Place events based on time rather than music durations

2020-06-20 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Can we somehow place dots or grid lines based on divisions of seconds? Or lines with length in seconds? I want to make a sketching paper that allows me to place sync points based on bpm clicks. Is there some way to freely place dots above a staff so that they don't obscure music spacing or breaks

Chord glissTweak padding

2020-11-02 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Is it possible to modify this tweak to include padding (left & right) for the individual gliss lines? #(define (radians->degree radians) (/ (* radians 180) PI)) #(define ((gliss-plus-text padding text) grob) (let* ((text-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text)) (spanner-stencil (ly

Text Spanner auto expand to end of duration

2020-11-12 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Can this be adapted to work with Text Spanners? Does anyone have any similar workarounds? I just need to automatically extend TextSpanners to the end of the duration without too many manual guesstimations. #(define (encompass-duration grob) (let* ((rb (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT)) (

Thickness of ledger lines of TrillPitchHead

2021-01-23 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I'm having trouble adjusting the thickness of the ledger lines for the TrillPitchHeads. Perhaps i'm approaching this incorrectly. I want to make TrillPitchHeads smaller than default but then ledger lines look disproportioned against the smaller noteheads. I have control over the font-size of the n

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2021-01-28 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
ts/Resources/share/lilypond/current/scm/output-ps.scm:275:49 <1>: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting symbol): (quote round) On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 5:12 AM Aaron Hill wrote: > Sending to mailing list for visibility... > > On 2021-01-27 5:37 pm, Dimitris Marinakis wrote: >

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2021-01-28 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
trating all the possibilities with this code is a good idea. On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 4:49 PM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-01-28 6:39 am, Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > > Both systems report this error > > > > warning: unknown line-cap-style: (quote round) > > > > > /Applicatio

Spannerize glyphs, markups etc. ?

2021-02-03 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Does anyone have any code that allows us to "spannerize" repeated or alternating paths and musicglyphs ? e.g. - • - • - • - or even asymmetric patterns like - - • - > - • I think an effort for such a code would also be really useful for evolving spanners. (trills with various speeds etc.) If I'm

Override BeamedStemTremolo with regular StemTremolo

2021-02-04 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I understand the reason behind the aesthetic choice of using a different type of tremolostem for beamed notes but the current implementation IMO doesn't work as good as the regular StemTremolo. • Slope is a simple rotation and not a real slope. • You can't tweak the space (length-fraction) of trem

Re: Spannerize glyphs, markups etc. ?

2021-02-04 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
#x27;(.5 . 3) > -\markup { > \with-dimensions-from\null > \rotate #25 > \pattern #7 #X #0 \curl > } > a''' > a -\tweak extra-offset #'(1 . 3.5) > -\markup { > \with-dimensions-from\null > \rotate #25 > \patt

Re: Spannerize glyphs, markups etc. ?

2021-02-04 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 10:36 AM Dimitris Marinakis > wrote: > > > > Thank you. This certainly works for simple scenarios. > > > > Here is my incomplete take. I just need to find out how to automatically > change the number that repeats the stencil based on the spanner l

Re: Override BeamedStemTremolo with regular StemTremolo

2021-02-04 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Hi Pashkuli Maybe you are confused with how the mailing list works. (Sorry if my assumption is wrong). This thread isn't related to your thread. It's a separate thread I started. Because you are subscribed to the mailing list you receive all the e-mails people sent to the mailing-list. Dimitris

Re: Override BeamedStemTremolo with regular StemTremolo

2021-02-06 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
, Feb 4, 2021 at 11:15 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Do., 4. Feb. 2021 um 17:08 Uhr schrieb Dimitris Marinakis > : > > > > I understand the reason behind the aesthetic choice of using a different > type of tremolostem for beamed notes but the current implementation IMO >

Re: Text Spanner auto expand to end of duration

2021-02-06 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Sorry for resurrecting the thread after months. I ran into a strange bug(?) I think. Using this code in combination with \partCombine confuses Lilypond and the spanner is terminated mid-bar where the invisible full-measure rest of the other part is hidden. I could tweak the right padding but hones

