some problems with mensural music

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
layouts, is it possible to change the slope of the beams? Thank you very much in advance! Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: some problems with mensural music

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
\override Slur #'transparent = ##t \version "2.12.0" \addInstrumentDefinition #"mensuralf3" #`( (clefGlyph . "clefs.mensural.f") (middleCPosition . 4) (clefPosition . 0)) \instrumentSwitch "mensuralf3" Thanks, this works fine. However, is there a way to increase the size of thi

hiding the tempo

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, I would like to set the tempo for the MIDI file, but not display the tempo information at the beginning of the score. Is this possible? Thanks, Denis ___ lilypond-user mailing list

negative spaces for fine tuning?

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, the music layout can be changed by adding rests such as s4, but is it possible to include some negative spaces? Thanks, Denis ___ lilypond-user mailing list

setting notes alone

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, sometimes I want to discuss some details of a score, and I want to use the note symbols alone, without any staff. For instance, I may want to say that a breve is equal to two semibreves, and have the right symbols, and no staff. How can I achieve this? Thanks, Denis _

non overriding \clefs

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, if I start a score with \clef treble \clef bass, I only get the bass \clef. Is it possible to have both appear, one after the other, even though there is no note for the treble \clef? Thanks, Denis ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: hiding the tempo

2009-08-10 Thread Denis . Roegel
Quoting Jonathan Kulp : Yes, you can set it in the \midi block, although the format is a bit more convoluted. Here's an example where the quarter is set to 160 beats per minute: \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 160 4) } } Thanks. What had escaped m

adding footnote calls

2009-08-11 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, I would like to write comments on a score, and specifically, I would like to add something like a circled 1, a circled 2, or a small letter, etc. in various places, so that later I can write: (1) this note ... (2) this group of notes differs from ... I am looking for something like an h

staves with example notes, ancient and modern

2009-08-11 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, I would like to reproduce the first two staves of the section "Note values" on, with the label on the left. That is, I am trying to make Modern ... staff ... notation (possibly with the note names) White notation ... staff

Re: staves with example notes, ancient and modern

2009-08-12 Thread Denis . Roegel
I would like to reproduce the first two staves of the section "Note values" on, with the label on the left. That is, I am trying to make Modern ... staff ... notation (possibly with the note names) White notation ... staff ...

Re: Fwd: staves with example notes, ancient and modern

2009-08-12 Thread Denis . Roegel
Quoting Marek Klein : Hi, something like this? \version "2.13.2" pattern = { \cadenzaOn e'4 e'2. e'1 e'\breve e'\longa \bar "|" } pmensural = { \set fontSize = #6 \override NoteHead #'style = #'mensural \pattern } \score { << \new Staff { \override Staff.InstrumentName #'sel

some spacing problems

2009-08-18 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, I want to show the correspondence between white mensural notes and modern notes. So far, I have been able to produce the following: I am still trying to improve this a little bit. I would lik

arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-18 Thread Denis . Roegel
Hi, is it possible to include some arbitrary TeX expression in a score? Let's assume that for some reason I want to add $\int_0^\infty ...$ above a note. Can it be done? I assume that in the worst case I can produce an image for this formula and include the image, but is there an easier way? Such

Re: arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-18 Thread Denis . Roegel
ntical in some cases, but it is not automatic, and the different font families hurt the eyes. Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-18 Thread Denis . Roegel
and then later c1_"a" or something like that. In my text, I write "\fbox{a} is ...", but my \fbox{a} isn't spaced exactly like the box produced by stencil. There are probably many examples like this. I can live with them,

Re: arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-19 Thread Denis . Roegel
a surprise, but it could be improved. But really, the problem is exactly the same in metapost ( Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-20 Thread Denis . Roegel
that it is not realistic. Next time, I will post a real minimal example. Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: arbitrary TeX expressions in a score?

2009-08-21 Thread Denis . Roegel
ll want to have more context. I think really minimal files should only be sought when the non-minimalness is a drawback, which I don't think is the case here. Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list

centering some markup under a bracket

2009-08-22 Thread Denis . Roegel
} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { X } >> \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" } } } Is there any way to fix this? Thanks, Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing li

Re: Feature Request: ^\times and _\times

2009-09-08 Thread Denis . Roegel
f lilypond code, but with parameterized macros it would even be more striking. Denis Roegel ___ lilypond-user mailing list