Quoting Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 03:41:24PM +0200, denis.roe...@loria.fr wrote:
is it possible to include some arbitrary TeX expression in a score?
Let's assume that for some reason I want to add $\int_0^\infty ...$
above a note. Can it be done? I assume that in the worst case I can
produce an image for this formula and include the image, but is there
an easier way?
There's no easier way. Producing an eps and including that in a
markup is the only way. If you want lots of introductory
explanations, you could use lilypond-book, but I don't think
that's what you're after here.
But this would really be worth adding to lilypond. I am thinking
of something similar to the call of TeX or LaTeX in metapost:
btex $c^2=a^2+b^2$ etex
or as a string
That way, you could easily add paragraphs formated with TeX in various places,
you could have all the symbols you want, and especially reach better
homogeneity between the text and the score. One of the most serious
current problem seems to be the discrepancy between the text font
in a LaTeX file and the lyrics font in a score. Perhaps it can be made
identical in some cases, but it is not automatic, and the different
font families hurt the eyes.
Denis Roegel
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