Re: Text Spanner auto expand to end of duration

2021-02-06 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
6, 2021 at 8:21 PM Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > Sorry for resurrecting the thread after months. I ran into a strange > bug(?) I think. > Using this code in combination with \partCombine confuses Lilypond and the > spanner is terminated mid-bar where the invisible full-measure rest of

Re: Text Spanner auto expand to end of duration

2021-02-06 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
tOne >> << \new Staff \instrumentThree \new Staff \instrumentOne >> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:35 PM Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > Excuse my mistake in the tiny example: It is supposed to be a TrillSpanner > not a TextSpanner override. > The tiny example works apparently bu

Re: Text Spanner auto expand to end of duration

2021-02-07 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
be able to make something that works even better, that's all I'm saying. No problems with your solution. Best, Dimitris On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 1:01 AM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Sa., 6. Feb. 2021 um 20:07 Uhr schrieb Dimitris Marinakis > : > > > > Aha! Found the culprit. As

Combine custom flared-hairpin with text at right edge hairpin

2021-02-09 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I need the ability to place a symbol/text at the right edge of a hairpin. I love using a modified version of the hairpin stencil that allows for flared hairpins that have a niente circle at the tip. (the default doesn't). I've found another sni

Re: Combine custom flared-hairpin with text at right edge hairpin

2021-02-14 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
} % the music \score { \relative c' { \time 3/4 \parenthesizedHairpin c16\< d e f g a b\! c d e f g | \break a \< c d a\! } } %%% Dimitris On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 1:31 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Di., 9. Feb. 2021 um 18:26 Uhr schrieb Dimitris

Re: Reduce space after note before barline

2021-02-24 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
likely I did something wrong here. Dimitris On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 1:41 AM David Nalesnik wrote: > Hi Dimitris, > > On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 12:58 PM Dimitris Marinakis > wrote: > > > > I'm having trouble adjusting the space before the barlines. Sometimes > Lily

Request for a stencil alignment helper

2021-02-27 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Is it possible to make a "stencil-wrapper" that will show the vertical centre of a stencil and have an extending line of variable length (which of course won't distort the spacing of the actual score)? Something along the lines of the special-points stencil for slurs in the shapeII code. This would

Re: Request for a stencil alignment helper

2021-03-01 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thank you Aaron! This is exactly what I needed. On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 5:21 AM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-02-27 3:55 pm, Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > > Is it possible to make a "stencil-wrapper" that will show the vertical > > centre of a stencil and have an extendin

Change notehead stem attachment for note-by-number markups

2021-03-19 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I'm using the Scorlatti font and sometimes in certain font-sizes the stems of the notes inside note-by-number markups are off. Is there any way to modify the stencil so that I don't have to use fake score markups to make those notes? I tried faking the stem by reducing the stem length to #0 and p

Re: Cowell clusters

2021-03-19 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I get some errors: version 2.23.0 a lot of Unsupported SCM value for format (various values that look like 0.287106 -0.72778135 ) Also some warnings warning: `(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false ./tmp--tmp-3759464)' failed (1)

Get default Gliss endpoint Y value and add intelligently a value on top of it

2021-03-19 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I don't like manually setting Y values of glissando endpoints. I'd appreciate a more thoughtful approach. Is it possible to reference the calculation Lilypond already does and add a value to it without trying to guesstimate what the actual value is from scratch? The default placement is sometimes 9

Re: Cowell clusters

2021-03-19 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thank you! I should have checked the files more carefully. Pretty easy fix, problem solved. Dimitris On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 10:26 PM Robin Bannister wrote: > Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > > > I get some errors: version 2.23.0 > > a lot of Unsupported SCM value for format (v

Re: Vertical spacing help

2021-03-22 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I've managed to fix it thankfully! > > I think placing a padding override at the Score block level breaks all other tweaks in the StaffGroup or Staff level. Best, Dimitris On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 9:32 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > Le 22/03/2021 à 20:13, Dimitris Marinakis

Re: Tweaking glissando timing stems

2021-10-22 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I'd really like to test this version but I'm getting an error : In procedure ly:grob-object in expression (ly:grob-object stem (quote glissandi) ...): Wrong number of arguments to # On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 11:57 AM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Di., 5. Okt. 2021 um 13:39 Uhr schrieb Leo Correia de

