while setting a song. I've put up the ly and pdf (run through Lilypond 2.6.4) at 1) Is there any way to make the stanza numbers line up? Virtually every time I've done stanza nu

Library versions

2005-12-10 Thread Don Blaheta
Is it possible that when configuring lilypond you don't require the super-duper latest version of all the libraries unless there's actually some feature there that you need? I was just looking to try to compile from CVS, but in order to do that I would need to download and install half the librari

An overview of the system

2005-12-10 Thread Don Blaheta
It all started with wanting to just move over a few pieces of text, but finally I sat down and worked my way through the labyrinth of figuring out how the system works. The problem is that there are a lot of high-level concepts, like "grob" or "engraver", that are never really explained all in one

Re: Lyrics alignment, stanza numbers, metadata

2005-12-11 Thread Don Blaheta
So I managed to find workarounds for two of the problems: > 1) Is there any way to make the stanza numbers line up? Virtually every > time I've done stanza numbers, they've looked like this, sometimes worse > (overprinting the start of the line). The answer I've found is "forget stanzas and use

Polyphony lyrics

2005-12-12 Thread Don Blaheta
If I compile the following in 2.6.4, I get---as expected---one column under the third note with "p" and "s". However, I *don't* get *anything* under the sixth note (where I would expect "q" and "t"). Why? \score {<< \context Voice = "foo" { a b << c \\ d >> e f << g \\ a >> b c } \new L

Invisible notes, Scheme contexts

2005-12-12 Thread Don Blaheta
Two unrelated questions. 1) Is there anything I can make that is totally invisible, yet will count as a note to hang a lyric on? s1 won't do because \lyricsto ignores it as well. 2) Is there a Scheme function to retrieve the _current_ context? It looks like all the functions require a context a

Re: Invisible notes, Scheme contexts

2005-12-13 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Han-Wen Nienhuys: > Don Blaheta wrote: > > 2) Is there a Scheme function to retrieve the _current_ context? It > > looks like all the functions require a context as an argument. > > What do you mean by "current" ? Where do you need it ? The context that i

Re: "Umlaute" in \header

2005-12-13 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Wolfgang Mechsner: > How can I get german Umlaute in \header! > Lilypond Version Are you able to enter text as utf-8 (Unicode)? That's all that should be required; I have umlauted text in both headers and lyrics under 2.6.4. -- -=-Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]-=-

Using lilypond syntax in Scheme

2005-12-18 Thread Don Blaheta
What am I missing here? Whenever I include a literal note (e.g. "c" or "bf'4") inside a #{ #} block, lilypond is complaining about an unexpected STRING. For instance, this example (lifted from section 11.1.6 of the manual) fails to compile: #(define mynotes #{ \override Stem #'thickness = #4


2005-12-18 Thread Don Blaheta
In the docs for #'transparent, it says "This is almost the same as setting print-function to #f, but this retains the dimensions of this grob, which means that grobs can be erased individually." Since I actually *want* to blow away the dimensions of the grob, this alternative seemed appealing, but

Re: A simple diagram of a .ly file?

2006-01-06 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Graham Percival: > On 4-Jan-06, at 8:54 PM, Ray wrote: > > Furthermore, when any kind of bug appeared it was almost impossible > > to sleuth there is almost no documentation (that I could > > find, anyway) dealing with the syntax or _general_ form of a .ly > > document. > > Did you

Scheme expressions

2006-02-12 Thread Don Blaheta
I've given up trying to compile from CVS, at least from now, so I went ahead and downloaded 2.7.33 for OS X. My question is about writing Scheme functions; what can go inside the #{ ... #} construct? I thought arbitrary Lilypond syntax could go in there, but #(def-music-function (parser locati

Markup in text

2006-02-12 Thread Don Blaheta
In section 8.1.4 of the docs it says that markup can be used anywhere text is called in lilypond, and then gives a bunch of examples. But I can't get \set stanza = \markup { "R." } or anything like it to work---what am I doing wrong? This is on LP 2.7.33 on OS X, and yes, I am planning to do

