Excuse my mistake in the tiny example: It is supposed to be a TrillSpanner not a TextSpanner override. The tiny example works apparently but the issue still remains in my real-scenario file. Sorry let me find a better example to highlight the issue in case it was a simple user-error.
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:21 PM Dimitris Marinakis <dtsmari...@gmail.com> wrote: > Sorry for resurrecting the thread after months. I ran into a strange > bug(?) I think. > Using this code in combination with \partCombine confuses Lilypond and the > spanner is terminated mid-bar where the invisible full-measure rest of the > other part is hidden. > > I could tweak the right padding but honestly i'm really tired with huge > amounts of manual adjustments in complex scores. Anything almost-automatic > is a win for me. > > Here is a tiny example: > \version "2.23.0" > #(define (encompass-spanner-duration grob) > (let* ((rb (ly:spanner-bound grob RIGHT)) > (right-col (ly:item-get-column rb)) > (right-neighbor (ly:grob-object right-col 'right-neighbor))) > (if (ly:grob? right-neighbor) > (ly:spanner-set-bound! grob RIGHT right-neighbor)))) > > instrumentOne = \relative c' { > > c4 d e f | > R1 | > \override Score.TextSpanner.after-line-breaking = > #encompass-spanner-duration > d'2\startTrillSpan c | b a | > b2 g2 | f1 | > e1\stopTrillSpan | > } > > instrumentTwo = \relative g' { > R1 | > g4 a b c | > \override Score.TextSpanner.after-line-breaking = > #encompass-spanner-duration > d2\startTrillSpan c | b a | > g2 f( | e) d | > e1\stopTrillSpan | > } > > << > \new Staff \instrumentOne > \new Staff \instrumentTwo > \new Staff \partCombine \instrumentOne \instrumentTwo > >> > > > > Dimitris >