Urs Liska Scheme book not accessible

2021-10-22 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I discovered this book after I read Jean's wonderful Extending Lilypond webpage. I tried to access the URL but it didn't work. I've only found the Github repository of the book but it is really difficult to read portions of it in this state. Sometimes even referenced links in the repository display

Re: Chromatic clashes

2021-10-27 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thomas fantastic work as always. I found a potential limitation. Can you confirm if this is possible with the current code? I'd like a bit more control on the stem attachment of the splited stems ideally on each note. I've seen some cases where the stem is attached at the right side of the altered

Re: New lines (whishlist) ... ?

2021-10-28 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Hi, If you search in the mailing list archives you will find little bits of code that partially achieve what you want. If you actually want a sleek official solution for a future stable version this is going to take a while I imagine. Sort answer: all of that is possible but the required ease of

Create custom arpeggio-like engraver

2021-11-17 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I need a generic engraver that works similar to the default arpeggio one but I don't want to override the arpeggio engraver or any other default ones in case I need to have multiple events simultaneously. I saw a similar thread with a custom arpeggio stencil that had both up and down arrows but I

Re: Create custom arpeggio-like engraver

2021-11-21 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
tween the segments. Really excited with the more active development of Lilypond this past year. Best, Dimitris On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 1:37 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > > Le 17/11/2021 à 20:50, Dimitris Marinakis a écrit : > > I need a generic engraver that works similar to the defa

Re: Create custom arpeggio-like engraver

2021-11-21 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
f the default ones but can co-exist with them. Now we have to define the whole alternative engraver from scratch. Best, Dimitris On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 4:40 PM Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > Hi Dimitris, > > Am 17.11.21 um 20:50 schrieb Dimitris Marinakis: > > I need a generic e

Get value of Scheme function to display as a markup in Lilypond

2021-11-23 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Finally got to learn a bit of Scheme. I've made decent progress within the Scheme sandbox. Now I'm trying to integrate a few things within Lilypond. Let's say I have this function: #(define (dostuff x) (+ x 5)) What would be the equivalent of #(display (dostuff 2)) but inside a Lilypond markup? S

Re: Get value of Scheme function to display as a markup in Lilypond

2021-11-23 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I'm trying to build up a sensibility for basic programming principles because this is my first attempt at programming. Lilypond is so important to me that I need to be able to craft some solutions by myself. Best, Dimitris On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 1:08 AM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-

Re: Problems with trill spanner length

2021-11-29 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Hi, without more context I can't say which combo of tweaks will work for you but here are some options: { ees1 -\tweak to-barline ##t \startTrillSpan \time 3/4 d2 -\tweak bound-details.right.padding #1 -\tweak springs-and-rods #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods -\tweak minimum-length #8 \startTrill

Re: opposite of shortest-duration-space

2021-12-01 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I think bendAfter has a lot of issues with spacing and collisions. You can easily customise a glissando though to take advantage of its more robust functionality. Here's a basic attempt. Currently it has a fixed path shape but someone better in Scheme can help to make this more flexible. #(define

Re: opposite of shortest-duration-space

2021-12-03 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
now know an easy solution for > unterminated glissandos but I see no reason to reinvent the curves already > built into \bendAfter. > > I probably could look at the \bendAfter code and figure out how to get > what I want. I just thought I would ask for the possibly direct solution. > >

Best way to fix differences in staff size from score to parts

2022-04-11 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I have a lot of custom markings that are configured to look nice on set-global-staff-size 16 how can I modify those for my parts which use staff-size 20? I have a common file that contains all the markings and layout settings. Trying to figure out separate settings for all those markings will be a

Custom Spanner with variable length sections

2022-04-14 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I need a custom spanner that has x sections with different symbols. This is going to be tricky so any help is appreciated. I already have a hacky solution for fixed length spanners but it is pain to maintain it. I'd like a more usable solution that can handle variable lengths. It would be nice to

Tags for contexts without duration

2022-04-14 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I often find myself in need of offsetting some tempo or rehearsal marks for certain parts but not the full score but tags won't work in this case since I can't have two marks at the same location on a single context. It is a lot of work to duplicate the whole context just to differentiate a few mar

