Quoth Mats Bengtsson:
> Don Blaheta wrote:
> > I'm setting a bunch of plainchant stuff in more or less modern
> > notation, so it uses modern note heads and spacing rules and five
> > lines, but still doesn't have a time signature or key signature and
> > the clef is only printed on the first line. [...] I'd like to allow
> > a fixed-width space at the beginning of the line before the notes
> > start rendering.
> You didn't tell how you removed the clef and key signatures.
> If you use
> \override Staff.KeySignature #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t
> then they will still take the same space as if they were printed.
> However, based on your problem description, it seems that you have
> rather removed the engravers or set ... #'stencil = ##f, which completely
> removes the clef and time signatures.

In fact the issue is that I've removed the Bar engraver, since this is
plainchant; without a bar engraver, the clef is never printed at the
start of the line.  Come to think of it, I'd actually be happy if I just
got the clef signs back.

> In the latter case, a direct answer to your question is
> \override Score.LeftEdge #'space-alist #'first-note = #'(fixed-space . 10.0)

This doesn't seem to do anything at all, whether at the start of the
Score, start of the Staff, or anyplace else I can find where it's a
syntactically valid statement.

Quoth Kieren MacMillan:
> Have you thought about adding this value to the 'X-extent of the  
> first note? e.g.,
>      \once \override NoteColumn #'X-extent = #'(-20 . 1)

Even this doesn't seem to work; when I put it before any other note on
the line, I get the expected space, but when it is on the first note of
the line, nothing happens.  (Not quite true: if I put it on the first
note of a line that has other stuff on it, e.g. a clef, then it works.
So it looks like the X-extent of the leftmost note is allowed to hang
off the edge of the staff somehow.)

I confess I'm a little relieved; I was not looking forward to adding all
these manually!

-=-Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]<http://www.blahedo.org/>-=-
Actually, it's the dice that play God with the universe.

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