Clef signs

2006-02-13 Thread Don Blaheta
Boy, I'm just full of questions tonight. I see that when the Bar_engraver is removed, the clef signs no longer appear at the start of each line. I don't mind that terribly, but I would like to be able to force one, and that I can't figure out how to do. If I just throw in a "\clef treble", it pu

Re: Clef signs

2006-02-19 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Don Blaheta: > Boy, I'm just full of questions tonight. I see that when the > Bar_engraver is removed, the clef signs no longer appear at the start of > each line. I don't mind that terribly, but I would like to be able to > force one, and that I can't figur

V/, R/

2006-02-21 Thread Don Blaheta
Has anybody developed a macro for making the V and R with slashes used in church music to indicate priest/deacon/cantor parts on the one hand and congregation parts on the other? -- -=-Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]-=- "I believe that there are UFOs; I just don't know who's drivin

Re: Using lyrics

2006-02-22 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Bryan Stanbridge: > I've read TFM and yet I think I may not have the proper grasp on how to > use lyrics. Here's a small example to illustrate what I'm doing. > Hopefully I'm just making a simple mistake. > > \version "2.7.35" % Windows XPSP2, Native install > > \score { > \new Staff {

Re: V/, R/

2006-02-22 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Don Blaheta: > Has anybody developed a macro for making the V and R with slashes used > in church music to indicate priest/deacon/cantor parts on the one hand > and congregation parts on the other? A followup: I have good news and bad news. The good news is, VERSICLE and RES

Re: Mixing Text and Music

2006-02-25 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Carrick Patterson: >I am trying to do a book of cello exercises. Text and music alternate. >There can be anything from a line of text to several paragraphs, followed >by anything from one staff to a whole page of music. I have studied the >manual and am at a complete loss as t

macosx command line lilypond-book

2006-02-26 Thread Don Blaheta
On one of my machines running 10.3.9, I did a complete reinstall of all my Fink software, and now I'm trying to run Lilypond again. I made sure to install all the "running" libraries required for LP 2.7, but there seems to be a snag: I can't get lilypond-book running at all, and lilypond itself do

Re: macosx command line lilypond-book

2006-02-28 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Han-Wen Nienhuys: > Don Blaheta wrote: > > On one of my machines running 10.3.9, I did a complete reinstall of all > > my Fink software, and now I'm trying to run Lilypond again. I made sure > > to install all the "running" libraries required for LP 2.7,

Re: macosx command line lilypond-book

2006-03-01 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Han-Wen Nienhuys: > Graham Percival wrote: > > Are we talking about the same thing? Back in the .dmg package days, > > there were a few scripts (and a README). The "" script > > contained > > > > python "$INSTALLDIR/" \ > > "$INSTAL

Lyrics with slightly different rhythms

2005-02-09 Thread Don Blaheta
I'm having a hard time getting LilyPond to do just what I want here. It's actually not that different from the "Jurassic Park" example given in section 5.11.5 of the manual: I have a song whose rhythm varies slightly to accommodate the lyrics in a second verse. The given example has wholly differe

Re: Lyrics with slightly different rhythms

2005-02-15 Thread Don Blaheta
Responding to my own post, because I figured it out, and I hate it when I search mail archives only to find a question sans answer: Quoth Don Blaheta: > I'm having a hard time getting LilyPond to do just what I want here. > ... I have a song whose rhythm varies slightly to acco

Using lilypond-book

2005-02-15 Thread Don Blaheta
Today's questions are about using lilypond-book. I'm putting together a pamphlet with various short pieces for a service; in typing in the pieces, my metadata-happy self is putting in all the title, author, and meter info, but I don't really want all that in there when it's assembled into book for

Re: Repeat sign in LaTEX

2005-03-10 Thread Don Blaheta
Quoth Georg Dummer: > How can I create the repeat signs in LaTEX. > I need this (in the lyrics written in LaTEX) because I can't put all the > stanzas below the notes. > Since I found no special "repeat-character" in the feta-fonts I guess ist > created using tex. Something like these should work