Re: Tags for contexts without duration

2022-04-15 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Oh wow I can't believe I missed this use of tags. I was trying to use the bracket syntax. Thanks Jean! On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 12:43 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le 14/04/2022 à 22:44, Dimitris Marinakis a écrit : > > I often find myself in need of offsetting some tempo or rehea

Re: Custom Spanner with variable length sections

2022-04-15 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thank you so much Jean. That looks amazing for a first try. Great work! Sorry it took me a while to test it. Upon testing I found out that it only works when there are line breaks (not on a single system). Also it would be useful to have control over the broken.left/right paddings. This is an is

Re: Custom Spanner with variable length sections

2022-04-15 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
tuff that some of it will most likely break with the version change. I'll do must best to update to the latest version as soon as possible. Thanks again for your help. Best, Dimitris On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 10:07 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le 15/04/2022 à 16:35, Dimitris Marinakis a é

Re: Custom Spanner with variable length sections

2022-04-17 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
> What are you using this spanner for, by the way? > I'll use it for various spanners that need gradual changes, primarily for trills with variable speed. There are other more text-based notations but I like the simplicity of the spanner. I am surprised by the font issue though. Is LilyPond prev

Re: \compressMMRests for 3 bars of \time 3/4 does not work as desired

2022-04-27 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1 On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 9:51 AM Kenneth Wolcott wrote: > Hi; > > I'm looking at the Notation Reference regarding \compressMMRests. > > I see "R2.*2" (I want 3 bars, cool). > >

Re: Help me get SCORE's slur/tie shape

2022-05-01 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
cases • keeping functionality of the dashed variant • should work with L.V. ties as well • ability to define different curvature for the after-line-breaking portion of the slur/tie On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 1:53 PM Dimitris Marinakis wrote: > I've been trying to emulate the look of SCORE (d

Offset computed beam position

2022-05-12 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Is there a way to apply an offset to the existing beam position that Lilypond has calculated? I mess too much trying to find the beam positions from scratch manually. In most cases I only need small adjustments so it would make much more sense if I could specify an offset based on the original pos

Re: Offset computed beam position

2022-05-12 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thanks Jean & Kieren! For some reason I thought this wasn't the case. I remember Glissando offset used to have absolute positions and I assumed this was the case for beams. I should have done my research first. Best, Dimitris On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 2:18 PM Kieren MacMillan < kie...@kierenmacmi

Offset ClefTransposition number

2022-05-17 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Is it possible to offset the little number that indicates the clef transposition? I searched the Clef internals but couldn't find anything relevant.

Re: Offset ClefTransposition number

2022-05-18 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
Thanks, No comment on the documentation. The fault is on me because I only looked at the internals of the Clef and not the Clef Modifier which was literally the next chapter. It's one of those things I rarely use so I hadn't looked thoroughly at those specific chapters. On Wed, May 18, 2022 at

Most intuitive way to make custom bezier curves paths

2022-06-03 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I want to experiment more with postscript paths but I find the methods I'm aware of confusing because they are based on absolute? points rather than a mathematical shape if that makes sense. I want to create a multisegment path from 3 cubic bezier curves.

Re: Most intuitive way to make custom bezier curves paths

2022-06-09 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
;s mostly flattened and is slightly thicker in the middle of the slur/tie. On Sat, Jun 4, 2022 at 2:18 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Fr., 3. Juni 2022 um 17:12 Uhr schrieb Dimitris Marinakis > : > > > > I want to experiment more with postscript paths but I find the methods > I

problems with smufl fonts on Windows 10

2022-06-23 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
I'm getting some errors with smufl fonts even though I've installed everything properly No UTF-8 characters in any of the paths. Lilypond 2.33.7 warning: no glyph for character U+E4CE in font `C:/WINDOWS/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf`

Re: problems with smufl fonts on Windows 10

2022-06-23 Thread Dimitris Marinakis
, Dimitris On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 2:57 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Hi Dimitris, > > Le 23/06/2022 à 13:49, Dimitris Marinakis a écrit : > > I'm getting some errors with smufl fonts even though I've installed > > everything properly > > > &